48 Richmond AvenueP. O. Box 581e mail:
Auckland ParkAuckland ParkTel: 011482 7210/ 7852
SCHOOL POLICYDate: / January 2015
Topic: / Policy for Recruitment of Staff at APAX
Distribution: / All Educators and Board Members
For Action:
Date: / January 2015
Review Date: / Annually
Policy for Recruitment of Staff at APAX
The transformational imperatives, as dictated by the Constitution of South Africa and the Employment Equity Act makes it mandatory for APAX to introduce strategies and measures that would achieve an integrated work-force based on the principles of objectivity, fairness and equity. These strategies would endeavour to recruit employees who are in possession of the requisite knowledge, skills, attributes and competencies to achieve its strategic objectives.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines, measures and procedures for the recruitment and selection of staff in the filling of posts (created in terms of the Public Service Act, 1994) and to ensure that the needs of the school are fulfilled with a view of achieving excellence in curriculum delivery , leadership and management
The mandate of this policy is found in the following documents:
- Public Service Act ( 1994)
- Employment Equity Act ( 1998)
- Labour relations Act ( 1995)
- Basic Conditions of Employment Act ( 1997)
- South African Schools Act (1996)
No teacher will be appointed at APAX unless he/she:
- Is registered with SACE
- Is a South African citizen or a permanent resident
- Must have a Diploma in Education or a Bachelor of Education degree
- Is a fit and proper person and has no criminal record
- Is older than 18 years and younger than 65 years
Recruitment Agencies
This method may be used for one or more of the following purposes:
- To design a job profile and required competencies for identified vacancies and in respect of which no internal knowledge and capacity exists
- Filling in of specialised positions
Skills Search (Head Hunting)
The method may be utilized to seek and entice suitably qualified candidates to make an application within the normal acceptable legal transparent framework by making them aware of an existing advertised vacancy. This does not translate into “entitlement” to the position and must be done in conjunction with the normal advertising of vacancies. In this way, all applicants must contest equally for the post/s.
Employee Referrals
This method will only be applied in conjunction with the advertising procedure and in terms of which serving employees should be encouraged to communicate information regarding the existence of vacancies to acquaintances to create awareness.
Ass vacant posts wil be advertised in the local newspaper, the school newsletter and through the Association of Muslim Schools office. An advertisement will also be placed at the entrance of the school administration office. All advertisements will clearly specify:
- The inherent requirements of the job
- The relevant qualitifcations, the Job Title and key performance Areas as idendified by the Board of Managers
- The closing date for applications. Which will be at least 10 working days from the date of the advertisement
- The contact person and contact numbers to whom enquiries could be made
- Period of employment in respect of short term contracts
- That, if no response is received within 4 months, apllicants must consider their applications as unsuccessful
The following directives shall be included in all advertisements
- All copies of documents must be a first photocopy of an original document and bear an original certified stamp
- The application form , obtainable from the website must be completed and a detailed CV attached
- Applications received after the closing date specified in the advertisement will not be considered
- E-mailed applications will not be accepted
All vacant posts must be filled within 4 months from the date of advertisement.
It is the responsibility of the senior school administrator to accept applications. The following procedure will be followed:
- Date stamp the application on the date of receipt
- Capture the application on a schedule or database
In constituting a selection committee, due regard must be taken of the following:
- A special Board of Managers meeting will be called up to select an interviewing panel.
- The panel must include the chairman and two other members.
- The principal will form part of the interviewing panel
- An HOD representing the Phase in which the vacant post exists will form part of the panel
- The short listing process will commence within 21 working days from the closing date for applications as specified in the advertisement
- The Selection Panel will meet and draw up a set of criteria for selection.
- In a case where there are a number of candidates who meet the minimum requirements, the Selection Panel may introduce additional criteria which must still be within the framework of the advertisement. Such criteria must be based on reasonableness and fairness and be clearly recorder in the minutes of the Selection of the Panel
- Candidates will be shortlisted
- Shortlisted candidates must be given at least 5 working days written notice of the interview
- The shortlisting process will be minuted and at its conclusion signed by the chairman and all the members of the Selection panel
- The Selection Panel reserves the right not to shortlist an individual/s who does not meet the requirements of the post.
