‘You will not get far if you perceive the duty to be over burdensome or take a mechanistic approach….there will be progress if the duty is seen as a way of fundamentally changing the core values and culture of the organisation…..we need and outcome-oriented approach’ – CRE Chair 2001

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA): Stage 1: Initial Screening Form for New/Revised Policies or Functions

A: Summary Details

Directorate: Children Services

Section: Strategy, Partnership and Performance,

Person responsible for the assessment: Mohammed Sayed

Contact details: 020 7364 2671

Name of Policy to be assessed: Programme Management Office (PMO)

Is this a new or revised policy: New

Date policy scheduled for Overview and Scrutiny/Cabinet/LAB: N/A

B: Preparation

It is important to consider all available information that could help determine whether the policy could have any potential adverse impact. Please attach examples of available monitoring information, research and consultation reports.

1. Do you have monitoring data available on the number of people (from different target groups) who are using or are potentially impacted upon by your policy? Please specify what monitoring information you have available (your monitoring information should be compared to the current available census data to see whether a proportionate number of people are taking up your service).

Essentially the PMO provides technical support and project management services in the Children’s Services directorate. The technical support part of the PMO’s function does not require equality monitoring data because its purpose is to provide technical reports to the DMT and to other stakeholders based on existing projects data set. However, the PMO has introduced in the project initiation document (PID) template the equality impact assessment screening, in order to ensure equality impact are not overlooked.

Generally, many of the PMO’s projects on its own accord records equality monitoring data, and some are initiated for this purpose. For example, recently the PMO completed the school workforce (SWF) census project. A key outcome of the project was to gather school workforce equality data, and to monitor the trends.

2.  If monitoring has NOT been undertaken, will it be done in the future or do you have access to relevant monitoring data for this area? If not, specify the arrangement you intend to make; if not please give a reason for your decision.

The PMO has incorporated the equality impact assessment as part of the project initiation document (PID) in December 2009 to monitor the equality data. Any programmes or projects that are initiated from there onwards are required to complete the assessment.

3.  Please list any consultations that you may have had and/or local/national consultations, research or practical guidance that will assist you in completing this EQIA.

The PMO projects are either initiated by the council or by the central government. The projects that are nationally led are monitored and piloted by the sponsoring central government department before it is implemented locally. As part of their protocols and processes the departments monitor the equality data. The departments also print guidance on how to implement the policy, and within the guidance it informs on how to monitor equality data.

In most cases, the projects that are initiated by Tower Hamlets Children’s Services have consultations built into its process. A current project lead by one of the PMO’s project manager, the play pathfinder project has completed consultations with the end user. Also, organisations and groups that are biding for the play pathfinder product are required to complete the council’s equality monitoring data set.

The PMO is also active in Tower Hamlets Disabled Staff Forum. One of the PMO’s officers is a participant in the Forum, and is involved in developing procedures and work arrangements of the Tower Hamlets staff with disabilities.

C: Your Policy or Function

1.  What is the main purpose of the policy or function?

The PMO is responsible for the deployment and implementation of the council’s programme and project management methodology within Children’s Services. Under this arrangement, all intermediate and strategic projects is logged and managed through the PMO. In doing this, service heads and managers can ensure that all new projects are initiated and managed through to close, using a single standard methodology.

2  Are there any other objectives of the policy or function, if so what are they?

The PMO’s other important functions are to provide the Children’s Services DMT an annual portfolio of programmes and projects, and project management support to the project managers. The PMO acts as the focal point for management information and reporting throughout the project lifecycle from project initiation to post project evaluation. This enables the Children’s Services DMT and key stakeholders to have a strategic direction and overview of all projects and its activities across the directorate.

3  Do any written procedures exist to enable delivery of this policy or function?

The PMO functions under the corporate project management methodology, and its term of reference within the Children’s Services.

4  Are there elements of common practice in the service area or function that are not clearly defined within the written procedures?

There is no evidence that there are any common practices that are not identified in the combined policy and information set available to managers and staff.

5  Who are the main stakeholders of the policy?

The PMO’s main stakeholders are:

·  Children’s Services DMT members

·  CYPP strategic board

·  ICT strategic board

·  Children’s services programme managers

·  Children’s services project managers

·  Corporate PMO (CPMO)

·  Corporate risk management

·  Corporate programme and project management implementation board

·  Children’s services programme and project boards

6  Is the policy associated with any other Council policy (s)?

The PMO’s functions are associated with the following council’s policies:

·  Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP)

·  Council’s Strategic Plan

·  Service Area Plans

·  Every Childs Matters

7  Are there any areas of the service that are governed by discretionary powers? If so, is there clear guidance as to how to exercise these?

There are no known areas of the PMO function that are governed by discretionary powers.

8  Is the responsibility for the proposed policy or function shared with another department or authority or organisation? If so, what responsibility, and which bodies?

The PMO’s function requires it to work with other Tower Hamlets directorates and also with the central government departments. The PMO function falls under the framework of the corporate programmes and projects management. Any ICT projects have to incorporate the ICT policies and procedures. The central government sponsored projects are required to follow the guidance and framework of the respected department.


