COMM 205.3 (05 & 07)

Introduction to Operations Management

Course Syllabus

2015/16 Term 1

The Edwards School of Business develops business professionals to build nations.

PROFESSOR / Mehran Hojati
TELEPHONE / 306-966-8428
OFFICE / Room 73 ESB
OFFICE HOURS / Mondays to Thursdays 1:00-2:20 pm, or by appointment
CLASSTIME & LOCATION / Tuesdays & Thursdays, (05) 2:30-3:50 pm, (07) 4:00-5:20 pm, 46 ESB

Course Description

Introduces students to concepts and decision-making techniques used in the design, planning, execution, control, and improvement of operations of world-class manufacturing and service companies. It begins with introductory issues forecasting and operations strategy, continues with design topics product design, capacity planning, process design, and work/job design and measurement, then covers quality management and control, and finally ends with planning decisions supply chain management, inventory management, aggregate planning, material requirements planning, just-in-time systems, scheduling, andproject management.

B Comm Program Learning Goals

The icons below represent the goals we expect all students who graduate from the Bachelor of Commerce program to achieve. The learning outcomes for this course are connected to these broader goals.

/ Disciplinary Knowledge
Be competent in a discipline specific area.
General Business Knowledge
Be competent in the general field of business. / / Teamwork skills
Be effective contributors to team performance. / / Discovery
Be effective decision makers and problem solvers.
/ Communication skills
Be effective written and oral communicators. / / Integrity
Incorporate ethical considerations into decision making and intended actions. / / Citizenship
Be engaged contributors to society.

Course Objectives

  1. Understand terminology and concepts used in operations management
2. Apply problem-solving skills to some quantitative problems in OM /
3. Use Excel to solve some quantitative problems in OM /

Grade Distribution

Course Learning Outcomes / Program Learning Goals
Class Participation / 5% / 1 /
Assignments (5) / 20% / 2, 3 /
Midterm Exams (2) / 40% / 1, 2 /
Final Exam / 35% / 1, 2 /
Total / 100%
Textbook /
COMM 104
Stevenson, Hojati, and Cao. Operations Management, 5thCanadian edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2015
Class Preparation & Blackboard / Students are expected to keep up with the lectures, be up-to-date with the textbook, and be able to answer questions on previously-covered material.Course material will be posted on Blackboard(Course Tools).
Contacting Your Instructor / Students requiring assistance are encouraged to speak to me after class or during my office hours.
Proper Business Use of Email / Always use your PAWS/University of Saskatchewan email account (e.g., ).
Use of Internet and Electronic Devices in the Classroom / Surfing the internet or checking emails during lecturesis distracting and strongly discouraged. Please turn OFF your cell phones and other beeping devices prior to the start of each class.
Class Participation / Class participation is based on attendance, actively listening, and asking and answering questions. Please sit in the same seat every session starting from Session 2 (this makes taking attendance faster).
Assignments / There will be 5 assignments. Completed assignments are to be submitted on paper in the beginning of class on the day they are due (see the rightmost column in the class schedule below). Please write legibly or type. Assignments can be done individually or in groups of 2.
Midterm & Final Exams / All exams will be closed-book, except for one cheat sheet, 8.5 by 11 inches, both sides, hand-written or typed. Dates of the Midterm exams(see the following schedule) cannot be changed.
Policy regarding Late Assignmentsand Midterm Exam / No late assignment will be accepted. If a midterm exam is missed due to medical reasons, supported by a document, its weight will be transferred to the final exam.
Final Exam Schedule / The final exam is scheduled by the Registrar’s office.It will be posted on PAWS under the Academics tab in the My Exams channel, and an email will be sent to all students once the exam schedule has been finalized. Term 1 final exams will be held Dec 9-23.Students should avoid making prior travel, employment, or other commitments for this entire period. Students must regard registration as a commitment to accept exam dates.
Deferred Exams / A student who is absent from a final exam for medical, compassionate, or other valid reasons, may apply to the ESBoffice for a deferred exam. Such application must be made within 3 business days of the missed exam and be accompanied by a supporting document.
Grading System / The University of Saskatchewan uses a percentage system for reporting final grades. For more information, see
Appealing a Grade
Recording of Lectures / A student who has a concern with the evaluation of his or her performance shall consult with the instructor as soon as possible, but, in any event, no later than 30 days after the grades become available in Blackboard.
At the University of Saskatchewan, students may not record lectures without explicit permission from the instructor.

