2014-15 HANDBOOK

Scottie Walker, Band Director

1000 W. Kilgore Rd.

Kalamazoo, MI 49008

269-381-2646 Ext. 128



















Course Description

Band centers on the rehearsal and performance of instrumental music from various periods and styles. Students will also study elements of music theory, history, and listening. Emphasis is placed on developing musicianship, as well as a deeper understanding and appreciation for music.

All students enrolled in band participate in Marching Band andConcert Band activities throughout the school year. Students may also elect to participate in Jazz Band at the conclusion of marching season. Band is a full-year course, and is repeatable for credit.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of band, students should be able to demonstrate:

  • an improved level of musicianship
  • an improved level of competence and proficiency on their performance medium
  • an improved ability to read and sight-read music
  • a deeper understanding and appreciation for music
  • a basic understanding of music theory, music history, music terminology, etc.

Course Prerequisites

  • Previous instrumental experience
  • Instructor permission

Course Schedule

Band meets during 1st hour of the school day in the band room.

During marching season, additional rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening, 7-9pm.

After marching season, Jazz Band meets every Wednesday evening in the band room, 7-9pm.

Required Materials

  • Instrument + Accessories
  • Music and folder/flip folder
  • Pencil

Every student is responsible for maintaining the working order of their instrument/equipment, and for providing any accessories/materials needed to play their instrument properly.


Rehearsing provides us with the opportunity to make music together and to improve our playing. This time is very valuable and must be used wisely. In order to keep the process of making music fun, efficient, and educational, students are expected to observe the following rules and procedures:

Rehearsal Rules

  1. Please come prepared and ready to make music!
  2. Please participate in all class activities and exercises with your best effort and a positive attitude!
  3. Please do not talk when the teacher is talking.
  4. Please raise your hand. Do not blurt out!
  5. Please remain quiet when the teacher is working with an individual person or section.
  6. Please keep homework, books, and other such distractions in your backpack.
  7. You may drink water in the band room. You may not eat or chew gum in the band room.
  8. Please pick up after yourself! Do not leave instruments or music sitting out, and do not leave personal belongings in the band room.

On your way in…

  1. Spit out gum and drop off backpacks and tote bags along the wall.
  2. Look for the day’s agenda, instructions, and announcements on the board.
  3. Assemble your instrument and get your music and pencil ready to go.
  4. Warm up on your own until the 1st hour bell rings (prayer, pledge, announcements to follow) or the teacher’s hand goes up.

Before you go…

1.Put away your instrument and music.

2.Collect all personal belongings.

Performance is an essential component of every child’s education in music, and is a necessary outcome in learning to play a musical instrument. Performances not only help to provide purpose in developing and mastering musical skill, but they also provide the opportunity for students to proudly display their musical progress and accomplishments throughout the school year.

With this philosophy in mind, the following guidelines have been set in place for all Hackett Band performances:


Each member of the Hackett Band Program is expected to attend and participate in every scheduled performance.In the event of a family emergency, extreme conflict, or severe illness,parents are to contact the directorin writing or by phone to discuss the matter as far in advance as possible. Each instance will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Please see the Calendar of Events attached to this handbook, and take note of all dates, times, and events listed!

Please note: In accordance with the Hackett Student Handbook, athletic events and family vacations are not considered acceptable reasons for missing a performance.

  • Athletic Events: “A conflict between a scheduled academic event and a scheduled co-curricular event, unless mutually agreed upon between the adults in charge, will result in the student being expected to fully participate in the academic event. The student who elects not to attend the academic event will not be allowed to participate in the co-curricular event without prior approval of a school administrator.”
  • Vacations: “The school calendar provides for vacations at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, and students should not take trips outside of these scheduled vacations.”


Band members are expected to report to all performances (and dress rehearsals) in a timely manner. The director will provide a specific report time for each performance.


Band members are expected to report to all performances prepared with all materials and equipment that is needed in order to perform. Do not forget anything at home or in the band room, as it is not likely you will have time to go back for it!

Consult with the following checklist when getting ready for a performance:
  • Instrument/Equipment + Accessories (mouth piece, reeds, drum sticks, etc.)
  • Music and folder/flip folder
  • Uniform
  • Other

Maturity and Professionalism

The Hackett Band Program is a highly visible entity within the Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo, and the Kalamazoo community. When you appear in public as a Hackett Band member, you represent yourself, our band, our school, and our community. Band members are expected to conduct themselves with maturity and professionalism at all times when in public, or around other people.

Performance Grading

Students receive 100 points per performance for complying with all performance guidelines.

Schedule for Home Football Games

For all home football games with a 7pm kick-off time:

1st HourLoad all percussion equipment, large instruments, color guard equipment, drum major podium, etc. onto band trailer.Band trailer will be transported to Soisson-Rapicz Field prior to dress rehearsal.

