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Friends of EcclesfieldVillage Plan Committee Meeting

12th March 2007

Members Present:-

John Brady – Chair

Roger Tordoff

Sylvia Harrison – Treasurer

Sylvia Percival

Jim Percival

Vic Bowden

Anne Pearce

Jo Brady – minutes

Anne Blantern

Apologies:- Trisha Impey

John Harrison

Pam Prior

1No volunteers or nominations for committee secretary.

2Minutes of last meeting agreed.

3SH gave Treasurers report. An invoice from Royal Mail for £53.04, Ken Data

for £806.81 and £100 prize money to pay for the draw.

The chairman is to ask for £1,000 from the council (Philip Allis).

4Village Plan Report

The report format was agreed on. A full comprehensive document would be

produced for a few people (numbers and who to receive yet to be confirmed) and then a more summarised village plan of possible 3 or 4 A4 sheets of paper would be printed and delivered to each household who had the questionnaire. It

was stressed by AB that the grant money needed to be accounted for by 31st March and there was general concern that this might be a tight schedule to have a report written and a printers quote by this date. However, with a lot of input

from JP and AB it could be achieved.

AP had a list of general comments and notes from completed questionnaire forms and most people thought it important to make these available for general viewing. AP to pass onto JB to type up.

SH had also got a list together of all groups existing in the village that people might be interested in joining. This list of group names with contact names and


telephone numbers would be distributed with the village plan summary to each household.

It was still undecided which contact number (if any) to publish on the front of the summary. VB suggested putting the Parish Councils number on.

5SH passed onto Alan Hooper a list of names for people interested in Ecclesfield

Village in Bloom. Alan Hooper, in turn, passed them onto VB who is to contact

Tara Committee with them.

6Questions were asked about the success of other village plans. AB particularly

mentioned Bolsterstone and spoke of a RuralVillage meeting which hopefully someone from EVP Committee will be able to attend. Date to be confirmed by


7The date of the next meeting – Tuesday 20th March – 7pm Library.


JP wished to move the website. Proposed, seconded and all agreed. New

website address is:

JB rang the winner of the competition. Irene Gray from Nether Road. She

confirmed she was agreeable to publicity in the local free paper.

A North Area Panel monthly meeting was to be held on Wednesday 14th March

AB wished to attend and report back at next meeting.

A Parish County Council meeting was to be held on Thursday 15th March. They

had asked for a representative from EVP to attend. SH agreed to attend and

report back at next meeting.

An Ecclesfield Safety Forum meeting was held on Wednesday 14th March. JP

and JB to attend this meeting – again to report back.

JB to contact Look Local newspaper for publicising the prize draw and possible

Village gossip column.