“Cuando yo era niño/a…” Project

Spanish 2 Honors

Imperfect Tense Project

Project Description:

Since we have been working the imperfect tense in class, you will be assigned to complete a “Cuando yo era niño/a…”/ “When I was a child…” project. The purpose of this project is so that you can continue to practice and gain competency in using the imperfect tense through a more personalized alternative assessment. You will be expected to apply the use of the imperfect tense within the context of your childhood. You will also be expected to present the finished product to the teacher and to your classmates in Spanish on the designated due date.

Project Requirements:

You must use the imperfect tense to discuss your childhood pastime activities throughout your entire project however you will be asked to use the preterit in at least 3 instances. The project consists of 3 components:

·  You must choose a visual tool to present your project.
The tool must give you the ability to record your voice, upload pictures and type text
Example: Powerpoint, Prezi, Showme (seach on the computer for presentational tools)
You must include a minimum:
·  10 images of your childhood and pastime activities
These may be actual photos (please upload photos (digital or take pictures of your pictures) to your
email account or save photos to a flash drive) or you may access/print images from the internet.
You may enhance your project by including SPANISH music in the background however this is not a requirement
1. In order to discuss your childhood, each image must be accompanied by a sentence written in the IMPERFECT TENSE. The sentences should describe childhood pastimes that are relevant to the images you have decided to include in your project.
2. To practice the use of the imperfect in contrast to the perterite you will need to include at least 3 uses of the preterit as well.
3. You must use at least 30% of the vocabulary words, verbs and/or expressions from Etapa 2.1 y 2.2 and expressions ( 38 words must be from these lists) and include a typed list of the words/verbs you used as part of your project. You may repeat vocabulary however it should only be counted once.
4. You must have at least 10 written sentences total in your presentation and vary your verb usage, expressions, and vocabulary. Do not use the “yo” form in every slide.

Nombre ______

Project Grade & Rubric:

1. This project is equivalent to 2 grades: a TEST/Project grade and Oral PBA grade.

The more effort, care and time you put into this project, the better your grade will be.

2. The attached rubric details the criteria for which you will be evaluated on this project.

Project work & due Date:

·  This project is due Tuesday, February 14th. NO EXCUSES.

·  We will have computer time every day in class from Feb. 6 – 13th

·  Since class time is being given to work on this project for everyday late 5 points will be deducted from your grade.

·  You may e-mail me the presentation the day before at or you may access your school account if you are saving it there or you can save your project on a flash drive and bring the flash drive with you to class.

(REMEMBER: you cannot access your school account from home, if you want to do some work over the weekend before the due date you need to email it to yourself or save it on a flash drive)


The rubrics for this project are below. Please review so that you are clear on my expectations and can ask questions.

Oral Presentation: Score ______%

100 / 90 / 80 / 70 / 60
Oral Presentation / High level of fluency.
Conveys intended meaning with minimal interpretation by non-sympathetic listener / Very good fluency.
Conveys intended meaning with minimal interpretation by sympathetic listener / Good fluency with occasional hesitance; some self-correction.
Conveys intended meaning with some interpretation by sympathetic listener / Labored expression; minimal fluency.
Intended meaning is sometimes lost despite some interpretation by sympathetic listener / Little to no fluency.
Intended meaning is often lost despite some interpretation by sympathetic listener




Visual / Written Rubric Score ______%

5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Overall Requirements:
·  _____ 10 Slides
·  _____All Imperfect Tenses with 3 Preterit Tenses
·  Pictures on each slide
·  _____All in chronological
·  _____ 30% of vocabulary
2.1/2.2 (list included) / Content exceeds requirements either through creativity in presentation and/or additional sentences or material / All requirements met / Most requirements are present.
You fall into this category even if you have only 1 (one) requirement missing ! / 2 (Two) or more of the requirements are missing / Little or no effort was made to meet requirements
______ / Visual used is creative in it is obvious that student enhanced the work. The audience is drawn to the project / Visual is good and appropriately presents the work maintains the audience’s attention / Visual lacks organization is not well organized lacks ability to maintain audience attention / Little effort was made to meet requirements of the visual in this project / No effort was made to meet requirements
______List Included / Meets requirements and uses additional vocabulary that enhances comprehensibility / Meets requirements uses variety of relevant vocabulary, with no repetition. / 30% of the required vocabulary used however some irrelevant vocabulary and/or repetition is evident / No less than 20% of the required vocabulary used however some irrelevant vocabulary and/or repetition is evident or vocabulary is not used appropriately / Less than 20% of the required vocabulary used irrelevant vocabulary and/or repetition is evident or vocabulary is not used appropriately
Grammar / Creative use of language and / or
Control of complex structures with no errors. / Use of complex structures (i.e. those structures currently being evaluated) *; may contain no more than a 3 errors. / Control of simple structures with few errors; may use complex structures *
between 4-5 errors / Limited control of simple structures with errors. / Frequent errors in use of structures.

Notes – This is for your use ONLY and I have extras

Slide 1- ______


Slide 2- ______


Slide 3- ______


Slide 4- ______


Slide 5- ______


Slide 6- ______


Slide 7- ______


Slide 8- ______


Slide 9- ______


Slide 10- ______
