Dr. david renné

Dave renné renewables

2385 Panorama Ave.

Boulder, CO 80304


Tel: +1-303-517-8290

Updated: 22 March 2013

Key Qualifications:

With his atmospheric and environmental sciences background, Dr. Renné has focused his renewable energy career on developing and managing programs related to the assessment of renewable energy resources and procedures for evaluating site-specific resources, with a particular emphasis on solar energy resources. He has managed programs that integrate renewable energy resource information into Geographic Information Systems software and link to decision support tools. He has extensive international experience, particularly in Asia and South Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America. While at NREL, he did extensive work for DOE’s Office of Solar Energy Technology Programs, as well as on projects for a number of international organizations, such as UNEP, UNDP, UNDESA, the World Bank, the WMO, and the IEA. He has also worked closely with many in-country agencies such as meteorological departments and energy planning organizations. He retired from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in January 2012, where he now has Emeritus status, but continues to serve as the President of the International Solar Energy Society, Associate Editor for Resource Assessment for the Solar Energy Journal, and as Operating Agent for the IEA/SHC Task 46 “Solar Resource Assessment and Forecasting”. Upon retirementhe formed a consultancy called Dave Renné Renewables.


PhDEarth Resources, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado, 1975

MSAtmospheric Sciences Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado, 1969

BAPhysics, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1966

Professional History:

2012 – Present: Dave Renné Renewables (consultancy)

Dr. Renné has undertaken consultancy projects with the Asia Development Bank (ADB Rooftop Solar Report) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (a report supporting the IRENA Global Solar and Wind Atlas). He works as a Senior Consultant with Clean Power Research, a small company located in the United States that develops solar resource assessment and forecasting tools for U.S. utilities. He is also working with the World Bank/Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) as a solar consultant for the ESMAP solar and wind energy resource mapping program.

1991-2012: National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Dr. Renné led the research activities related to solar resource assessment funded through the Office of Solar Energy Technology Programs, including projects related both to large PV and CSP solar assessments. During his career at NREL he specialized in the Solar Resource Assessment area, leading R&D activities related to domestic solar resource assessments funded through DOE, as well as international assessments funded through USAID and the United Nations Environment Programme. Because of his broad-based experience in renewable energy technologies , Dr. Renné’s technical and managerial leadership has focused on the development and dissemination of information on the energy resources available to renewable energy technologies (solar, wind, geothermal, micro hydro, and biomass), both in the U.S. and worldwide. He has travelled extensively in the U.S., South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East to provide analysis, technical training, data dissemination, and technology transfer of renewable resource information and assessment methodologies to assist government and industry in the rapid and cost-effective deployment of renewable energy technologies. Has led the development of the Integrated Resource Assessment concept, where resource and key renewable energy resource information are incorporated into Geographic Information Systems framework to allow for the analysis of optimal renewable energy deployment strategies.

Although Dr. Renné retired from NREL on 16 January 2012, he continues his professional activities as a Senior Consultant, as President of the International Solar Energy Society, and as an Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal.

1990-1991Staff Scientist, Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program, Battelle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Washington, DC Office

Dr. Renné provided coordination of technical activities and development of research initiatives between the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program and related programs from other federal agencies. He authored technical reports related to scientific issues and programmatic components of the ARM Program. ARM-related activities continued after joining NREL, where he planned and implemented an intensive atmospheric radiation field study in Papua New Guinea.

1988-1990Staff Scientist assigned from Battelle, PNNL to the Office of the Director: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP), Washington, DC.

Dr. Renné provided technical coordination of research results in atmospheric processes and visibility effects for incorporation into NAPAP's final reports to Congress. He served as primary technical coordinator of a document describing models for use in NAPAP's Integrated Assessment. He was principal author of a component of NAPAP's Integrated Assessment on source-receptor relationships.

1975-1988Staff Scientist, Atmospheric Sciences Department, Battelle, PNNL, Richland, Washington.

