Lafayette Band
Lafayette Band
P.O. Box 855
North Kingstown, RI 02852
Lafayette Band Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
Time: 9:15 pm
Site: Auditorium, NKHS
President - Michael MullerIncorporation Committee
Vice President - Sarah BrowneFunds Development Committee √
Secretary - John SmithCompliance Committee √
Treasurer - Bonnie Dynon Finance Committee
Member-at-Large –Deb GoodwinMembership Committee √
Member-at-Large - Ted Johnson Concert Development Committee
Member-at-Large - Debbie Robertson Equipment Committee √
Librarian - Martin Hellewell Library Committee √
Information and Technology – Steve Alfano
Musical Director - Joseph Pelosi√
1. Call to Order by Vice Pres. S. Browne.
2. Review and Acceptance of Minutes from 1/31/07meeting - Approved.
3. ExecutiveReports.
A. President / Incorporation - (Written Report inserted in Agenda - M. Muller).
1. Time table for incorporation and IRS tax exempt determination.
a. Write/sign bylaws –3/28/07.
b. Submit IRS Form 1023, Form 8718 – TBD.
B. Vice President / Funds Development – (S. Browne).
1. Annual Fund Report – S. Browne obtained $1,000 donation from private party.
2. NK State Rep. Larry Ehrhardt suggested Band apply for a Legislative Grant. E-mail from Pres. Muller indicated due date was 2/23 but State will give us a couple more weeks.
C. Secretary / Compliance – (J. Smith).
1. No Communications received.
2. Article to Advance for June’s publication about our participation in the America’s 400th
3. Corporate Seal to be ordered.
4. Copies of article abut Band in NK Villager and EG Magazine presented. Copies to be filed in Band’s records.
D. Treasurer / Finance – (B. Dynon).(Deferred)
1. Cash flow report.
2. IRS Tax Report.
E. Music Director/Conductor (J. Pelosi).
1. Band Stand update – No project meetings held
2. Rehearsals/Summer Concert Preparation – has held section rehearsals with trumpets.
4. Committee Reports.
A. Membership – (D. Goodwin).
1.Membership Drive – Flyer posted in music stores and at RIC Music Dept. New drummer has participated in two rehearsals.
2. Membership application with photo, video and audio recording release statement developed by Pres. Muller. D. Goodwin to discuss with Pres.
3. Musician Survey to be presented 3/7 to obtain input on rehearsal hours and sectionals and matters in 4, below.
4. Discussion with musicians regarding the Board’s & Musical Director’s expectations for rehearsals and preparation.
5. Develop a volunteer musician handbookoutlining expectations of members for rehearsals and concerts, as well as, describing use of web, phone chain and uniform. Also, can include history of organization and its structure (e.g. board of directors and officers).
6. Some members reported not getting notice of rehearsal cancellation. How to ensure contact routes for all members?
B. Concert Development – (S. Browne for T. Johnson).
1. Develop special 125th Anniversary Concert and seek grant from RI Council for the Arts.
Deadline for grant application is April 1st. J. Smith to offer to Pres. Muller to get more information about application process. Director Pelosi suggested adding concert at end of schedule and do special concert on July 4th, our largest audience. Other grant suggestions included an anniversary CD, new folders, uniforms, music, etc. and obtaining a drum set.
2. Preliminary Summer Concert Schedule done. Need to confirm venues other than bandstand,
Children’sConcert and nursing homes.
C.Equipment – (D. Robertson) – Will try to ascertain equipment needs, perhaps in re: B, 1, above.
D. Board Member for Information and Technology (Written report inserted in agenda by Pres. Muller).
1. New website is up and operational. It is still undergoing additional construction of various parts.
The new web address is
2. All volunteers have e-mail addresses!
E. Librarian – (M. Hellewell).
1. Organization of NKHS/Lafayette Band music libraries.
2. Plan for scanning our music charts.
3. Is inventory of our library current?
5. Old Business (Report inserted in Agenda by Pres. Muller).
A. Lafayette Band stories published in NK Villager, the EG Magazine, and the Jamestown Lifestyle
Magazine. Waiting for electronic copies from the editors/publishers to post on our website and distribute to all musicians.
B. Need research regarding recording and publishing CDs of the band. Need to form a committee.
6. New Business.
7. Other Business.
8. Adjournment 10:15 pm.
Next Meetings: 2/28, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23, 6/20
Respectfully Submitted,
(Original signed by)
John L. Smith,
Secretary, Lafayette Band