- In the event of no suitable candidate being found, the post will be re-advertised
The interview process involves the following:
Setting the Interview Questions
- The interview questions will be set prior to the actual interviee but on the day of the interview by the Selection Panel
- The questions will be appropriate and based on the identified dimensions or key performance areas of the post
- The same questions must be asked to all candidates being interviewed for the same post
- The time limit accorded per question must be decided upon by the Selection Panel prior to the interview
Selection Interview
- At the commencement of the interview the chairperson will introduce members of the Selection panel and endeavour to place the candidate at ease.
- Should an interviewee be on the opinion that the presence of any member of the Selection Panel would prejudice him/her, such an interviewee may raise his/her objections and the reasons for such an objection. This objection must be recorded
- The selection interview must be undertaken in a professional manner and in this regard it must ensure that:
-There are no interruptions to the process and no persons are allowed to walk in and out of the interview room
-Cell phones are switched off by all persons present for the entire duration of the process
- At the conclusion of the interview the candidate must be given time to ask questions relating to the post
- Shortlisted candidates who fail to attend an interview, despite being informed of the interview, and fail to provide valid reasons for non-attendance, will be deemed disqualified and this must be recorded in the minutes
- Accurate minutes will be kept of the entire process from commencement to the end
- Minutes must be signed by all members of the Selection Panel
- The members of the Selection panel must, after the candidate responds to each question, rate him/her according to the prescribed score sheet
- In rating the candidate the Selection Panel must give due consideration to the responses to each question posed and the rating allocated must be fully motivated
- The Selection panel must thereafter total the rating allocated for each question to arrive at an overall rating
- An average score must thereafter be determined by totally the overall ratings of each member of the Selection Committee.
- The average score thus determined must subsequently be expressed as a percentage
- After each interview the overall impressions of the candidate must be deliberated upon and concisely recorded
- At the conclusion of the interview process the candidate must be ranked on the basis of merit.
- The attached score sheet will be used to rate candidates
- No person will be appointed unless he/she is suitably qualified and obtains a score of at least 60%
- The Selection Panel will deliberate and recommend a suitable candidate for the post.
- The recommendation will be brought forward at a Board of Managers Meeting
The principal will verify the authenticity of educational certificates and/or qualifications. References on the candidates CV will be contacted to ask for character references.
- Upon confirmation from the Board Meeting, the Senior Administrator will issue a formal letter of appointment to the candidate
- The Senior Administrator will also notify all other candidates that their application was unsuccessful
- The selected candidate will be required to sign the letter of appointment within 7 days of notification
- The appointment may only be effective from the first day of the month following the month in which approval was granted
This policy will be reviewed annually
CRITERIA / WEIGHTING / SCORE / COMMENTLeadership/ Management / 3
Administration / 2
Teaching Experience / 2
Additional Training / 2
Conflict Resolution / 2
Project Management / 2
Contribution to School / 3
Additional Comments:
Interviewer: ______Date: ______
48 Richmond AvenueP. O. Box 581e mail:
Auckland ParkAuckland ParkTel: 011482 7210/ 7852
SCHOOL POLICYDate: / January 2015
Topic: / Policy for Appraisal and Development of Staff
Distribution: / All Staff, Board Members
For Action:
Date: / January 2014
Review Date: / Annually
This policy sets out the framework for a clear and consistent assessment of the overall performance of teachers and for supporting their development within the context of the school’s plan for improving educational provision and performance, and the standards expected of teachers. It also sets out the arrangements that will apply when teachers fall below the levels of competence that are expected of them.
- To determine competence;
- To assess strengths and areas for development;
- To identify specific needs of teachers
- To provide support for continued growth;
- To promote accountability;
- To monitor the schools overall effectiveness; and
- To evaluate an educator’s performance.
The implementation of the schools Appraisal System is guided by the following principles:
- The recognition of the crucial role of the delivery of quality education
- That all learners have equal access to quality education.
- The need for an appraisal system which is understood, credible, valued and used professionally.
- That the system’s focus is positive and constructive even where performance needs to improve.
- That the system includes a process of self-evaluation and discussion of individual expectations.
- The need to minimise subjectivity through transparency and open discussion, and quality controls to ensure validity, reliability and relevance, for example, there can be no sanctions against individual educators before meaningful development takes place.
- The need to ensure fairness by affirming the rights of educators.
- That the system promotes individual professional growth of educators, and ongoing support for educators and the school
- That the system provides a clear protocol governing the interaction of the parties.
- The need for appraisal is to provide for and encourage diversity in teaching styles.
