Tips for Appearing on Television

·  Look at the interviewer, not the camera. On TV it looks as if you’re having a comfortable and interesting conversation with just that one person. Don’t let your eyes dart back and forth between the camera and the interviewer this could make you look sneaky.

·  Clothes that are in solid colors are your best bet. Avoid white, black or shiny clothes, and complicated plaids and patterns. Find out what the background color is so you don’t blend in. Avoid big, shiny pieces of jewelry and distracting hairstyles. Make-up may help reduce the shine of your face under hot lights. Unbutton your blazer when sitting to avoid looking bulky.

·  Smile and sit up straight. However, leaning forward as you speak will make you seem interested and sincere. Don’t be afraid to use natural gestures with your hands to emphasize your words, but avoid nervous fidgeting.

·  Memorize the most important messages you want to convey as well as a few key facts. This will make it easier for you to recall your messages and skillfully insert them into the interview at appropriate points. Knowing some good, strong facts strengthens your credibility and adds weight to your messages.

·  Avoid jargon. Speak as simply as possible. (For example, you may want to use “testing” instead of “screening”.) Remember that your goal is to communicate to a general audience, not just experts.

·  Stop and think about the question. Take a breath before you speak, and speak clearly and not too quickly. Avoid speech mannerisms such as “er” and “um.”

·  Be prepared for difficult questions and practice bridging.

·  Be positive and confident. You know more about your subject than your audience and you are delivering important information to them.