Renewable Energy Programs: Dr. Renné managed the Wind Resource Assessment Study of the USAID-funded Egyptian Renewable Energy Field Test Program, where he installed wind monitoring equipment in high wind resource regimes along the Mediterranean and Red Sea coastlines. He also managed the U. S. Department of Energy's (USDOE’s) 34-station Candidate Site Wind Measurement Program. He provided site selection and research support for USDOE's Mod-OA, Mod-1, and Mod-2 large wind turbine test programs. He was the principal Investigator of wake studies for DOE at the Goodnoe Hills Mod-2 wind turbine systems, and for Southern California Edison at the DAF 500-kW vertical-axis wind turbine site. He conducted wind energy assessments for private wind farm developments.

Environmental Programs: Dr. Renné authored and coordinated reports defining and evaluating source-receptor relationships and their importance to understanding the effect of alternative control strategies. He served as member of a National Laboratory Consortium activity to develop an acidic deposition integrated assessment method. He conducted environmental assessments of large-scale energy development options. He had an off-site assignment in Washington, D. C. to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Acid Deposition Planning Staff, 1987 – 1988.

Selected Recent Reports and Publications:

Dr. Renné has led or co-authored over 100 professional publications, book chapters, technical papers, and conference papers and presentations. A selected list of publications during his career at NREL is provided here:

Peer-Reviewed Publications and Journal Articles

Perez, R.; Kivalov, S.; Schlemmer, J.; Hemker, K., Jr.; Renne, D.; Hoff, T. E. (2010). Validation of Short and Medium Term Operational Solar Radiation Forecasts in the US. Solar Energy. Vol. 84(12), 2010; pp. 2161-2172; NREL Report No. JA-5500-50259.

Al-Karaghouli, A.; Renne, D.; Kazmerski, L. L. (2009). Technical and Economic Assessment of Photovoltaic-Driven Desalination Systems. Renewable Energy. Vol. 35(2), 2009; pp. 323-328; NREL Report No. JA-5A0-47045.

Al-Karaghouli, A.; (Al-Qaraghuli); Renne, D.; Kazmerski, L. L. (2009). Solar and Wind Opportunities for Water Desalination in the Arab Regions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 13(9), 2009; pp. 2397-2407; NREL Report No. JA-5A0-46646.

Renné, David S., 2008: Decision Support System for Addressing Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems. Chapter 3 in “Uses and Limitations of Observations, Data, Forecasts, and Other Projections in Decision Support for Selected Sectors and Regions”, U.S. Climate Change Science Program, Synthesis and Assessment Project 5.1, August 2008.

Perez, R.; Moore, K.; Wilcox, S.; Renne, D.; Zelenka, A. (2007). Forecasting Solar Radiation -- Preliminary Evaluation of an Approach Based upon the National Forecast Database. Solar Energy. Vol. 81(6), 2007; pp. 809-812; NREL Report No. JA-581-41774.

Perez, R.; Ineichen, P.; Kmiecik, M.; Moore, K.; Renne, D.; George, R. (2004). Producing Satellite-Derived Irradiances in Complex Arid Terrain. Solar Energy. American Solar Energy Society's Solar 2003 Special Issue. Vol. 77, 2004; pp. 367-371; NREL Report No. JA-710-37431.

Renné, David S., Stephen Wilcox, William Marion, Gene Maxwell, Martin Rymes, and Julie Philips, 2007 (updated from earlier volume): Availability of Renewable Resources: Solar Energy, Chapter 19-1 in Handbook of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, edited by Frank Kreith and D. Yogi Goswami, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 19-1 to 19-31. NREL Report No. CH-710-41756.

Walker, A.; Renne, D.; Bilo, S.; Kutscher, C.; Burch, J.; Balcomb, D.; Judkoff, R.; Warner, C.; King, R. J.; Eiffert, P. (2003). Advances in Solar Buildings. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering: Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Vol. 125, August 2003; pp. 236-244; NREL Report No. JA-710-33536.

Perez. R.; Kmiecik, M.; Herig, C.; Renne, D. (2001). Remote Monitoring of PV Performance Using Geostationary Satellites. Solar Energy. Vol. 71(4), 2001; pp. 255-261; NREL Report No. JA-520-31825.

