Call for Info Desk Coordinator

Dear YFU Volunteer,

We are happy to invite you to the upcoming Young Europeans’ Seminar (YES) 2015! We are offering you the opportunity to become a participant of the amazing YES 2015 as one of the Info Desk Coordinators!

As one of the Info Desk Coordinators you will be responsible for managing the Info desk, which is the place where volunteers and students come for information and materials.

In this document you will find:

  1. Relevant information about the YES 2015
  2. Task description of an Info Desk Coordinator
  3. Requirements for an Info Desk Coordinator
  4. Application form for an Info Desk Coordinator

YES 2015

The Young Europeans’ Seminar (YES) 2015, taking place from 29 June to 3 July, is the year-end seminar for all the YFU exchange students who are from Europe and who spent their exchange year in another European country. This summer about 500 students and more than 100 volunteers will take part in the seminar.

The YES aims at promoting discussions of current European issues among the students by using their intercultural experiences. The participants are enabled and encouraged to understand themselves as young Europeans with responsibilities and opportunities in a changing interdependent world. Each year, the YES has a specific topic, which forms the basis of all the activities at the YES.

The topic for the YES 2015 is “Human Rights in a Digitalized World”. During the YES 2015, YFU volunteers will invite students to think about how our daily behavior online impacts others and affects the exercise and promotion of human rights globally. Every action that we take online leaves a digital footprint and it is our responsibility to shape the path ahead. Young people who are well informed, empowered and capable of questioning will then be able to rewrite reality, share values and change the online and offline world.

For more information, please consult the attached Description Letter.

Task description of Info Desk Coordinators

Before the students’ arrival:

  • Setting the Info desk up (including installing a printer and computer to be able to access the YES database);
  • Sorting different materials according to the system, which helps you easily access all the items at any time;
  • Preparing a keyboard for Seminar house and Guest house keys and the rental cars.

During the YES:

  • Having all volunteers sign-in and pick up their volunteer T-shirts upon arrival;
  • Registering all individually-arriving students at the YES, collecting their passports/ ID cards, residence permits and return tickets, giving them their name tags and departure information sheets;
  • Selling YES T-Shirts to volunteers (one T-shirt is free, but most volunteers order a few spare ones) and students (based on a list of pre-ordered T-shirts);
  • Lending out towels to students, who had forgotten to bring their own, and collecting deposits for these;
  • Exchanging participants’ currency to Euro, if needed;
  • Preparing and taking care of the lost and found box;
  • Treating people with smaller injuries (there is a first-aid kit at the Info Desk, but the YES Doctor has to be informed in any cases);
  • Keeping a list of sick students and students, excused for other reasons, to make attendance check easier;
  • Staying in close contact with the YES Project Coordinator, YES Logistics Team Coordinator, Freestyler Coordinators and all other volunteers to ensure the smooth flow of the YES;
  • Constantly updating (as per-need basis) and taking care of the “crisis box”, containing back-up files of all documents, necessary to access in case of an emergency.

After the YES

  • Dismantling the Info Desk, making sure all materials are in order and accounted for;
  • Making a list of all materials at the Info Desk, working closely with the YES Logistics Coordinator and other volunteers to decide, which materials stay at Werbellinsee, and which need to be returned to YFU Germany’s office in Hamburg;
  • Writing your part of the Final Report and sharing your knowledge with others.

Requirements for Info Desk Coordinators

The Info Desk Coordinators have an important part in assisting students and volunteers, providing support and contribute to the smooth implementation of the YES. As such, your role as an Info Desk Coordinator will be very important at the YES.

As one of the Info Desk Coordinator you should:

  • be at least 21 years old and be fluent in English and speak German;
  • be resilient to stress and have cheerful manners;
  • have background in or experience with students and volunteers (strongly preferred);
  • be well organised and detail-oriented;
  • have a reasonably good command of IT tools.

If you don’t meet some of these requirements, but still feel that you would be a good Info Desk Coordinator, please don’t hesitate to fill out the application form nevertheless!

Information on the application process

Please send your short (2 pages at most) application letter and your CV to your national YFU organization no later than 21 February 2015[1] – they will then forward your applications to us. Remember to mention your contact information, including your Skype user name and cell phone number. If you have a letter of recommendation you may want to use, please attach it as well. Feel free to address any questions you may have to Ieva Dirvonskaite at .

We are looking forwards to receiving your application!

On behalf of the International Organizing Team,

Valentina Razvan Ieva

YES Project Coordinator Content Team Coordinator Logistics’ Team Leader

Youth For Understanding (YFU)

Young Europeans’ Seminar 2015 – Human Rights in a Digitalized World

29 June to 3 July, 2015 at EJB Werbellinsee, Germany

15-017 Call for Info Desk Coordinator

[1]Unless your National YFU Organization specifies a different deadline, so please double-check this with them!