Sickness Recording on Rosterpro Central
Staff sickness and absence recording is now done on Rosterpro and replaces the previous monthly payroll returns. As well as maintaining an absence record this updates the roster to show they are not in work and ensures correct enhancements are paid. All information is then interfaced monthly into the payroll system.
Absences requiring a deduction of wages such as unpaid leave or unauthorised absence MUST also be notified to payroll via the Human Resources -ESR Staffing forms payroll Intranet site Link
Sickness can be recorded in the past after the roster has been signed off, or in the future at the roster planning stage.
i Important- if the member of staff already has an open sickness record on Rosterpro then you must amend the existing record you cannot add a new episode of sickness if an open record already exists.
Adding a new sickness episode
Before recording an episode of sickness first ensure that the staff member already has planned shifts for the full period of sickness being recorded. This is important to ensure that all staff contracted hours are properly accounted for and to facilitate accurate sickness reporting.
If shifts do not already exist then they should first be allocated a typical pattern of shifts to ensure that they are paid the correct shift enhancements whilst sick and that their contract hours are correctly accounted for. If staff have previously been set up with a fixed shift pattern then those shifts should suffice.
In line with the UHB’s sickness policy, if staff go sick during a shift and have already worked 50% of the shift then the sickness need not be recorded for the duration of the shift and should be recorded from the next day if still sick.
To record the sickness, right click on the first day of absence and click mark as sickness (see above); the sickness recording form will then open (See page 2). You need to enter the expected or known episode end date, the sickness reason from a drop down list, and the person the sickness was reported to. If appropriate then tick any relevant boxes to including those to indicate if work, RTA, pregnancy or violence related. If these are not known then this information can be added or changed later.
If the person has already returned to work then the Date booked fit should be entered – this date indicates the end of the sickness as indicated by a medical certificate or as stated by the employee and could be some time before the date that they actually returned.
If they have not yet returned then you should leave this blank and amend it when the information is known.
If a person is expected to be off for some time then you should not enter an end date that is further ahead than you have planned their shifts for. In this case enter the first Sunday of the next uncreated roster as the provisional end date, this can then be amended in the future when you have allocated shifts on that roster.
Click OK on the sickness form to save the record, the original shift pattern will now be changed to sickness but the original shift times will be retained.
Amending existing sickness episodes
If a member of staff continues to remain off sick, or returns earlier than expected then you should amend the existing sickness episode and change the end date. This is done by right clicking on any shift in the existing sickness period. The date booked fit can also then be added if known and any other details added or changed. Sickness episodes added in error can be deleted by right clicking on the roster anywhere in the episode although if the shifts have already been verified then you will first need to un-verify them.
! There is currently a bug in the software when recording sickness for staff who have an night shift followed by a blank cell: the system inserts an “so” sick on day off shift in the blank cell but with start time of 7:00 which overlaps with the previous night shift- if this happens the do shift will be shown red due to an overlap, to rectify right click on the red “do” shift and amend the start time to start at 08:00 or after the night shift ends - see below. This problem can be avoided by inserting days off into any blank cells that follow night shifts prior to marking an individual as sick.
As well as amending sick records directly on the roster, the records can also be accessed by clicking on an employee, selecting the attendance tab on the left hand side, the select the sickness and absence on the top. This screen defaults to show annual leave click on the sickness button to display sickness and click on the annual leave button to un-display annual leave. Sickness records can be viewed, edited and deleted from here without having to open previous rosters.
Annual leave taken during Sickness
If a person is on sick leave and they request to take annual leave despite not being fit to return, then the sickness must not be ended. An email will have to be sent to Payroll with further details as this is the only way it will be paid correctly
RPC 12.1 February 2013