Perez, R.; Aguiar, R.; Collares-Pereira, M.; Dumortier, D.; Estrada-Cajigal, V.; Gueymard, C.; Ineichen, P.; Littlefair, P.; Lund, H.; Michalsky, J.; Olseth, J. A.; Renne, D.; Rymes. M.; Skartveit, A.; Vignola, F.; Zelenka, A. (2001). Chapter 10: Solar Resource Assessment--A Review. Gordon, J., ed. Solar Energy: The State of the Art; ISES Position Papers. United Kingdom: ISES (International Solar Energy Society), James & James, Ltd. pp. 497-575; NREL Report No. 26677.

Renné, D. S., Richard Perez, Antoine Zelenka, and Charles Whitlock, 1999: Use of Weather and Climate Research Satellites for Estimating Solar Resources”. Chapter 5 in Advances in Solar Energy, Vol. 13, pp. 171-239. Published by the American Solar Energy Society, Boulder, Colorado.

Zelenka, A.; Perez, R.; Seals, R.; Renne, D. (1999). Effective Accuracy of Satellite-Derived Hourly Irradiances. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. Vol. 62, 1999; pp. 199-207; NREL Report No. 27303.

Renne, D. S.; Maxwell, E. L.; Rymes, M. D.; Marion, W.; Phillips, J. (1997). Availability of Renewable Resources: Solar Radiation, Chapter 18A. Kreith, F.; West, R. E., eds. CRC Handbook of Energy Efficiency. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Inc. pp. 715-749; NREL Report No. 22307.

Meyers, S.; Sathaye, J.; Goldberg, B.; Renne, D.; Kaupp, A.; Mendis, M.; Ernst, J.; Kokorin, A.; Kerr, T. (1997). International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Technologies and Measures: Summary. Applied Energy. Vol. 56(3/4), 1996; pp. 203-223; NREL Report No. 24321.

Ivanov, P.; Lingova, S. T.; Trifonova, L.; Renne, D.; Ohi, J. (1996). Investigation of Renewable Resources and Renewable Technology Applications in Bulgaria. Environmental Management. Vol. 20(Suppl. 1), 1996; pp. S83-S93; NREL Report No. 21443.

Renne, D. S. (1994). Assessing Renewable Energy Resources - Views Concerning the Federal Role. Sterrett, F. S., ed. Alternative Fuels and the Environment. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers Chap. 16: pp. 245-254; NREL Report No. TP-463-5603.

Marion, W.; Riordan, C.; Renne, D. (1992). Shining On: A Primer on Solar Radiation Data. 28 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-463-4856.

Conference Papers and NREL Publications

Stoffel, T.; Renne, D.; Myers, D.; Wilcox, S.; Sengupta, M.; George, R.; Turchi, C. (2010). Concentrating Solar Power: Best Practices Handbook for the Collection and Use of Solar Resource Data (CSP). 146 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-550-47465.

Anderberg, M. L.; Renne, D.; Stoffel, T. L.; Sengupta, M.; Perez, R.; Stackhouse, P. (2010). Evaluating Solar Resource Variability from Satellite and Ground-Based Observations. Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings of the Solar 2010 Conference, 19-21 May 2010, Phoenix, Arizona (DVD-ROM). Including Proceedings of 39th ASES National Solar Conference, Proceedings of 35th National Passive Solar Conference, and Proceedings of the 5th Renewable Energy Policy and Marketing Conference. Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 7 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-550-47908.

Sengupta, M.; Heidinger, A.; Miller, S.; Renne, D. (2010). Physical Method for Calculating Surface Radiation from Geostationary Satellites. Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings of the Solar 2010 Conference, 19-21 May 2010, Phoenix, Arizona (DVD-ROM). Including Proceedings of 39th ASES National Solar Conference, Proceedings of 35th National Passive Solar Conference, and Proceedings of the 5th Renewable Energy Policy and Marketing Conference. Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 7 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-5500-50028.

Perez, R.; Schlemmer, J.; Renne, D.; Cowlin, S.; George, R.; Bandyopadhyay, B. (2009). Validation of the SUNY Satellite Model in a Meteosat Evironment. Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings of the Solar 2009 Conference, 11-16 May 2009, Buffalo, New York (CD-ROM). Including Proceedings of 38th ASES National Solar Conference, Proceedings of 34th National Passive Solar Conference, and Proceedings of the 4th Renewable Energy Policy and Marketing Conference. Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 6 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-550-46805.

