Teacher: L. StewartWPHS Learning Plan

Week of: September 29, 2014Chemistry

Day / Monday 9-29-14 / Tuesday 9-30-14 / Wednesday 10-1-14 / Thursday 10-2-14
Bellwork / Explain the following statement “In general, a calculated answer cannot be more precise than the least precise measurement from which it was calculated” / With your teams answer the pre-lab questions on page 2 in your composition book. On your bellwork sheet write “Pre-lab questions in composition book” / When reading a ruler or graduated cylinder to what place beyond the smallest scale division marked should you estimate? / Explain the following statement “In general, a calculated answer cannot be more precise than the least precise measurement from which it was calculated”
Activity / Go over the 6 rules for significant figures and the do examples with the students
Students read the rule, teacher writes it on the board, teacher gives examples and students tell the number of significant figures in each measurement. / Introduction to measurementLab #4
Mass, Length, and Volume
Part A and Part B
(Explore) / Introduction to measurement Lab #4
Mass, Length, and Volume
Part C and Part D / Give students time to finalize their lab questions
Class mtg.
Problem: Students are not following directions for lab notebooks
Problem: Teams are not making sure that everyone in their team is understanding the work
Transition / Does this make more sense now that it has been explained to you? What do you need clarification still at this point? / Clean up work area and get back to your seats with your team / Share solutions with class…..
Activity / Correct HW from Wednesday pages 72 and 79 / Finish lab questions
Introduction to measurement Lab #4
Mass, Length, and Volume
Turn composition books to Mrs. Stewart for grading……. / Discussion on lab # 4
What measurements did you have?
Who can rephrase?
What’s the evidence?
Do you agree/disagree?
Who can add on?
Who can explain?
Homework / Reflect upon what you learned today. What makes sense and what does not? Make a list of questions you might have so that it can be clarified to you.
HW- None  / Write down what you learned from doing these activities today.
HW-Make sure your data is organized and correct on your lab. Answer any questions you can at this point. / According to your experience from the lab explain the differences between the accuracy, precision and error of a measurement
HW- None unless you have make up work to get done. / Evaluate yourself as a learner. What are your strong points and what do you need to improve on?
HW-according to your experience from the lab explain the differences between the accuracy, precision and error of a measurement
for the
Week / I will practice significant figures
I will make measurements using the metric system with emphasis in significant figures, accuracy and precision
I will make measurements using the metric system with emphasis in significant figures, accuracy and precision
I will evaluate my learning about the introduction to measurement lab.