This pack will be made available to all students via web CT and will be publicised throughout the School of English. The pack will be organised in the following sections:

Front page for the pack

  • Welcome to the pack and an acknowledgement to the H.E. Academy
  • General introduction to ‘Options for English Graduates’
  • An overview of what is contained in the pack
  • Suggestions of what to do next

Career Planning

  • ‘Options with a Degree in English’
  • Case studies of English graduates from the Prospects Website
  • Career Planning Handout (Doc – Career Planning handout 2)
  • Career Skills Website -
  • ‘Making a Start’ workbook (University of Sheffield Workbook PDF File - MakingaStart)
  • Employability Skills Handout (Doc – Employability)

Finding out more about types of work

  • Case studies providers from our speakers (Waiting for these from speakers)
  • Occupational Profiles for Popular careers areas e.g. Arts Administrator, Bookseller, Newspaper Journalist, Advertising Accounts Executive, Academic Librarian, Programme Researcher- broadcasting, Writer (Prospects Website - PDF Files)
  • Skillset – Jobs in the Film Industry
  • Briefing Sheet – Researching Types of Work (Prospects PDF file)
  • ‘Beyond 9 to 5 – flexible working’ (Prospects PDF file – Beyond9to5)


  • List of useful websites for English students (Doc- EnglishWebsitesJan07)
  • First Destinations of English graduates from the University of Sheffield

(PDF Files – ELLdestinations03 / 04 / 05: LITdestinations03/ 04/ 05)

  • Graduate Prospects – Labour market information – ‘What do graduates do?’
  • Links to Prospects sector briefings for related fields e.g. Advertising and PR; Broadcast Film and Interactive Video; Creative and Cultural Industries; Publishing.
  • Quality Assurance Agency – Subject Benchmark Statement for English
  • HE Academy English Subject Centre Handout – Famous English Graduates
  • Student Employability Profile – English (PDF File - StudentEmpGuide)
  • HE Academy - ‘Investigating the longer term employability of Humanities Graduates’ (English Subject Centre PDF File - EmployabilityHumanitiesGrads)
  • Report – ‘The English Degree and Graduate Careers (English Subject Centre PDF File - GradCareers)

Careers Talks On-Line

Listen to a range of short presentations on the following topics:

  • Where do I start? – outlines your options after graduating and suggests what you can do to prepare (9 minutes)
  • CVs and covering letters – looks at the content and format of CVs and covering letters (8 minutes)
  • Effective application forms – considers the key principles involved in writing applications (11 minutes)
  • Understanding interviews Part 1 – helps you to prepare for interviews
  • Understanding interviews Part 2 – provides tips on what to expect at interview and how to make a good impression (11 minutes)
  • Taking time out – considers the implications and helps you to plan (8 minutes)

Video Clips

  • English Graduates and Entrepreneurship – ‘A Way with Words’. These video clips profile English graduates running their own businesses

Interactive exercises.

  • The Windmills Programme – Virtual Career Coach
  • Career Skills Interactive website –

Postgraduate Study

  • Further study section of Prospects website
  • Graduate Teacher Training Registry
  • Further study undertaken by recent English graduates from the University of Sheffield (PDF Files – ELLdestinations 03 /04/ 05; LITdestinations 03/ 04/ 05)
  • Arts and Humanities Research Council