Sengupta, M.; Laszlo, I.; Straka, W.; Heidinger, A.; Miller, S.; Renne, D. (2009). Toward a Physically Based, High Resolution Surface Solar Irradiance Climatology from Geostationary Satellites. Proceedings of ISES Solar World Congress 2009: Renewable Energy Shaping Our Future, 11-14 October 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa. Washington, DC: International Solar Energy Society (ISES) pp. 142-148; NREL Report No. CP-550-48572.

Renne, D. (2009). Status of Task 36 Solar Resource Knowledge Management under the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme. Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings of the Solar 2009 Conference, 11-16 May 2009, Buffalo, New York (CD-ROM). Including Proceedings of 38th ASES National Solar Conference, Proceedings of 34th National Passive Solar Conference, and Proceedings of the 4th Renewable Energy Policy and Marketing Conference. Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 8 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-550-45377.

Renne, D. (2008). Renewable Energy Resource Data Provide the Foundation for Effective Clean Energy Programs Around the World. A.A.M. Sayigh, ed. [Proceedings] Tenth World Renewable Energy Congress - WREC X, 21-25 July 2008, Glasgow, Scotland (CD-ROM). [Amsterdam]: Elsevier, Ltd.; WREC; Monterey, CA: Produced by InControl Productions, Inc. pp. 320-324; NREL Report No. CP-550-46814.

Cowlin, S.; Heimiller, D.; Bilello, D.; Renne, D. (2008). Technical Potential of Solar Energy to Address Energy Poverty and Avoid GHG Emissions in Africa (Poster). 1 p.; NREL Report No. PO-6A2-44259.

Cowlin, S. C.; Heimiller, D.; Bilello, D.; Renne, D. (2008). Technical Potential of Solar Energy to Address Energy Poverty and Avoid GHG Emissions in Africa. [Proceedings of the] International Congress on Renewable Energy: Renewables and Climate Change and International Renewable Energy Trade Show, 16-17 October 2008, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. New Delhi, India: Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) pp. 72-78; NREL Report No. CP-670-43918.

Renne, D. S.; Kelly, M.; Elliott, D.; George, R.; Scott, G.; Haymes, S.; Heimiller, D.; Milbrandt, A.; Cowlin, S.; Gilman, P.; Perez, R. (2007). Solar and Wind Resource Assessments for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Goswami, D. Y.; Zhao, Y., eds. Proceedings of ISES Solar World Congress 2007: Solar Energy and Human Settlement, 18-21 September 2007, Beijing, China. Beijing, China: Tsinghus University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Berlin Heidelberg Vol. 1; pp. 134-140; NREL Report No. CP-640-41999.

Wilcox, S.; Anderberg, M.; George, R.; Marion, W.; Myers, D.; Renne, D.; Lott, N.; Whitehurst, T.; Beckman, W.; Gueymard, C.; Perez, R.; Stackhouse, P.; Vignola, F. (2007). Completing Production of the Updated National Solar Radiation Database for the United States. Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings of the Solar 2007 Conference, 8-12 July 2007, Cleveland, Ohio (CD-ROM). Including Proceedings of 36th ASES Annual Conference, Proceedings of 32nd National Passive Solar Conference, and Proceedings of the 2nd Renewable Energy Policy and Marketing Conference. Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 8 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-581-41511.

Wilcox, S.; Anderberg, M.; Beckman, W.; DeGaetano, A.; George, R.; Gueymard, C.; Marion, W.; Myers, D.; Perez, R.; Lott, N.; Renne, D.; Stackhouse, P.; Vignola, F. (2006). Towards Production of an Updated National Solar Radiation Database. Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings of the Solar 2006 Conference, 9-13 July 2006, Denver, Colorado (CD-ROM). Including Proceedings of 35th ASES Annual Conference, Proceedings of 31st National Passive Solar Conference, Proceedings of the 1st Renewable Energy Policy and Marketing Conference, and Proceedings of the ASME 2006 International Solar Energy Conference. Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) and New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 6 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-560-39597.