D: The Impact

Assess the potential impact that the policy could have on each of the target groups. The potential impact could be negative, positive or neutral. If you have assessed negative potential impact for any of the target groups you will need to also assess whether that negative potential impact is high, medium or low – see glossary in the attached guidance notes for definitions.


a)  Identify the potential impact of the policy on men and women:

Gender / Positive / Negative (please specify if High, Medium or Low) / Neutral / Reason
Women / P / One of the key functions of the PMO is to develop excellent Children’s Services. This includes applying project management methodology in developing new activities and services where there are gaps.
Many projects are directed to improve the opportunity for young people (and families) from both genders, whom are underachieving in education and may be at risk of neglect, abuse, and substance misuse or have a disability.
Men / P

b) Identify the potential impact of the policy on different race groups:

Race / Positive / Negative (please specify if High, Medium or Low) / Neutral / Reason
Asian (including Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Other Asian Background – please specify______) / P / The outputs of any projects are to deliver a product or service for the end user. In doing so, projects are required to have a positive impact on the recipients.
The PMO will scrutinise the project PIDs to ensure that no race groups that are affected in a negative way.
Black (including Caribbean, Somali, Other African, Other black background – please specify______) / P
White (including English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Other white background – please specify______) / P
Mixed Dual heritage (White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian, Other mixed background - please specify______) / P
Other (please specify) / P

c) Identify the potential impact of the policy on disabled people:

Disability / Positive / Negative (please specify if High, Medium or Low) / Neutral / Reason
P / There is no evidence to suggest that there are disproportionate impacts in terms of disability on the basis that projects are initiated to bring benefits for all end users.
The PMO will scrutinise the project PIDs to ensure that people with a disability are not affected in a negative way.

d) Identify the potential impact of the policy on different age groups:

Age Group (specify, for example younger, older etc) /


/ Negative (please specify if High, Medium or Low) / Neutral / Reason
Low / The purpose of Children’s Services is to provide provisions for young people and their families. The PMO’s programmes and projects are focused towards achieving this.
Although most projects are aimed towards bringing positive impact for young people and their families, there is a low risk in some occasions where projects may not bring direct benefits to the elderly or those without children.

e) Identify the potential impact of the policy on lesbian, gay men, bisexual or heterosexual people:

Sexual Orientation / Positive / Negative (please specify if High, Medium or Low) / Neutral / Reason
Lesbian / P / There is no evidence to suggest there are either a negative or positive impact in terms of sexual orientation on the basis that all policies and procedures associated with the Children & Young People’s Plan (CYPP) promotes equality across Children’s Services. However, the PMO will scrutinise the project PIDs to ensure that project managers are completing the equality section appropriately. Within the PID there is now a equality screening section that is completed.
Gay Men / P
Bisexual / P
Heterosexual / P

f) Identify the potential impact the policy on different religious/faith groups?

Religious/Faith groups (specify) / Positive / Negative (please specify if High, Medium or Low) / Neutral / Reason
Buddhist / P / There is no evidence to suggest there are either a negative or positive impact in terms of religious belief on the basis that all policies and procedures associated with the Children & Young People’s Plan (CYPP) promotes equality across Children’s Services.
However, it should be recognised by project managers that devout followers of their religion may not agree, or may object to certain type of projects because it may go contrary to their religious beliefs. On this basis, project managers should work with the end users and stakeholders in obtaining the right balance in order to maintain project delivery and recognising the relevant disagreements and objections in their faiths.
Christian / P
Hindu / P
Jewish / P
Muslim / P
Sikh / P
Other (please specify)

g) As a result of completing Question 1 a-f above what is the potential impact of your policy?

High  Medium  Low P

If you have assessed the potential impact as HIGH you must complete a full potential impact assessment.

2. Could you minimise or remove any negative potential impact that is of medium or low significance? Explain How.

Race: N/A

Gender: N/A

Disability: N/A

Age: N/A

Sexual Orientation: N/A

Religious/Faith groups: N/A

3. If there is no evidence that the policy promotes equal opportunity– could it be adapted so it does? How?

Please ensure that all actions identified are included in the attached action plan and in your service plan.

Please sign and date this form, keep one copy and send one to your Directorate Equality Liaison Officer (DELO).

Signed Signed Signed

Lead Officer Mohammed Sayed Service Head John Mitchell Strategy and Partnerships

Date 12 July 2009 Date 12 July Date

Action Plan

Recommendation / Key activity / Progress milestones / Officer Responsible / Progress
Completion of the equality impact assessment section in the PID. / The PMO to ensure all forthcoming programmes and projects completes the equality impact assessment in the PID. / The PMO will monitor all news projects initiation and advise the project managers to complete the equality impact assessment for their project. / Programme Officer
(Mohammed Sayed) / Review 6 monthly
The PMO’s project managers should complete a user satisfaction survey at the end of their projects to analyse any negative impact their projects had on equality. / Develop a generic questionnaire survey for end users and stakeholders / ·  Develop the questionnaire survey
·  Project managers completes the survey at the end of their projects
·  Analysis of data
·  Report / Project Managers
(Wasif Khan & Tahmina Begum) / Review yearly