Year C Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th September, 2016
Sat 6.30pm Sun 9.30am
Sun 11.00am Wed 9.30am Mon 9.30am
Tue No Mass
Thurs, Fri 9.30am Confessions: 6.00pm
Sat 10th Sept 6.30pm James & Patricia Dolan Sun 11th 9.30amJohn & Catherine Doyle & DFM
Sun 11th Sept 11.00am Ailish & Eddie Mahon Sun 18th 9.30amThomas & Eileen O’ Farrell
Billy Kelly & DFM
Sat 17th Sept 6.30pm Eugene Doherty
Sun 18th Sept 11.00am William & Nicholas Bray
Michael Reilly
Offertory Collection: €765. Ren. Fund: €340. Monthly €230.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration on Monday from 10am-2pm, and 6pm -10pm will take place in Adoration
Room at Back of Fatima . Adoration in Killulagh every Wednesday Morning from 10am-11am.
Baptism Preparation Course: A course for parents with children for Baptism will be held in the Parochial House on Tuesday 13th September at 8pm.
Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: Pilgrims from the Diocese will travel to Lourdes on Monday We pray for all
pilgrims, especially the sick and all who care for them. Bishop Smith will lead the Pilgrimage.
Lough Derg: Open for One Day Retreats which continue on certain days until Sept 24th The Retreat offers the opportunity
to go to the sacred island, cross the threshold of the Holy Door of Mercy in St. Patrick’s Basilica and follow the programme
of prayer and reflection. from Sept 3rd -24th See Poster on Notice Board with dates.
Parish Youth Group: The Parish Youth Group meet every Friday in Fatima Hall from 7.30pm-9.30pm. Young people from
1st Year upwards are welcome. Contact Laura O’ Neill 086-3642363, or see Delvin Youth Ministry facebook page.
Deanery Mass: In celebration of the Year of Mercy the parishes of the Deanery will join together in Oldcastle Church for
Vigil Mass on Sat 24th Sept at 7.30pm. The Principal Celebrant will be Bishop Denis Nulty, Kildare and Leighlin.
Confessions will be available from 6.30pm. A box of petitions from each parish will be placed on the altar at Mass. A box
will be placed in both Churches over the coming weeks in which you can place your petitions.
Poor Clares: Monastic Experience Day Sat, Sept 17th from 10am-5pm. Ages between 21and 40yrs. Poster on Notice Board.
Delvin Hospice Homecare: Meeting on next Wed Sept 14th at 9pm in Dolores Gaffney’s. Our Annual Coffee Morning for
the Hospice takes place in Carmel Gaffney’ on Fri next 16th Sept from 9.30am-1pm. As always we appreciate your support.
St. Scire C. E. Project: Have Vacancies for Environmental Workers.and General Operatives..Please contact C. E. Office at
044-9664931 for further information.
Larcc Cancer Support Centre: Are having a 5KM Walk/ Run at 12noon this Sun 11th Sept. Registration Adults €15.
Midland Living Links: Are supporting World Suicide Prevention Day this Sat 10th Sept. On this special day please join
with others around the world who are working towards the common goal of preventing suicide, by praying for, and
remembering our loved ones and all who have died by suicide.
Mullingar Library: The local history section of Mullingar Library are putting together a full set of Delvin Parish Annual’s
for the Research Room. If you have the following copies and would be prepared to donate them please leave them on the
table in the Church Porch. 88, 89, 91, 94, 96, 02, and 2015.
Lost and Found: A selection of gloves, glasses, Prayer Books and items of clothing have been found in the Church. They
will be in a box at the vestry door for two weeks. Items not claimed will be given to charity or disposed of.
Yoga Classes: Started last Wed Sept 7th in Handball Alley at 7.30pm. All Welcome. Contact Debbie at 086-0869301.
The fruit of prayer is faith and faith brings love. Love brings service and service brings peace.
St. Teresa of Calcutta.
Next Sunday’s Readings: Am 8:4-7. 1 Tm 2:1-8. Lk 16:1-13.
Saints of the Week
Sun 11th Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mon 12th Most Holy name of Mary. St. Ailbe. Tue 13th St. John
Chrysostom. Wed 14th Triumph of the Cross. Thurs 15th Our Lady of Sorrows. Fri 16th Ss. Cornelius & Cyprian.