Monday, April 4, 2011

10:30-11:30 am

Library Building - Room 113


Guests: Lee M. Colaw and Steve Rossnagel.

Members Present: Tina Babb, Diane Brice, Olga Bustos, Joy Connors, Kim Davis, Terry Kleffman, Kara Larkan-Skinner, Dale Longbine, Jarrod Madden, Julie Mann, Carol Moore, Delton Moore, Theresa Rider, Brenda Waren, and Recording Secretary, Ellen Patterson.

Members Absent: Kay Mooney and Jason Norman.

1. Call meeting to order & Minutes from February 7 – Theresa Rider made a motion and it was seconded by Dale Longbine to approve the minutes from the February 7, 2011 meeting.

2. Ellen Patterson – Ellen was introduced to the members and guests present as the new Executive Secretary for the Information Technology Services Department.

3. Lee Colaw – (DUG, SRDUG) – Lee M. Colaw reviewed events from the March 2011 Datatel User Group (DUG) Conference in Washington, D.C. that was held in March 2011. Lee also requested that if possible someone from each department try to attend the upcoming Southern Regional Datatel Users Group (SRDUG) Conference that will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 13, 14, 2011. Lee said that he would pay for the renting of a van and gas if enough people wanted to go together early on the first day, Monday, June 13, then they would only have to pay for one night’s hotel expenses instead of two. Lee said that he knows the budget are tight this year with all the cut backs, but if someone does not have the money to attend and wants to go, if they will submit their needs to Delton, he would try to pay for the travel expenses out of the Information Technology Services budget.

4. MyAccount, GoogleApps – Switching all AC employees, faculty, staff and students from MyAccount to GoogleApps will enable self-service. The students will start using Google in week of April 11 (Summer 1 & 2 Registration). IT Staff will be on hand to walk them thru the process in the Advising Department. Two business cards are being printed with information for the students, then the employees’ faculty and staff, explaining how to change from MyAccount to GoogleApps. After the employee, faculty, staff or student logs onto MyAccount and switches over to GoogleApps they will be directed to use a new password and within 24 hours that new password will be synced with Webadvisor, Angel and their desktop or laptop sign-in. The only one that will be different is Datatel Colleague and that will be the same within 1 year.

Already 50 students have switched over from MyAccount to GoogleApps and it is working fine. The employees, faculty and staff will still be able to use alias email accounts to connect to their GoogleApps, but students will not be able to do this until a later time if then. Students will be able to share Word, Excel and Publisher documents on Google for their classes.

5. Colleague updates – Lee congratulated Terry Kleffman on a letter that had been received by the ITS Department and how important this recognition is for Amarillo College. Lee also stated that Datatel had paid for his airfare and hotel to attend the conference in March 2011 in Washington, D.C. as a presenter and that it is important or Amarillo College their help and training will be in the future.

Steve Rossnagel and Terry Kleffman gave a presentation on Business Objects and how it will differ from Query Builder on Datatel 4.1 version, because it will go away in May and 4.3 will be brought out in June 2011. The ITS Department is currently working on going thru the reports and matching the fields to the current Query Builder program so the persons using this information will be able to get the results needed for their departments. More information will be supplied as production for this program is finalized. Some of the requests are for real-time reports. The information is being evaluated on each request and where possible Business Objects will be used, if information from yesterday is sufficient for report needs.

Regarding Credit Card Payments for classes and processing those requests – right now all the data has to be typed each time the card is used – but with the release in June (third week) this information will automatically populate the fields and will not have to be typed again after the card has been swiped on scanned by reader. If anyone is interested in more questions regarding this process, Terry Kleffman can respond by email if needed.

6. UI4.2 and Query Builder update – Datatel version 4.1 will be going away very soon, some staff have already been using version 4.2, it is much faster, you can expand the size of the screen you are working on and much cleaner for ease of use since in the background the programming has been stripped to allow for faster working times. The only complaint for now is that the paragraph mnemonic may not work correctly yet and still need some more programming issues to be worked out. Also, it was noted that you cannot delete a requisition on version 4.2 unless you have been assigned that role and currently only Purchasing has been given permission to be able to process this request. Questions regarding who should be allowed to delete requisitions or records are still being finalized.

7. Imaging update – Terry Kleffman stated that 6.6 on development server will be on production server as of April 15, 2011. The current desktop client will have to learn look-up function and if there are any issues with implementing this update they will be pushed back to the third week of June because the ITS staff are very busy with Datatel 4.1 to 4.2 conversion, MyAccount to GoogleApps for the students registering for Summer 1 and 2 and working on Business Objects requests.

8. Review task list – Terry Kleffman that the ITS staff is working on the Task List and going thru completing as many as possible with time allowed.

9. Business Objects – this information was covered during the Colleague, UI4.2 and Query Builder updates, numbers five and six listed above.

The programming to charge an additional $50 per credit hour is in place for students that repeat the course for the third time. A request was discussed about being able to identify those enrollments on the student schedule and for evaluation at a later date.

Delton Moore said that three days of Business Objects Training will be given on-site at Amarillo College the end of April or May. An announcement with dates and times will be made at the May meeting.

10. New business – Diane Brice noted that currently when a student registers for a class if they have taken a class previously it brings up the year that they first started with Amarillo College catalog, example if they originally started in 1983 it will bring up that catalog for required courses instead of the current year or the latest one that should be online for access during registration process. Terry Kleffman said that he would look at this request and see what should be done to fix it before registration in fall 2011.

Terry and Delton also requested that the members of this committee look over the Datatel website and come up with any questions or examples so they can gain the most from the on-site training while the Datatel staff programmers are here at Amarillo College later this spring.

Teresa Rider requested that the Social Security Numbers not be visible on the Datatel Id’s for confidentiality and protection of the employees, faculty, staff and students. Teresa requested that maybe just the last four digits of the Social Security show up on the Id instead of the whole number. Terry Kleffman said that he would look into this issue and it will be an item on the next agenda for discussion in May meeting.

Brenda Waren made the motion and Kara Larkan-Skinner seconded the motion to adjourn this meeting.

11. Next meeting – May 2, 2011 – This meeting was cancelled by Delton Moore.

12. Next meeting was moved until Monday, June 6, 2011.