Nuclear reactions web-quest
Name: ______Date: ______Pd: _
Use CTRL click to follow the links below to answer the questions. This activity should be a bit of a review for you, and introduce some totally new as well. HAVE FUN!! You are going to have to write your answers on your own paper.
Link #1
Watch the animations and answer these questions.
1. What type of radiation does Carbon-14 emit?
2. What kind of radiation does Rn-222 emit?
3. What is the mass and charge of an alpha particle?
Link #2
Read the directions and play around with the half-life simulation. The abbreviation for half-life is t.
4. Adjust the half-life of the radioactive atom to 20 seconds and watch the simulation. Now change the half-life to 80 seconds. How does changing the half-life affect the simulation?
Link #3
5. How is a fission reaction started?
6. How many neutrons are released when a U-235 atom splits?
Link #4:
Click on the links for controlled and uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions.
7. In a controlled nuclear reaction, what material is used to make control rods?
8. How do control rods work?
9. How is an uncontrolled reaction different from a controlled reaction?
Link #5:
10. Is this a simulation of a controlled or an uncontrolled fission reaction? Why?
11. What do the red dots represent? Why are they significant?
Link #6
Read this page and watch the animations.
12. Explain why the "bullet" used to split the atom must be electrically neutral.
13. What is a fissile isotope?
Link #7
14. What are the names of the two isotopes of hydrogen that are joined in fusion?
15. What techniques are used to raise the temperature of the hydrogen in the fusion reactor?
Link #8
Use the EPA’s "RadTown USA" to find some sources of radiation
16. What are some sources of radiation in the school?
17. What is the most unusual source of radiation that you found in RadTown?
Link #9
18. Answer the questions and determine your annual dose of radiation. Write that number here:
19. Why do you think living in a stone or brink house would expose you to radiation?
Link #10
20. Look at the list of nuclear accidents. Which one is most alarming to you?
21. Can you count how many nuclear bombs the U.S. military has lost?
Link #11
Watch some of the videos. The Bravo Castle test exploded with far more power than anticipated. As a result, most of the cameras recording the test were destroyed and dozens of American soldiers and Japanese fishermen were exposed to extraordinary amounts of radiation. Goolge: "Bravo Castle" for more information.
Link #12
22. Follow the links to determine the various amounts of damage caused by nuclear blasts. SPHS is about 2 miles from downtown Portland. Describe the damage to the school if a 1 megaton surface blast occurred in Portland.
Link #13
23. Who was the Greenbriar bunker designed to protect?
24. Take the tour of the bunker. Could you imaging living there?
Link #14
25. Who wrote the letter? To whom was the letter written?
26. Where are the major sources of Uranium ore in the world?
27. Why do you think the letter was written?
Link #15
28. Look at some of the information about transporting nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain. Do you think that it’s safe? Why or why not?
Link #16
29. Who lives at Yucca Mountain?
30. What is the weather like at Yucca Mountain? Is that important?
Link #17
31. Watch the interactive video about Yucca Mountain. Do you think the U.S. should store nuclear waste there? Why or why not?
Extra Credit. Research "Operation Plowshare." What was it? Where did it get its name? Was is successful?