- The system meets professional standards for sound quality management, including propriety (ethical and legal), utility (useable and effective), feasibility (practical, efficient and cost effective), and accuracy.
- Ensures that all appraisal records and accompanying evidence is authentic
- Is responsible for the verification of the appraisal process within the school
- Has the overall responsibility to ensure that the system is implemented uniformly and effectively in the school
- Must ensure that every educator is provided with a copy of the instrument and other relevant documentation
- Ensures that the appraisal system is conducted consistently, fairly and accurately using the instrument given to staff
- Together with the SMT is responsibility for advocacy and training at school level
- Must organise Appraisal workshops where individuals will have the opportunity to clarify areas of concern
- Verifies that the information provided in the documents is accurate, properly completed, signed, dated and stamped
- Should the principla be aware of any discrepancy this should be brought to the attention of the Board of managers
- Signs and delivers the documents to the Board of Managers
- Ensures that the appraisals of educators is included in the management plan of the school
- In the absence of the immediate supervisor of an educator, the principal must ensure that a designate is nominated to fulfil the role
- Ensure that grievances are resolved amicably
The Educator
- Must familiarise him/herself with the appraisal process
- Conduct a self-evaluation prior to being appraised by the immediate supervisor using the appraisal instrument
- Allow immediate supervisors to conduct lesson observations
- Participate in appraisal discussions
- Draw up a Personal development Plan
- Keep evidence of all activities that will assist the appraisal process
- Attend staff development sessions
School Management Teams (SMT)
- The SMT has an overall responsibility for managing the Appraisal System at APAX
- Ensures that all staff members are trained on the procedures and processes of the system
- Prepares and monitors the management plan for appraisal in the school
- Prepares a final schedule of the appraisal dates
- Ensures that all documents and records on appraisal are properly kept and maintained
- Ensures that evidence relied upon during the appraisal process is valid
- Conducts appraisals for all educators under his/her supervision including classroom observations, book perusals, class visits
- Assists the principal with finalising scores
- Ensure that the appraisal system is applied consistently
- Ensures that they provide support to the teachers whom they supervise
Should a grievance arise, the principal will intervene and will employ he services of the Board of Managers to resolve the conflict
Advocacy and Training
Advocacy will address the issues relating to the purposes of, objectives and outcomes of appraisal. The focus will be on quality education for all, transformation and the advantages for teachers and the school as a whole.
Training will focus on implementation of the APAX Appraisal System i.e. self-evaluation, the roles and responsibilities of the different structures involved in the process, monitoring and reporting
At a full staff meeting held in January each year, the principal will explain:
- What Appraisal is all about?
- How the system benefits learners and teachers
- How the Appraisal System will be implemented in the school
The training must ensure that:
- All educators have a thorough understanding of the purposes, principles, processes and procedures of the Appraisal System
- Issues relating to how the system will be implemented in the school are addressed
Appraisal Time-Lines
The Appraisal process starts at the beginning of each year and ends in December each year
Appraisals will be conducted twice per annum:
- Mid-Year
- Annual
Month / Action / Responsibility
January - March / Advocacy and training
Provide educators with instrument
Roles and Responsibilities of stakeholders discussed
PDP Discussion
Develop implementation plans/schedules
Book/file perusals / Principal; SMT; and educators
April - June / Self-appraisal by educators
Pre-appraisal discussions
Lesson observations
Mid-year appraisal
Post appraisal discussion
Principal verifies and signs / Principal; HOD’s; Educators
July - September / Book Perusals
File Perusals / HOD’s ; Educators; Principal
October –December / Self-Appraisal by educators
Pre-appraisal discussion
Lesson observation
Annual appraisal
Post appraisal discussion
Principal verifies and signs
Submission of annual forms to Board of managers / Board, principal, HOD’s, Educators
December / Drawing up of PDP’s and Staff Development Plan for following year / SMT
Self-Appraisal by Educator
The educator must conduct a self-appraisal prior to the appraisal by his/her supervisor. Self-appraisal serves the following purpose:
- The educator becomes familiar with the instrument
- The educator is compelled to reflect critically on his/her own performance
- The educator can make inputs on the appraisal conducted by the immediate supervisor
- The educator is able to know the evidence that will be necessary for the appraisal process
Lesson Observation/Book-File Perusals
Lesson observation will be undertaken by the HOD as part of the mid-year and annual appraisal process.
More lesson observations can be included depending on the need. The purpose of lesson observation is to: