5YE Core Document

Short title<

K2 Centres

5YE Core Document

Project Description

Total max. 120pages

Full Title Centre: / >Project Title (max. 120 characters)<
Short Title Centre: / >Short Titel (max. 20 characters)<
FFG Project Number: / >Project Number<
Authorised signatory: / >Name<
Report period: / from: / DD.MM.YYYY / to: / DD.MM.YYYY
Duration (1stfunding period): / from: / DD.MM.YYYY / to: / DD.MM.YYYY / 4 Years
Duration (2ndfunding period): / from: / DD.MM.YYYY / to: / DD.MM.YYYY / 3Years
Date: / DD.MM.YYYY
+ official stamp
Authorised signatory / >Name<

1Executive Summary

max.. 1 page


Table of Contents

Please update the table of contents after completing all parts of the application form.

1Executive Summary

2Intention and Goals

3Fulfilment of Requirements & Recommendations

3.1Requirements & Recommendations of the Jury

3.2Recommendations from the Review

3.3Fulfilment of Requirements & Implementation of Recommendations

4SWOT Analysis

4.1Presentation of the SWOT Analysis

4.2Conclusions of the SWOT Analysis

5Research Programme (1st FP)

5.1Overall Research Programme

5.2Work Plan & Time Schedule of the Research Programme (1st FP)

5.3Description of Areas (1st FP)

5.3.1Area 1

5.3.2Area 2

5.3.3Area 3

5.3.4Area x

5.4Research Results and Outputs (1st FP)

5.4.1Research Results & Technical Achievements (including Success Stories)


5.4.3Patents & Licences

6Planned Research Programme (2nd FP)

6.1Overall Research Programme

6.2Work Plan & Time Schedule of the Planned Research Programme (2nd FP)

6.3Description of Areas (2nd FP)

6.3.1Area 1

6.3.2Area 2

6.3.3Area 3

6.3.4Area x

6.4Expected Research Results and Outputs (2nd FP)

7Cooperation between Science and Industry

7.1Partner Structure

7.1.1Current Status (1st FP)

7.1.2Planned changes (2nd FP)

7.2Scientific partners

7.3Company Partners

7.4Associated Partners

7.5Related funded research projects

8Organisation and Management


8.1.1Current Status (1st FP)

8.1.2Planned changes (2nd FP)

8.2Legal Structure, Location

8.3Management of the Centre

8.3.1Current Status (1st FP)

8.3.2Planned changes (2nd FP)

8.4Strategy Board & other relevant boards

8.4.1Current Status (1st FP)

8.4.2Planned changes (2nd FP)

8.5Development of the Centre

8.5.1Current Status (1st FP)

8.5.2Planned changes (2nd FP)

8.6Public Relations

8.6.1Current Status (1st FP)

8.6.2Planned changes (2nd FP)

9Human Resources

9.1Human Resources Strategies of the Centre

9.2Personnel Recruiting & Personnel Development

9.3Qualification Programme of the Centre

9.3.1Current Status (1st FP)

9.3.2Planned changes (2nd FP)

9.4Gender Mainstreaming

9.4.1Current Status (1st FP)

9.4.2Planned changes (2nd FP)

10Costs and Financing

11International Orientation

11.1International Integration

11.1.1Current Status (1st FP)

11.1.2Plans for the 2nd FP

11.2International Visibility

11.2.1Current Status (1st FP)

11.2.2Plans for the 2nd FP

12Target Values

12.1Target Values

12.1.1Achievement of Target Values - 1st FP

12.1.2Planned Target Values - 2nd FP

12.2Implementation at the companies (initiated products & processes)

12.2.1Achieved process and product innovations - 1st FP

12.2.2Potential process and product innovations - 2nd FP


Additional Parts not to be included in this Document:

Financing Tables(.xls)

Monitoring Tables(.xls)


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5YE Core Document

Short title<

2Intention and Goals


3Fulfilment of Requirements & Recommendations

3.1Requirements & Recommendations of the Jury


3.2Recommendations from the Review


3.3Fulfilment of Requirements & Implementation of Recommendations


4SWOT Analysis

4.1Presentation of the SWOT Analysis

The strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization. / EXTERNAL FACTORS
The opportunities and threats presented by the external environment to the organization.
  • >Text<
/ Opportunities
  • >Text<