Academic Accommodation

Disability Services for Students (DSS) offers services to students with documented disabilities ranging from learning deficiencies and disabilities, chronic health issues, hearing and visual impairment, disabilities and temporary impairment due to accident, illness or injury. It is the student's responsibility to request academic accommodations. If you are a student with a documented disability who requires academic accommodation, please register with DSS. Students who have not registered with DSS are not eligible for formal academic accommodation. More information is available in

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is the cornerstone in the development of knowledge. A single offence of cheating, plagiarism or other academic misconduct in examsor assignments can lead to disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion from the university.Every student is expected to have read and understood the rules regarding student academic dishonesty available at:

Counselling Services:

Dealing with stress, loneliness, and anxiety can be challenging. Professionally trained counselors with backgrounds in clinical psychology and social work are available in Student Counselling Services to provide advice, counseling and consultation at no cost to registered students. Any personal information shared with these professionals is treated with great care and utmost confidentiality. See

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy:


University Learning Charter:


University Academic (event) Calendar:

Important datescan be found in:

COURSE SCHEDULE (COMM 205.3 (05 & 07), Term 1, 2015/16)- subject to minor changes

Session / Date / Topic / Chapter:
pages / Video / Class problem / HW due date
1 / Sep
3rdTh / Introduction / Ch.1: 1-20 / What is OM?
2 / 8th
Tu / Competitiveness, Strategic Planning, Productivity / Ch.2: 26-43 / McDonald’s / McDonald’s; Southwest Tube (#11, p. 48)
3 / 10th
Th / Demand Forecasting: Introduction, Averaging, Trend / Ch.3: 53-68 / Cominco Part Forecasting
4 / 15th
Tu / Demand Forecasting:
Accuracy, Seasonality / Ch.3: 82-83, 72-77 / Cominco (Cont’d); General Merchandize Stores Sales Forecasting (Excel)
5 / 17th
Th / Product Design / Ch.4: 108-127 / Harley Davidson / Hamburger Design, pp. 131-132 / HW1 due
6 / 22nd
Tu / Capacity Planning / Ch.5: 133-149 / Restaurant (#18, p. 157);
Earth Buddy, p. 143; Campbell Soup (#17, p. 157)
7 / 24th Th / Process Types and Design / Ch.6: 189-198, 203-206 / Noodles and Co.
8 / 29th Tu / Work/jobDesign and Measurement / Ch.7: 274-299 / Lego Car Assembly;
Hamburger Assembly (#23a, p. 310)
9 / Oct
1stTh / Assembly Line Balancing / Ch.6: 212-218 / Plastic Chair (#33, p. 237); Scoot & Go Rider (#31, pp. 235-236) / HW2 due
10 / 6th
Tu / Assembly Line Design game: Lego Race Car
Th / Midterm Exam 1 / Sessions 1-7
11 / 13th Tu / Introduction to Quality Management / Ch.9: 352-370 / Honda Quality / ISO 9000 Outline for a transport company
12 / 15th Th / Quality Control / Ch.10: 384-398, 403-406 / Quality Control in a Brewery; Stroh Brewery (Excel)
13 / 20th Tu / Supply Chain Management &
Logistics / Ch.11: 425-439, 448-450 / FedEx- Logistics & Customer Service / Sears Canada, p. 433;
Pratt & Whitney China (#5, p. 457)
14 / 22nd Th / Inventory control: Intro, Economic Order Quantity-Reorder Point Model / Ch.12: 460-476, 520-522 / Navistar & Caterpillar / Cominco Part Inventory Control (#49, p. 514) / HW3 due
15 / 27th Tu / Inventory control:
EOQ-ROP (Cont’d); Fixed Interval Model / Ch.12: 484-487, 490-492 / Cominco Part (cont’d);
Fed Co-op Energizer batteries (#50, p. 514)
16 / 29th Th / Aggregate Planning / Ch.13: 524-542 / Land’s End (#30, p. 559; MT (#16, p. 556), (Excel)
17 / Nov 3rdTu / Master Scheduling / Ch.13: 543-547; Ch.12: 477-478 / Minco (#28, p. 558)
18 / 5th
Th / Material Requirements Planning (MRP) / Ch.14: 562-577 / Kitchen Table MRP (#24, p. 601) / HW4 due
Midterm Break
19 / 17th Tu / Just-in-time & Lean Production / Ch.15: 605-622 / Toyota’s bumper maker / #4, p. 629;
Whirlpool’s Oven plant (#8, p. 629)
19th Th / Midterm Exam 2 / Sessions 8-16
20 / 24th
Tu / JIT/Lean game: Paper Airplane
21 / 26th Th / Job Scheduling & Sequencing / Ch.16: 632-638, 642-647, 651 / #6, p. 667;
#15, p. 669
22 / Dec
1stTu / Staff Scheduling / Ch.16: 652, 654, 657-659 / McDonald’s (#31a, p. 671)
23 / 3rd Th / Project Management / Ch.17: 672-688, 698-699 / Six Flags / Eli Lilly building (#18, p. 719)
24 / 8th
Tu / Review, etc. / HW5 due

Please note: Two weeks before the end of term, there will be a SEEQ (Student Evaluation of Educational Quality) available on PAWS. This is your opportunity to provide feedback on teaching quality and course effectiveness, and helps faculty member gain insight into their instructional methods and practices, providing them with guidance for improvement.

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