Historical Period6
Continuity/Change over Time,1865-1898–GILDED AGE
w/ Chronological Reasoning, Historical Argumentation, and Periodization
Sample Prompt: To whatextent didmaintain continuity or foster change from1865-1898?
Possible topics for this sort of prompt include innovation and technology, Gilded Age politics, labor movements, cultural and intellectual movements, international and internalmigration.
HistoricalAnalysisActivitywrittenbyRebeccaRichardson,AllenHighSchool using the 2012 College Board APUSH Framework and writing strategies adapted from John P. Irish, Carroll HighSchool
Chronological Reasoning and Continuity/Change over Time1865-1898
GhostDance / NAWSA / Americanization / Telephone / GeneralElectric / AtlantaCompromiseJohn D.Rockefeller / BessemerProcess / Sherman Anti-TrustAct / ConspicuousConsumption / TranscontinentalRailroad / TransatlanticCable
George WashingtonCarver / AndrewCarnegie / William MarcyTweed / BirdsofPassage / AmericanFederationofLabor / ShermanSilverPurchaseAct
WoundedKnee / HomesteadStrike / ColumbianExposition / Crime of73 / Populist Party(People’s) / theGrange
Interstate CommerceAct / BuffaloBill / PendletonAct / McKinleyTariff / BuffaloSoldiers / Pinkertons
Yellowstone / Sharecropping / CropLien / J.P.Morgan / NewImmigrants / Chinese ExclusionAct
PlessyvFerguson / MunnvIllinois / WabashvIllinois / CorneliusVanderbilt / SocialGospel / HullHouse
GospelofWealth / Custer’s LastStand / ChiefJoseph / PullmanStrike / DawesAct / TalentedTenth
Laissez-Faire / SocialDarwinism / LookingBackward / Progress andPoverty / HelenHuntJackson / CrossofGoldSpeech
Identifytheoverarching theme of your list. (CircleOne)
Periodization and Continuity/Change over Time … The GildedAge
Prompt:Explain the extent to which TWO of the following maintained continuity and/or fostered change from 1865-1898.
innovationandtechnology,GildedAgepolitics,labor movements,culturalandintellectualmovements,internationalandinternalmigration.
1.Define your parameters. Identify two major turning points to define the beginning and end of thisera.
ErabeganwithEra endedwith
2.Review the appropriate notes for these topics if you are unable to generate 14 pieces of evidence on your own, and complete the pre-writingbelow.
“Broad Context” = What is the “Big Picture?” What is the theme? …BEYOND the obvious, without quoting, & with one specific piece of outside evidence!
HistoricalAnalysisActivitywrittenbyRebeccaRichardson,AllenHighSchool using the 2012 College Board APUSH Framework and writing strategies adapted from John P. Irish, Carroll HighSchool