MYOB Accounting Integration Business Rules
1.0 Accessing MYOB Integration in UniPhi
To access MYOB Integration, follow the steps below:
- In UniPhi, go to the Admin tab.
- Select and Click the Accounting Integration tab.
Upon clicking, you will be taken to MYOB’s portal and requested to login into my.MYOB
Once login is successful, credentials are required to access the MYOB company file.
Please note that the ‘single sign-on’ feature (that allows linking company file’s user ID with my.MYOB account) introduced in MYOB AccountRight 2015 is currently not compatible with UniPhi’s MYOB Integration. Therefore, credentials are still required to access MYOB company file. The credentials of MYOB company file can be changed from User Access window in MYOB AccountRight.
Please refer to MYOB AccountRight user manual for more details.
2.0 Accounting Integration - Dashboard
The Dashboard is where you will find highest level of information. The Dashboard contains a date range selector which can be used to specific the Start Date and End Date of the data required to be synced.
Once dates are specified, the dashboard will refresh to show the following:
- Number of jobs that will be created in MYOB. A Header Job in MYOB corresponds to a Project in UniPhi whereas a Detail Job corresponds to a Contract.
- Number of contacts that will be created in MYOB. This number represents the contacts that have invoices associated which have to be created in order for a successful invoice export.
- Number of AR and AP signed-off invoices exported to MYOB.
Additionally, all actual costs and revenue are imported within the specified dates into UniPhi.
2.1 Accounting Integration – Contacts
For more information regarding contacts, select the Contacts button.
This view will show the total number of new contacts that will be either imported from or exported to MYOB.
NB: This number is different to that shown in the Dashboard as it represents contacts from jobs that currently have no invoice to associate.
The Merge task, when selected, allows contact mapping functionality between UniPhi and MYOB.
- Select the Source to which mapping is to be made from.
- From the dropdown list, select the contact on which mapping is to be made.
2.2Accounting Integration – AP Invoices
For detailed information on AP Invoices, select AP Invoices from the top menu on the Dashboard.
The user can manually select the invoices to be exported via this view. The status of the AP Invoices can be changed to display the following:
The Export function in this page will only export the selected invoices and not run a sync of what is shown in the main dashboard of Accounting Integration.
2.3Accounting Integration – AR Invoices
Detailed information on AR Invoices can also be accessed from the Dashboard view.
The range of functionality is similar to AP Invoices. The user can manually select invoices to be exported & view the AR Invoice list according to the status dropdown menu. The Export function in this page will only export the selected invoices and not run a sync of what is shown in the main dashboard of Accounting Integration.
UniPhi’s Accounting Integration will automatically update the following in MYOB upon the signing-off an Invoice or a Progress Claim:
- Create or update a Card details related to the signed-off document.
- Create or update a Project.
- Export the signed-off Invoices / Progress Claim.
- Import Actual Revenue and Actual Costs into UniPhi.
The following will elaborate in detail the mappings required between UniPhi and MYOB for successful import and export sessions.
UniPhi / MYOB“Code” from Chart of Account / “Account Number” from Account List
Project ID / Header Job Number
Contract ID / Detail Job Number
Revenue Contract Principal / Customer Card
Cost Contract Supplier / Supplier Card
Chart of Account/Account List
The Chart of Accounts that will be used in UniPhi should have its “Code” mapped to the “Account Number” in MYOB as seen below. Note:
- The descriptions of the Accounts do not have to be same.
- This applies to all CoA used in generating invoices for Accounting Integration.
This will ensure AP and AR invoices are exported the right code.
The Project ID can be found in the Contract Summary page once the project is selected in UniPhi. The Contract ID will always have the Project ID as its prefix and is listed in an ordered list.
If a job is duplicated in MYOB, it is recommended to merge the Jobs together ensuring the Job Number matches the project ID in UniPhi.
- The Contact listed in a Detail Job is the Principal (Revenue) /Supplier (Cost) of the Contract in UniPhi. Upon synchronising, the Merge functionality will be available to use thus allowing mapping of existing contacts in UniPhi and MYOB.
- If a mapped contact has been deleted from MYOB, UniPhi will create the contact again upon exporting of the invoice.
Importing from MYOB
When a Financial Period is closed in UniPhi, the Accounting Integration will automatically:
- Import Actual Revenue and Actual Costs into UniPhi for all the closed periods according to the Job ID assigned to the bill/invoice in MYOB. The costs will be associated according to the account code.
NB: This means if an entry is made in MYOB assigned to an incorrect Job ID, the import will match on Job ID and not the Customer/Supplier name.
When a date range is selected in the dashboard, the integration will, for that date range:
- Update the imported actuals including
- Account code changes made in MYOB after the initial import.
- Detail Job changes made in MYOB after the initial import.
NB: This will NOT clear the data in UniPhi from the initial import. The original costs will remain and will need to be cleared manually.