  • >Text<
/ Threats
  • >Text<

4.2Conclusions of the SWOT Analysis


5Research Programme (1stFP)

5.1Overall Research Programme

see Monitoring: Table ”List of Projects 1st FP”


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5YE Core Document

Short title<

5.2Work Plan Time Schedule of the Research Programme (1st FP)

Title (Areas, Projects) / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year4 / Year 5
Area 1 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Project 1.1 (planned)
Project 1.1 (actual)
Project 1.2 (planned)
Project 1.2 (actual)
Area 2
Project 2.1 (planned)
Project 2.1 (actual)
Project 2.2 (planned)
Project 2.2 (actual)
Area x
Project x (planned)
Project x (actual)


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5YE Core Document

Short title<

5.3Description of Areas (1st FP)


5.3.1Area 1


5.3.2Area 2


5.3.3Area 3


5.3.4Area x


5.4Research Results and Outputs (1stFP)

5.4.1Research Results & Technical Achievements(including Success Stories)



see Monitoring: Table “Publications”


5.4.3Patents & Licences

see Monitoring: Table “Patents”


6Planned Research Programme (2ndFP)

6.1Overall Research Programme

see Monitoring: Table ”List of Projects 2nd FP”


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5YE Core Document

Short title<

6.2Work Plan Time Schedule of the Planned Research Programme (2ndFP)

Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Title (Areas, Projects) / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Area 1
Project 1.1
Project 1.2
Project 1.3
Project 1.4
Area 2
Project 2.1
Project 2.2
Project 2.3
Project 2.4
Area x
Project x


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5YE Core Document

Short title<

6.3Description of Areas (2nd FP)

see project sheets (Annex 1) for detailed project descriptions

6.3.1Area 1


6.3.2Area 2


6.3.3Area 3


6.3.4Area x


6.4Expected Research Results and Outputs (2ndFP)


7Cooperation between Science and Industry

see Monitoring:Table“List of Partners”

see Annex 2: CVs & Publications

see Annex 3: Partner Descriptions

7.1Partner Structure


7.1.1Current Status (1st FP)


7.1.2Planned changes (2nd FP)


7.2Scientific partners


7.3Company Partners


7.4Associated Partners


7.5Related funded research projects

see Monitoring:Table “Non K Projects”


Project title / Description
in key words / Funding by…. / FFG Project No.(if applicable) / Partnersinvolved / Duration
from - until

8Organisation and Management


8.1.1Current Status (1st FP)


8.1.2Planned changes (2nd FP)


8.2Legal Structure, Location


Owner / 1st FP
Share (%) / 2nd FP
Share (%)

8.3Management of the Centre

8.3.1Current Status (1st FP)


8.3.2Planned changes (2nd FP)


8.4Strategy Board & other relevant boards

8.4.1Current Status (1st FP)


8.4.2Planned changes (2nd FP)


8.5Development of the Centre

8.5.1Current Status (1st FP)


8.5.2Planned changes (2nd FP)


8.6Public Relations

8.6.1Current Status (1st FP)


8.6.2Planned changes (2nd FP)


9Human Resources

9.1Human Resources Strategiesof the Centre


9.2Personnel Recruiting& Personnel Development

seeMonitoring: Table “Personnel”


9.3Qualification Programme of the Centre


9.3.1Current Status (1st FP)


9.3.2Planned changes (2nd FP)


9.4Gender Mainstreaming

9.4.1Current Status (1st FP)


9.4.2Planned changes (2nd FP)


10Costs and Financing

Description of Financial Tables

A.9.1 First Funding Period


A.9.2 Second Funding Period



11.1International Integration

11.1.1Current Status (1st FP)


11.1.2Plansfor the 2nd FP


11.2International Visibility

11.2.1Current Status (1st FP)


11.2.2Plansfor the 2ndFP


12Target Values

see Monitoring: Table “Target Values”

12.1Target Values

12.1.1Achievement of Target Values - 1st FP


12.1.2Planned Target Values - 2nd FP


12.2Implementation at the companies (initiated products & processes)


12.2.1Achieved process and product innovations - 1st FP


12.2.2Potential process and product innovations - 2nd FP



References to literature(Literaturliste) can either be listed here or also be added as Annex 0. If applicable please indicate “see Annex 0”.

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