T-TESS Rubric Quick Guide
PlanningInstructional planning includes:
Standards and Alignment
- All goals, objectives, activities, materials and assessments aligned to standards
- Relevant connections to students’ prior knowledge, other subjects, and real world
- Lesson cycle logically sequenced withtime for lesson, student work, reflection and closure
- Appropriate for diverse learners
- Opportunities for extensions
- Integration of technology to enhance mastery
Data and Assessment
- Formal and informal assessments to monitor progress
- Data informs lesson plans and use of instructional strategies
- Timely and specific feedback
- Self-reflection to monitor teachings strategies and behaviors
- Engagement in campus-wide goal-setting
- Processes in place for students to track their own progress
Knowledge of Students
- Connections to students’ prior knowledge, experiences, interests and future learning expectations
- Adjustments to address gaps in background knowledge, life experiences and skills of all students
- Guidance for students to apply strengths to enhance each other’s learning
- Opportunities for students to utilize individual learning patterns and habits
- Questions, asked by teacher and students, encourage complex, higher-order thinking and problem-solving
- Instructional groups based on needs of students
- Grouping allows students to take ownership of group with individual accountability
- Students set goals, reflect, evaluate and hold each other accountable
- Activities, resources and technology aligned to standards, appropriate for ability levels, actively engage students
The teacher:
Achieving Expectations
- Sets high academic and social-emotional expectations
- Anticipates and addresses student mistakes
- Persists until all students have mastered objective
- Provides opportunities for students to set goals, self-correct, and monitor progress over time
Content Knowledge and Expertise
- Conveys a depth of content knowledge and connections to other disciplines/real world
- Anticipates possible misunderstandings and proactively responds
- Provides opportunities for different types of thinking
- Sequences instruction to reflect how lesson fits within standards, discipline, related contents, real world
- Two-way communication (teacher-student, student-teacher, students-students)
- Clear verbal and written communication
- Anticipates and is responsive to misunderstandings
- Asks high-level questions to deepen learning, pique curiosity
- Supports student-directed learning by balancing wait time, questioning and student response
- Adapts lessons to address needs of all students
- Monitors quality of student performance and participation
- Provides differentiated methods and content to support all learners
- Minimizes confusing by responding to all students’ learning/social/emotional needs
Monitor and Adjust
- Utilizes input from students to monitor and adjust instruction activities and pacing
- Adjusts instruction to maintain engagement
- Checks for understanding through purposeful questioning and academic feedback
Learning Environment
Learning environment includes:
Classroom Environment, Routines and Procedures
- Clear and effective classroom routines and procedures
- Student leadership of routines and procedures, as well as managing groups and supplies
- Safe and organized classroom
- Classroom designed to engage, challenge and inspire students
Managing Student Behavior
- Clear behavior system
- Reinforcement for positive behavior
- Skillful interception of misbehavior
- Collaboration with students to create, adopt and maintain classroom behavior standards
Classroom Culture
- Students engaged in relevant, meaningful learning
- Teacher adjusts lessons based on students’ interests and abilities
- Teacher creates a positive rapport amongst students
- Students collaborate positively and encourage each other’s efforts and achievements
Professional Practices and Responsibilities
The teacher:
Professional Demeanor and Ethics
- Behaves in accordance with code of ethics
- Models professional standards in classroom, campus and district
- Advocates for the needs of all students
Goal Setting
- Sets and modifies short and long-term professional goals
- Uses self-assessment, reflection, peer and supervisor feedback, research, analysis of student learning to inform goals
- Implements goals and changes in practice to improve student performance
Professional Development
- Leads colleagues collaboratively on campus and within PLCs, as well as opportunities to lead at the district/state/national level
- Actively and collaboratively participates in all professional development activities
- Uses data analysis and reflection to identify professional development needs of self, PLC, campus, and district
School Community Involvement
- Systematically contacts parents/guardians regarding students’ academic, social and emotional growth
- Joins or initiates collaborative efforts to enhance student learning and growth
- Clearly communicates missions, values, goals of school to stakeholders
- Leads students and other stakeholders to reach goals