a parish of the R.C. Diocese of Galloway. Charity No. SC01057
Parish Priest: Fr Eamonn; Address: 28 Greenock Road, Largs; Tele. 01475 672324; Website:

A very sincere welcome to all who are visitors to St Mary’s this week. We hope you enjoy your time amongst us.

Response to Psalm: “My soul give praise to the Lord”.

WEEKDAY MASS – 10 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday Communion Service – 10 a.m. Monday,
Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

Wednesday is the Feast of Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels; Friday, St Teresa of the Child Jesus; Saturday, Guardian Angels.

Saturday Vigil 6.00 p.m. & Sunday 10 a.m.

The Rosary is said each day during the week beginning at 9.40 a.m. and Saturday at 9.30 a.m.

Saturday after the Vigil Mass.

EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Will take place each Tuesday from 10.30 - 11.30 a.m.:


PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please remember all the sick for whom prayers have been requested. See the book at Our Lady’s statue.
FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED RECENTLY: including Mrs Kathleen Lester (Paisley); Alan Campbell (Aberdeen)
AND FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR ABOUT THIS TIME including Helen Keane, Alan Cameron, Father Tosh, Alice Crowley, Bunny Wilkie.

TEA/COFFEE in the hall after 10 a.m. Mass today

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: There will be a meeting of the Pastoral Council on Wednesday, 6th October at 7 p.m.

PILGRIMAGE TO OUR LADY OF KNOCK SHRINE: Honouring Our Lady of the Holy Rosary on 7th October. Takes place Monday 4th– Friday 8th Oct. staying at the Knock Hotel. Bed, Breakfast and evening meal £315. For more details phone 741109. Poster in porch.

INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CATHOLIC? The RCIA Group would welcome anyone who would like to inquire further about the Catholic Church. Perhaps you may have been thinking about this for some time. You will be very welcome. Please contact Sr. Margaret on 670760. Meetings will begin the middle of October.

LEGION OF MARY: When Our Lady appeared to the three children in Fatima she asked for prayer and penance. As part of our Legion work we would like to take the Statue to homes for a week. If you would like the Statue in your home, please put your name, address and phone number on the list on ‘Welcome Table’ and you will be contacted.

ST MARY’S PRAYER LINE – In need of Prayer? Please phone the prayer line 674395.

USED POSTAGE STAMPS: Please keep your used postage stamps – see box in porch. Collected to raise money for St Patrick’s Missionary Society. It would very helpful and much appreciated if the stamps could be cut from the envelopes leaving approx. ½ cm of paper.

ROSARY BEADS: There is a box in the porch for old or broken rosary beads. (For Russia)

ST MARY’S PRIMARY: Please collect Morrison’s ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers for us. There is a box in the porch.

ST MARY’S PRO-LIFE GROUP: will meet on Monday 4th September at 7.30 p.m. in the small meeting room. New members will be very welcome.

WEEKLY COLLECTION last Sunday £811.22 Thanks.

CHRISTIAN AID: The Glasgow Christian Aid Office is organising a ‘Road Show’ in St Columba’s Parish Church 4th Oct 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. Entry Free.

HALF MARATHON: Ian Rutherford is taking part in the Amsterdam Half Marathon on Sunday, 17th October, in aid of the Beatson Pebble Appeal. He would appreciate your support. Tel: 01475 673562; Mobile 07960-368410.

GUIDING: There are spaces in Largs 1st Rainbows Unit (baby Brownies) for any girls who are aged between 5 and 7 years. Places will go on a 1st come 1st served basis, please contact Sharon 689212. You could also call if your daughter is under 5yrs of age and you would like her to be on the waiting list to secure her a place when she reaches 5.

MUSICAL EVENING, NARDINIS featuring “The Love and the Light”. The group ‘Fellowship’, consisting of members from Churches in Fairlie and Greenock perform a musical based on the Gospel story from the birth of Jesus to his crucifixion and resurrection. Price £7.95 Adults, £4.95 children (incl. fish supper). Contact Steve or Davina Saunders Tel: 568992.