- Background
From time to time it is necessary to make an appointment without first advertising. Such appointments will be exceptional, and are not intended to disadvantage good internal and external candidates, but to allow the University to move quickly for strategic reasons, or to minimise replication of a process.
For example:
- where the University needs to consider a single exceptional candidate whose work is important to the University’s strategy for a position in the University but the timescales involved in the normal recruitment processes would mean the candidate would be no longer available if the normal processes were followed
- where the University is offered a substantial grant that names a particular member of staff as a named researcher Such applications will typically be for Chairs, and these guidelines are written on that basis.
This guide sets down the procedure to be followed in such circumstances. It aims to balance the need to move quickly with the need for proper accountability.
Please note that due to UK Visa and Immigration requirements, this route is not suitable forcandidates who require a Certificate of Sponsorship.
2. Job Description and Additional Information
2.1It will be the responsibility of the Head of School(in conjunction with yourResourcing Adviser to draw up the Job Description and Additional Information, which will include the post duties and the person specification.
2.2.The Job Description and Additional Information templates can be found on the HR website:
3. Recruitment Authorisation
3.1.The Head of School will discuss with the Dean and the Vice-Chancellor (ornominee) the opportunity to recruit an exceptional candidate to the University.
3.2The Vice-Chancellor (in consultation with the Dean and the Head of Department) will decide whether there is a prima facie case for considering the application further. If there is, an Appointing Committee will be convened, and appropriate references sought.
3.3If the Vice-Chancellor decides that, on the basis of the references received and the advice of the Appointing Committee the application should proceed. An interview will be held, following which a recommendation will be made in the normal way. Forcandidates who are not already of professorial status, at least one of the externalassessors should normally be present at any interview.
3.4The Head of School will email the following documents to your Resourcing Advisers in order to authorise the post:
- Recruitment Authorisation Form (RAF)
- Job Description
- Additional Information
- Hazard Identification Form (HIF)
3.5.The post will be authorised using the Finance Authorisation process.
4. Convening the Appointment Panel
4.1.The Resourcing Adviser will liaise with the Chair to propose suitable dates for interview and forward these dates to the relevant Dean. The Dean will be responsible for nominating the panel, which should be approved by the Chair.
4.2.It is the School’s responsibility to seek the participation of all the members on the panel. Whilst the panel can view the applications at any time via the i-GRasp system, the Resourcing Adviser will issue to all members of the panel the short-listing pack for this post when applications close.
4.3.The Panel should comprise of:-
Chair - Vice-Chancellor or nominee
Dean of Faculty
External Assessor (attending interview)
2nd External Assessor (not attending interview)
Head of School
Professor from the relevant department
Professor from another department
HR Representative in attendance
4.4.The panel should have a balanced gender profile.
5. Process
5.1.The final process is decided by the interview panel, however, will include 10 – 15 minute presentation followed by a 45 minute interview. If any other selection methods are to be utilised, this will be identified at the outset and specific arrangements will be made by the department and/or resourcing team to accommodate them
5.2.Your Resourcing Adviser will:
- Apply for three references for the candidate
- Formally invite to the external assessors and organise the submission of written comments
- Organise the interview including liaising with panel members regarding interview dates, room booking, refreshments, accommodation for external assessor
- Inviting the candidate to interview
- Circulate (by email) an interview schedule and copy of the Job Description to the selection panel approximately one week prior to interview
- Provide a short candidate profile which will be made available to members of the department attending the presentations who are not part of the appointing panel
- Ensure arrangements are made to take eligibility at interview stage (this will also include information for DBS checks if required)
6. Successful Candidate
6.1.If the candidate is successful, the Chair will:
- Discuss with the Dean the agreed salary and then advise your relevant Resourcing Adviser.
Please note that verbal offers are legally binding.
- Contact the successful candidate to make a verbal offer of the post. The terms agreed are then passed to the resourcing adviser in order for the formal offer and contract of employment to be issued.
6.2.The Dean will be responsible for informing the department of the appointment.
6.3.The resourcing team will be responsible for:
- Writing the official interview notes. Copies of all documents and notes related to the candidates should be returned to the recruitment team for processing and eventual destruction.
- Updating the status of the interviewed candidates on i-GRasp
- Arranging for the formal employment contract to be made
Other Details
7. Candidate Expenses
7.1.All reasonable travelling expenses are met by the department in accordance with the expenses policy
7.2.No candidate who meets the essential criteria should be rejected on the grounds that it would be too expensive to meet the cost of travelling expenses.
8. Further costs
8.1.Refreshments, lunch and travel expenses are all to be met by the department concerned.
9. External Panel Members
9.1All reasonable travelling/accommodation expenses are met by the department. After the interview, the external panel member will be sent a £100 book token