Fizzy’s Super Athletes
Science and PE Objectives
● Investigate differences in body measurements [Sci]
● Begin to make comparisons and identify simple associations between body measurements [Sci]
● Collect, record and compare data and draw conclusions [Sci]
● Begin to identify what makes a performance effective [PE]
The Big Questions
● How can we use science to find out if the things that we think we know are true?
● How can body differences affect performance in sport?
● How are our muscles important for sport?
Lesson / Summary1 Body facts and body fictions / Measure and compare specific body parts.
Identify whether there are relationships or associations between lengths of particular body parts.
2 Legs for leaping / Discuss how body differences might give advantages in different sports.
Investigate a body part (legs) and an activity (jumping) by measuring.
Identify whether there is a relationship between leg length and jump distance.
3 Design a Super Athlete / Investigate the relationships between other body parts and activities.
Identify which muscles work hardest during different activities.
Box and website resources / For this unit you will need to:
Look in the box for:
Meticulous Measuring Tapes
Brilliant Balancing Floor Tape
Tip Top Timers / Look on the website for:
The PowerPoints
Jump Interactive Game
Colour editable print-outs of all the Pupil
Sheets, Home Cards and Reward Cards
Science Background
In this unit, the children should begin to appreciate the importance of muscle strength to performance in sport. Muscle strength is the amount of force the muscles can exert against resistance, e.g. against a heavy shot-put, or against the ground before jumping.
To exert force, the muscle fibres contract. A person’s muscle strength is determined by the type and number of these muscle fibres. Regular exertion of resistance against your muscles, through exercise, causes the number of muscle fibres to increase. This makes your muscles stronger and so your performance can improve.
Passing the Baton – Sports Heroes
The children could create a ‘jumping zone’ in the playground, where they measure the leg lengths and jumps of other children in the school. They could even create a school leader board!
Fizzy’s Super Athletes