This special meeting of the Alternative Fuels Technicians Examiners Committee scheduled to begin at 11:00 a.m. on the 1st day of March, 2016 was convened in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act [25 O.S., 301 et seq.]. Further, an advance public notice that was sent to the Secretary of State’s Office of Administrative Rules, prior to this time today, specifying the time and place of the meeting here convened, preceded this meeting. Notice of this meeting was given at least twenty-four (24) hours prior hereto and no one filed a written request of notice of meetings of this public body to date.
PUBLIC BODY:Alternative Fuels Technicians Examiners Committee
DATE:March 1, 2016
ADDRESS:Oklahoma Department of Labor (ODOL)
3017 N Stiles Ste. 100
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
CONTACT PERSON: Ruth Neville Telephone (405) 521-6594
Agenda Item 1:
Committee Chairperson Jeff Twiehaus was unable to attend the meeting. Craiton Cooper served as Chairperson for this meeting. The meeting was called to order at 11:03a.m. by Craiton Cooper.
Agenda Item 2:Roll Call
Committee members present: Craiton Cooper, Charles Lawson, Mark Bumgarner, Mark Harris and Program Coordinator Ruth Neville.
Members Absent: Jeff Twiehaus and Roger Luke
Four voting members and one non-voting member were present.
There is one committee member vacancy.
A quorum was present.
Oklahoma Department of Labor staff present: James Buck, Angelia Cobble, Robert Lassiter, John Melson, Ruth Neville
A quorum was present.
Agenda Item 3:Statement of Compliance with the Open Meeting Act
The Statement of Compliance with the Open Meeting Act was read by Ruth Neville.
Agenda Item 4: Revision of Electric Vehicle Technician Standards and Exam
Angelia Cobble, Oklahoma Department of Labor (ODOL) Alternative Fuels Program Manager, said Jennifer Cartwright of CareerTech was not available to attend today’s meeting. Mrs. Cobble said Mrs. Cartwright had been unable to obtain Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) standards to work from. Charles Lawson provided two documents for comparing electric vehicle technician standards. These were the Toyota Technician Course of Study and GM Electric Vehicle Trainings. Mr. Lawson said these are the courses required by Toyota and GM for their technicians to be certified to work on their hybrid vehicles. Mr. Lawson said this is basic in that it doesn’t go into the standards that are covered in each course but it provides a starting point to see how much time is spent on training.Mr. Lawson said he may be able to get more detailed information if needed. Craiton Cooper said this is a good start although it doesn’t tell us if this training is sufficient to qualify and OEM technician for an Oklahoma Electric Vehicle (EV) technician license.
Mrs. Cobble said it is up to the Committee to determine how much knowledge is needed to obtain an EV license. Mrs. Cobble said if the Committee is uncertain about where to insert additional requirements Mrs. Cartwright has experience with this and will know where to add it.
The Committee reviewed the draft of the Electric Vehicle Standards line by line, determining to change some verbiage and removing some items. The Committee discussed safe practices with various types of batteries, vehicle range, hybrid systems, power regeneration and various safety concerns.
Mr. Lawson asked Mrs. Cobble when the standards need to be completed. Mrs. Cobble said a temporary open book EV test is in place to be used until the revisions of the Standards are complete. Mr. Cooper said this is a good EV pathway but it is still incomplete. Mr. Cooper said the Committee can contact their resources and expand on these standards. The Committee determined another special meeting to discuss the EV standards will not be scheduled until the Committee has proposed verbiage prepared to submit to ODOL for review and until Mrs. Cobble and the Committee has made contact with and has input from the Electric Vehicle industry.
Agenda Item 5:Adjournment
Craiton Cooper made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mark Harris.
Roll call:
Aye: Charles Lawson, Craiton Cooper, Mark Bumgarner, Mark Harris
No: None
Abstain: None
Meeting adjourned at 11:28a.m.a.m.