Town of Bowdoinham

Select Board Meeting

August 5, 2014 at 5:30 p.m.

1. Call the Meeting to Order & Establish a Quorum

The meeting was called to order and quorum established by Chair Brian Hobart at 5:30 p.m. Select Board members Brian Hobart, Kathy Gallant, M. Theresa Turgeon, Wendy Cunningham and Douglas Tourtelotte were present. Staff present included Town Manager William Post and Planning and Development Director Nicole Briand.

2. Amendments to the Agenda – None

3. Approve Consent Calendar

A.  Meeting Minutes of July 8, 2014

B. Warrants & Financial Reports:

1. Treasurer’s Warrant #9 for $38,406.72

2. June Financial Report

C. Reports & Communications

1. Fire Department June Incident Report

2. Sen. Angus King, re: FEMA Resolution Response

On motion of Tourtelotte/Gallant, the Board voted 5 – 0 to approve the Consent Calendar as presented.

4. Action Items

A. Act on Maine Municipal Association’s Ballot for Vice President and Executive Committee

The Manager stated that the Maine Municipal Association’s nominating committee solicits nominations from municipalities for those to serve as vice president and on the executive committee. The proposed slate includes Selectmen Stephan Bunker from Farmington for vice president, Selectwoman Patricia Sutherland from Chapman, Manager Laurie Smith from Kennebunkport, and Councilor Cynthia Mehnert from Orono for executive committee.

On motion of Tourtelotte/Cunningham, the Board voted 5 – 0 to cast the ballot for the recommended candidates for MMA Vice President and Executive Committee.

B. Act on Amendment to Bowdoinham Personnel Policy

The Manager stated that at the Board’s last meeting, he handed out a draft amendment to the Personnel Policy concerning employee health benefits. The language was reviewed by the attorney and is ready for approval. This creates the Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) plan for the employees as was discussed.

On motion of Turgeon/Tourtelotte, the Board voted 5 – 0 to approve the amendment to the Personnel Policy creating an HRA for employee health benefits effective July 1, 2014 and eliminating the current health benefit allotment.

C. Act on Administrative Services Agreement with Group Dynamic, Inc.

The Manager stated that Group Dynamic, Inc. (GDI) is the third party administrator that will process the HRA payments for the town employees and is located in Falmouth. The agreement is for eight months, initially, to match the Town’s health insurance plan year, and then will coincide with the Town’s health insurance plan year (March 1 – February 28).

On motion of Gallant/Cunningham, the Board voted 5 – 0 to approve the Administrative Services Agreement with Group Dynamic, Inc.

D. Act on HRA Plan Document

The Manager stated that the HRA Plan document explains the HRA for the employees and is required by law for the Town to adopt.

On motion of Gallant/Tourtelotte, the Board voted 5 – 0 to approve the HRA Plan Document effective July 1, 2014.

5. Discussion Items

A. Report on Open Farm Day Event

Planning and Development Director Nicole Briand stated that the first Open Farm Day with barbeque was well attended and well received. Each of the nine farms reported attendance ranging from 40 to 80 people and some remarked they “lost count”. The barbeque in the afternoon had 160 purchase meals and she estimated that 100 were from outside of Bowdoinham. There were only a few kids and senior meals that were sold, and the lamb was the first to sell out. Many people that attended the barbeque did not go to the farms as there was some confusion as to whether tickets could be purchased at the barbeque or had to be pre-purchased.

Briand stated that she would like to hold the event again next year and will have enough notice to have local farms provide the beef, lamb, and other meats for the barbeque. The cost of the event funded through the Pipeline TIF District was approximately $4,800 after income from the barbeque. She would like to get the cost down to $3,000 next year.

Select Board member Tourtelotte asked what Briand expected for a net budget. Briand stated that because this was the first year, it was difficult to estimate what revenue might be for the barbeque and for sponsorships. In addition, $500 was used this year to create a video for promotional purposes that will not be done next year.

Select Board member Turgeon stated that holding the event the weekend before the statewide event gave Bowdoinham an edge and may have helped with the attendance. Briand agreed and stated that many representatives from statewide farming organizations attended and probably would not have if the event was on the same date as the statewide event.

Briand stated that she received good feedback from the farmers and believes that all will participate next year as well as a few more.

Briand asked the Board what they would like to see for a budget for next year for the event. The Manager stated that $3,000 would be a good net budget, or less. The Board agreed and thanked Briand for her work.

B. Review Citizen of the Year Policy

The Manager reviewed the draft Citizen of the Year Policy with the Board. The Policy provides the creation of an ad hoc committee by the Board of at least one Select Board member, and no more than two, the previous recipients of the award and other interested individuals. It also provides for nominations and recommendations from the committee to the Board.

There were no changes to the draft policy.

On motion of Turgeon/Tourtelotte, the Board voted 5 – 0 to approve the Citizen of the Year Policy.

Board member Tourtelotte stated that he would be willing to serve on the ad hoc committee with Board member Turgeon.

On motion of Turgeon/Cunningham, the Board voted 5 – 0 to appoint Theresa Turgeon, Doug Tourtelotte, and Susie Uhle to the ad hoc Citizen of the Year Committee.

6. Town Manager’s Report

The Manager stated that the State has approved the new CMP/Riverfront Tax Increment Financing District as submitted.

Excise tax collections continued to be strong in July with an 11% increase over the previous July.

Ridge Road will be striped with a double yellow center line in the next few weeks and the crosswalks will also be painted. All of the catch basins have been cleaned in town. The Public Works Department has been working on the Curtis Farm Road to correct a drainage issue, especially under the overpasses of the interstate. The Manager has approved paving a short 300-foot section of the Dingley Road from the Richmond town line to just past Beechnut Ridge as this section has been a problem with potholes because of the traffic coming from Beechnut Ridge. Richmond is paving their portion of Dingley Road, so we should get a good price by using the same contractor which is Harry C. Crooker, Inc.

The Manager stated that he will be interviewing candidates for the Older Adults Services Coordinator position this week and expects to have the new employee start sometime the week of August 18th.

7. Select Board Member’s Request for Agenda Items for Next Meeting – None

8. Announce Future Select Board Meetings

A. August 26th – Regular Meeting

B. September 9th – Regular Meeting

9. Comments from Select Board Members – None

10. Comments from the Public – None

11. Adjourn

The meeting adjourned by acclamation at 5:58 p.m.

Select Board

Town of Bowdoinham, Maine Brian Hobart, Chair

M. Theresa Turgeon, Vice-Chair

Wendy Cunningham

Kathleen Gallant

Douglas Tourtelotte

Respectfully Submitted,

William S. Post, Town Manager