Dear Mark and Abby and the LHOP Family,
Love and Greetings from Poland.We have end of April as I am writing our newsletter. Time for sure goes so fast. Let me share with you what the Lord has done in these last few months and what we are going to have next months. February and March was very busy for me. I was traveling and ministering in different places here in Poland as well outside. Everywhere where I went I could see God’s hand upon the ministry. It was also great to be in Lancaster and be with my beautiful QUEEN of Poland.
- In February as every Year we had Youth Camp in our Center and this Year was the best ever we had. We had 50 young people ( some of them were first time at the Center). It was so great to see how our young people are worshiping the Lord. Let me share 1 testimony of 1 girl that came to our Camp. She came fist time and in one evening the power of the Holy Spirit was so strong that she could not understand why she was crying. Then after some time as the Lord was touching her she gave her life to Jesus and next day God baptized her with the Holy Spirt. As she was baptized with the Holy Spirt the power was so strong that she just started to pray for others and the whole room was filled with GOD’S PRESENCE. What a great joy is to see as young people are praying and worshiping the Lord.
- As I wrote you in my last letter that we were going to have baptism service with new converts. I have baptized 9 new brothers and sisters in the end of January. Let me share with you about 1 person. He is over 60 years old and he got saved in our church after he saw his son got saved. We is very intelligent man. For some years he was a Mayer in 1 of our towns in the era. For many years also he was searching for the truth and he found Jesus. PTL. He was so exited to be baptized. The other man and his wife that I baptized have a powerful testimony. He was studying to be the catholic priest for many years but there was something that he could not find the peace and he left monastery. He came to our church one day and he gave his life to Jesus. It was the happies day in his life…after a few weeks his wife got saved and both of them I baptized with water. WHAT A JOY IN HEAVEN.
- This year we are praying and believing that it will be a Year of God’s Power and His manifestation. In the beginning of this year when we have started to have meetings with seeking God and His Power, so the Lord can use us to reach more those who are lost. God is so good and we see new people coming to the Lord. We are looking forward to have again baptism service which is a very BIG day for all of us. Just think about it: We just got new lady who is over 50 and was so strong catholic and now she got saved and wants to be baptized. She shared her testimony with her whole family and some of her family members started to treat her very badly and they do not want to have any relationship with her. Here in Poland we are ready to pay the price. But the Lord is GOOD. She is so happy that she is saved.
- We also started to work on our new place to build for our Heating System at the Center. Now we are working on blueprint and all papers and permission to build. We believe that the Lord will supply our needs as HE is FAITHFULL.Thank you for your prayers and support.
Please pray for us and Poland as we minister to reach unreached and religion people. Just wanted to tell you that when we started the church in this small town we were only a few. But in all those years God saved over 2000 people in our town of 8000. Many of them moved out to other Europe Countries because of the economy situation and some of them even to overseas. I believe that they will extend God’s Kingdom in these countries. We are looking forward to have all Missionaries and pastors and mission board to have with us here in Poland. It will be GREAT TIME.
Thank you for your prayers and all kind of support.
May the Lord bless you richly.
Love from Poland
Marek and Marysia