5pmDress Rehearsal at Soisson-Rapicz Field


Change into full uniform (use restrooms at Soisson-Rapicz Field)

7pmKick-off – Go Irish!

After GamePick up all music, uniform garment bags, personal belongings, etc. Do not leave anything in the stands.Load all percussion equipment, large instruments, color guard equipment, drum major podium, etc. onto band trailer.Band trailer will be transported back to band room following the football game. All equipment and instruments will be unloaded on Monday morning in 1st hour.


Students enrolled inbandwill be graded using the following scale:

  • Preparedness100 points/marking period
  • Wed. Night Marching Rehearsals100 points each
  • Performances100 points each
  • Written Quizzes100 points each
  • Playing Quizzes100 points each

Written Quizzes

Students will complete occasional written quizzes, which will demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of theoretical concepts covered in class. Such quizzes may include (but are not limited to) music theory, music history, music terminology, etc.

Playing Quizzes

Students will complete occasional playing quizzes, which will demonstrate basic competence, proficiency, and musical understanding on each student’s respective performance medium. Such quizzes may include (but are not limited to) excerpts from repertoire played in class, scales, technical exercises, etc.

Final Exam

The final exam for Band is the last performance of the semester. A light breakfast will be enjoyed during the scheduled 1st hour exam. Students are not allowed to skip the scheduled final exam time.


Whenever we appear in public as a band, our uniforms visually identify us as members of the Hackett Band. They give us a cohesive and professional appearance, and help to unify us as an ensemble. As such, the band uniform must always be worn properly, and treated with pride and respect.

Whenever the band is required to dress in uniform for a performance, all members are expected to remain in uniform from the time of “getting dressed” until after the performance is over. Individual uniform parts are not to be removed, and are not to be worn in an improper way (unzipped jacket, backward hat, etc.). Every band member is expected to wear the uniform uniformly at all times.

Marching Band

The Marching Band uniform is comprised of the following uniform parts:


Black pantsShako (hat)

Black shirtPlume

Marching JacketWhite marching gloves

Black socksRaincoat

Black marching shoesGarment bag

All Marching Band uniform parts are issued to students by the band program, with exception of black socks. Students are responsible for providing their own black socks for use with the uniform.

Concert Band & Jazz Band

The Concert Band/Jazz Band uniform is comprised of the following uniform parts:


Black pantsBlack pants or skirt

Black shirtBlack shirt or blouse

Black socksBlack socks or nylons

Black dress shoesBlack dress shoes

The Concert Band/Jazz Band uniform is commonly referred to as “concert black.” Black pants and a black tuxedo shirt are issued to students by the band program. Students are responsible for providing their own black socks, black dress shoes, and any alternative clothing items for women.

Hair Policy

In accordance with the Hackett Catholic Central dress code, students’ hair is to be neatly cut, combed, and trimmed when appearing in the band uniform. Overly conspicuous or distracting hairstyles or hair colors are not allowed.

When appearing in uniform, students with long hair, male or female, must pull their hair back (pony tail, bun, etc.) so that it is does not touch the face. When appearing in the Marching Band uniform, hair must be worn in such a manner that it fits completely under the shako. If a student’s hair is not worn in a manner that is deemed “uniform appropriate,” they will be required to correct it before performing.

Cosmetics and Jewelry Policy

When appearing in uniform for Marching Band, cosmetics (mascara, lipstick, eye makeup, etc.) or jewelry (earrings, bracelets, sunglasses, etc.) may not be worn, unless applicable to Color Guard.

When appearing in uniform for Concert Band or Jazz Band, cosmetics may be worn tastefully. Jewelry may be worn, so long that it does not impede the ability to perform or distract from the overall appearance of the ensemble.

Care of Uniform
Your uniform is an extremely expensive item, and needs to be treated with care. You are completely responsible for the uniform parts that are assigned to you. Damaged or missing parts must be replaced or paid for in full.
  • Always hang your uniform neatly on the hangers that are issued to you. Never leave it laying on the floor.
  • Please wash and iron your uniform shirt after each performance. Do not wash items that are “dry clean only,” such as tuxedo pants and jackets!
Uniform Return
All uniform parts issued to students must be returned by the due date set by the director (typically in the spring, following the last performance of the school year).
The uniform shirt must be washed, and the pants and jacket must be dry cleaned before being returned to the school.
*End-of-year grades may be withheld until all uniform parts are returned!


Hackett Catholic Central providescertain wind and percussion instruments, Color Guard equipment, and uniform parts for members of the band. Students are responsible for any instruments or equipment issued to them by the school, and are expected to clean and maintain all assigned items properly. If a student wishes to borrow school owned equipment during the summer, or any other time when school is not in session, they may do so with the director’s permission.