Renne, D.; Kelly, M.; Lilienthal, P.; Gilman, P.; Baring-Gould, I.; Heimiller, D.; Milbrandt, A.; Ferguson, T. (2006). Strategic Approach for Promoting Access to Clean Energy Development. Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings of the Solar 2006 Conference, 9-13 July 2006, Denver, Colorado (CD-ROM). Including Proceedings of 35th ASES Annual Conference, Proceedings of 31st National Passive Solar Conference, Proceedings of the 1st Renewable Energy Policy and Marketing Conference, and Proceedings of the ASME 2006 International Solar Energy Conference. Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) and New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 5 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-710-39665.

Renne, D.; Beyer, H. G.; Wald, L.; Meyer, R.; Perez, R.; Stackhouse, P. (2006). Solar Resource Knowledge Management: A New Task of the International Energy Agency. Campbell-Howe, R., ed. Proceedings of the Solar 2006 Conference, 9-13 July 2006, Denver, Colorado (CD-ROM). Including Proceedings of 35th ASES Annual Conference, Proceedings of 31st National Passive Solar Conference, Proceedings of the 1st Renewable Energy Policy and Marketing Conference, and Proceedings of the ASME 2006 International Solar Energy Conference. Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) and New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 6 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-710-39660.

Wilcox, S.; Anderberg, M.; George, R.; Marion, W.; Myers, D.; Renne, D.; Beckman, W.; DeGaetano, A.; Gueymard, C.; Perez, R.; Plantico, M.; Stackhouse, P.; Vignola, F. (2005). Progress on an Updated National Solar Radiation Data Base for the United States: Preprint. 9 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-560-37956.

Perez, R.; Moore, K.; Wilcox, S.; Renne, D.; Zelenka, A. (2005). Forecasting Solar Radiation: Preliminary Evaluation of an Approach Based Upon the National Forecast Data Base. Goswami, D. Y.; Vijayaraghavan, S.; Campbell-Howe, R., eds. Proceedings of 2005 Solar World Congress: Bringing Water to the World, 8-12 August 2005, Orlando, Florida. Including Proceedings of 34th ASES Annual Conference and Proceedings of 30th National Passive Solar Conference. Washington, DC: International Solar Energy Society (ISES); Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 5 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-560-39708.

Renne, D.; George, R.; Marion, B.; Perez, R.; Schillings, C.; Trieb, F.; Meyer, R.; Pereira, E. B.; Martins, F. R.; Luna de Abreu, S.; Colle, S.; Vipradas, M.; Stackhouse, P.; Gueymard, C. A.; Hamlin, T. (2005). Results of Solar Resource Assessments in the UNEP/SWERA Project. Goswami, D. Y.; Vijayaraghavan, S.; Campbell-Howe, R., eds. Proceedings of 2005 Solar World Congress: Bringing Water to the World, 8-12 August 2005, Orlando, Florida. Including Proceedings of 34th ASES Annual Conference and Proceedings of 30th National Passive Solar Conference. Washington, DC: International Solar Energy Society (ISES); Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 5 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-710-38101.

Middleton, P.; Ohi, J.; Renne, D. (2005). Renewable Hydrogen -- International Pathways and Progress. Goswami, D. Y.; Vijayaraghavan, S.; Campbell-Howe, R., eds. Proceedings of 2005 Solar World Congress: Bringing Water to the World, 8-12 August 2005, Orlando, Florida. Including Proceedings of 34th ASES Annual Conference and Proceedings of 30th National Passive Solar Conference. Washington, DC: International Solar Energy Society (ISES); Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 6 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-550-39704.

Wilcox, S.; Anderberg, M.; George, R.; Marion, W.; Myers, D.; Renne, D.; Beckman, W.; DeGaetano, A.; Gueymard, C.; Perez, R.; Plantico, M.; Stackhouse, P.; Vignola, F. (2005). Progress on an Updated National Solar Radiation Data Base for the United States. Goswami, D. Y.; Vijayaraghavan, S.; Campbell-Howe, R., eds. Proceedings of 2005 Solar World Congress: Bringing Water to the World, 8-12 August 2005, Orlando, Florida. Including Proceedings of 34th ASES Annual Conference and Proceedings of 30th National Passive Solar Conference. Washington, DC: International Solar Energy Society (ISES); Boulder, CO: American Solar Energy Society (ASES) 6 pp.; NREL Report No. CP-560-37775.