Careless handling of school property is not tolerated. Students are fully responsible for repairing, replacing, or paying for any item that is damaged, lost, or stolen as a result of irresponsible care.


Students within the Hackett Band have the opportunity to serve in vital leadership roles:

Drum Major

The Drum Majoris considered one of the primary student leaders of the band. He/She is to be a role model for all members, promote a strong “esprit de corps” within the band program, and assist in the rehearsal process as called upon by the director.The Drum Major’s on-field duties include conducting and assisting in drilling and rehearsing the band.

The Drum Major is appointed by the band director upon completion of an audition, based on the criteria of conducting, marching, command calling, and an interview. Auditions are typically held near the end of each school year.

Section Leader

The Section Leaderis the primary example-setter and musical leader of the section. He/She is to be an outstanding musician, marcher, leader, and teacher. The Section Leader plays an integral rolein preparing all members of the section for performance by facilitating sectionals, and by assisting in the rehearsal process as called upon by the director.

The Section Leader is appointed by the band director, and is selected based on the criteria of musicianship, marching, and general leadership.


The Color Guard is a vital and valued component of the Hackett Irish Marching Band. Color Guard performers are considered full members of the ensemble, although they are not required to enroll in bandclass.

The Color Guard instructor is the primary teacher and coordinator of the Color Guard, and works in cooperation with the band director to ensure the overall success of the band.

A Color Guard Captain may be appointed by the instructor and/or band director to provide leadership, and to assist in the teaching and rehearsing of the section. The Color Guard Captain is considered a Section Leader.

Students who are interested in Color Guard may sign up or request more information from the instructor or band director in the spring. An audition may be necessary to determine final membership.

Color Guard members are expected to attend band camp, sectional rehearsals, Wednesday evening marching band rehearsals (7pm-9pm), and all scheduled performances.


Prior to the start of school, members of the Hackett Band attend band camp in preparation for the upcoming marching season. A typical day of band camp includes the rehearsal and development of repertoire, basic marching fundamentals, and Pregame/Halftime show drill. All band members are required to attend band camp.

2014 Band Camp

Home Band CampFriday July 18 – Saturday July 19

Band Room


Report to band room at 8:45am

Away Band CampMonday July 21 – Friday July 25

Ebersole Center, Wayland, MI

Report to band room at 8am on July 21

Return at 3:45pm on July 25 – End-of-Camp performance at 4:30pm


Students who participate in Band, Jazz Band, and/or Color Guard qualify to earn an academic Varsity Letter for each school year in which they participate. The respective criteria for earning a Varsity Letter in Band, Jazz Band, and Color Guard are listed below.

To earn a Varsity Letter in Band, a student must:

  1. Attend and participate in all band performances throughout the school year, including concerts, festivals, marching performances, pep band, etc.
  2. An unexcused absence (absence without proper parent notification or without director approval) from any performance may result in automatic forfeiture of a Band Varsity Letter for the school year.
  3. Attend at least 90% of all band events and activities throughout the school year, including in-school rehearsals, after-school rehearsals, band camp, field trips, etc.
  4. Maintain and uphold a standard of excellence within the Hackett Band Program by displaying maximum effort and a positive attitude at all times.

To earn a Varsity Letter in Jazz Band, a student must:

  1. Attend and participate in all jazz band performances throughout the school year, including concerts, festivals, entertainment performances, etc.
  • An unexcused absence (absence without proper parent notification or without director approval) from any performance may result in automatic forfeiture of a Jazz Band Varsity Letter for the school year.
  1. Attend at least 90% of all jazz band events and activities throughout the school year, including rehearsals, field trips, etc.
  2. Maintain and uphold a standard of excellence within the Hackett Band Program by displaying maximum effort and a positive attitude at all times.

To earn a Varsity Letter in Color Guard, a student must:

  1. Attend and participate in all marching band performances throughout the school year, including halftime shows, festivals, parades, etc.
  • An unexcused absence (absence without proper parent notification or without director approval) from any performance may result in automatic forfeiture of a Color Guard Varsity Letter for the school year.
  1. Attend at least 90% of all marching band events and activities throughout the school year, including rehearsals, band camp, field trips, etc.
  2. Maintain and uphold a standard of excellence within the Hackett Band Program by displaying maximum effort and a positive attitude at all times.

In all cases, the awarding of Varsity Letters in Band, Jazz Band, and Color Guard is contingent upon finishing the school year/season in good standing. The band director and school administrators have final approval on the awarding of all Varsity Letters and maintain the right to withhold a Varsity Letter from any student who fails to meet any of the above criteria.