Submission of Proposals
The responsibility for carrying out ARPA's SBIR Program rests with the Office of Administration and Small Business. The ARPA Coordinator for SBIR is Ms. Connie Jacobs. ARPA invites the small business community to send proposals directly to ARPA at the following address:
Attention: Ms. Connie Jacobs
3701 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203-1714
(703) 696-2448
The proposals will be processed in the Office of Administration and Small Business and distributed to the appropriate technical office for evaluation and action.
ARPA has identified 87 technical topics, numbered ARPA 93-033 through ARPA 93-119, to which small businesses may respond in the second fiscal year (FY) 1993 solicitation (93.2). Please note that these are the only topics for which proposals will be accepted at this time. Proposals can no longer be accepted on those previously advertised 32 technical topics which were numbered ARPA 93-001 through ARPA 93-032. A list of the topics currently eligible for proposal submission is included below, followed by full topic descriptions. The topics originated from ARPA technical offices.
ARPA's charter is to help maintain U.S. technological superiority over, and to prevent technological surprise by, its potential adversaries. Thus, the ARPA goal is to pursue as many highly imaginative and innovative research ideas and concepts with potential military, as well as, dual-use applicability as the budget and other factors will allow. In the early years of the SBIR program most of the promising Phase I proposals could be funded, but as the program's popularity increased, this became more and more expensive. ARPA therefore instituted program changes to fund more Phase Is. These included increasing the number of SBIR topics, and setting more funds aside for Phase I proposals. In order to do this and still have a reasonable amount of funds available for the further development of promising Phase Is, the Phase II awards are limited to $375,000; however, additional funding may be available for optional tasks.
ARPA selects proposals for funding based upon technical merit and the evaluation criteria contained in this solicitation document. As funding is limited, ARPA reserves the right to select and fund only those proposals considered to be superior in overall technical quality and highly relevant to the ARPA mission. As a result, ARPA may fund more than one proposal in a specific topic area if the technical quality of the proposals in question is deemed superior, or it may fund no proposals in a topic area. Each proposal submitted to ARPA must have a topic number and can only respond to one topic.
ARPA has prepared a checklist to assist small business activities in responding to ARPA topics. Please use this checklist prior to mailing or hand-carrying your proposal(s) to ARPA. Do not include the checklist with your proposal.
ARPA 1993 Phase I SBIR
1) Proposal Format
a.Cover Sheet - Appendix A (identify topic number)______
b.Project Summary - Appendix B______
c.Identification and Significance of Problem or Opportunity______
d. Phase I Technical Objectives______
e.Phase I Work Plan______
f.Related Work______
g. Relationship with Future Research and/or Development______
h.Post Potential Applications______
i.Key Personnel______
l.Prior, Current, or Pending Support______
m.Cost Proposal - Appendix C______
2) Bindings
a.Staple proposals in upper left-hand corner. ______
b.Do not use a cover. ______
c.Do not use special bindings. ______
3) Page Limitation
a. Total for each proposal is 25 pages inclusive of cost proposal
(Appendix C) and resumes. ______
b.Beyond the 25 page limit do not send appendices, attachments
and/or additional references. ______
4) Submission Requirement for Each Proposal
a.Original proposal, including signed RED Appendices A and B. ______
b.Four photocopies of original proposal, including signed Appendices A and B. ______
c.One additional photocopy of Appendices A and B only. ______
Subject/KeywordsTopic No.
Accelerator...... 39
Acoustic Generator...... 78
Active Structures...... 69
Adult Learning...... 63
Agile Manufacturing...... 58
Algorithm(s)...... 40, 45, 100, 102
Annotations...... 106
Antenna(s)...... 33, 42, 100
Arithmetic...... 74
Armor...... 67, 68
Array...... 114
Artificial Intelligence...... 63, 112, 113
At-Home Learning...... 64
Ballistics...... 67, 68
Baselayer...... 82
Bat...... 115
Beamforming...... 100
Biomedical Sensors...... 57
Biotechnology...... 50
Bobbin...... 82
Ceramics...... 47
Chemical Detector...... 95
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)...... 87
Closed Brayton Cycle...... 111
Cluster Tool...... 87
Collimation...... 88
Combat Vehicles...... 69
Communication Security...... 65
Communications...... 36, 37
Communications Systems...... 96
Compiler Technology...... 41
Composite Materials...... 69
Composites...... 47
Computational Meshes...... 45
Computer...... 39, 40
Computer Aided Design (CAD)...... 56
Computer Aided Design (CAD) Tools...... 91
Computer Aided Manufacturing...... 110
Computer-Assisted Instruction...... 63, 64
Computer Programming...... 61
Computer Software...... 61
Computing...... 40
Controls...... 66, 69
Control Surfaces...... 103
Cost Reduction...... 53
Counter Proliferation...... 93, 95
Crew Station Training...... 62
Damage Assessment...... 69
Damping...... 69
Design...... 39, 40
Design of Experiments...... 77
Diesel...... 111
Digital Terrain Elevation Extraction...... 35
Display Systems...... 109
Distance Learning...... 64
Distributed Education...... 64
Distributed Medical Aid...... 57
Distributed Simulation...... 70, 71
Distributed Systems...... 38
Dolphin...... 114, 115
Dopant...... 85
Dynamics...... 77
Earth-Penetrating Radar...... 34
Electro-Optic Material...... 101
Electro-Optics...... 72
Electrodes...... 72
Electromagnetic Radiation...... 76
Electron-Beam...... 89
Electronic Security...... 65
Embedded Sensors...... 113
Encapsulated Sensing Subsystems...... 46
Encryption...... 38
Engine...... 111
Engine Systems...... 113
Engineering Drawings ...... 106
Engineering Maps...... 106
Epitaxial...... 54
Fabrication...... 85
Fast Fourier Transformers (FFT)...... 74
Feedback Control...... 48
Fiber Coupling...... 49
Fiber-Optic Cable...... 43
Fiber-Optic Guided Vehicle (FOG-V)...... 82
Fiber Optic(s)...... 43, 50, 69, 77, 113, 116
Flexible Manufacturing...... 49
Fuel Cell(s)...... 51, 117, 118
Functionally Gradient Materials (FGMs)...... 47
Gallium Arsenide Laser Diodes...... 76
Gamma Ray Detector...... 93
Gamma Ray Lens...... 94
Gas Flow...... 86
Gas Turbine...... 111
Geologic Feature Extraction...... 35
Glass Capillaries...... 94
Ground-Penetrating Radar...... 34
Guidance...... 66
Hardware-in-the-Loop (HWIL) Simulation...... 81
Head-Mounted Displays...... 60
Health Care...... 52
Health Care Delivery...... 52
Helmets...... 109
High-Performance Computing Systems...... 41
Human-Computer Interface...... 109
Hydrogen Storage...... 117
Imaging Systems...... 109
Implantation...... 85
Indium Phosphide...... 54
Individual Learning Styles...... 63
Inertial Sensor...... 80
Information Processing...... 52
Infrared (IR) Detectors...... 75
Infrared Detector Manufacturing...... 83, 84
Infrared Material Growth...... 83, 84
Infrared Micro-Lasers...... 81
Inspection...... 73
Integrated CAD Package...... 42
Integrated Manufacturing...... 105
Integrated Optics...... 72
Intelligent Systems...... 109, 110, 112, 113
Interactive Computer Instruction...... 64
Interactive Instruction...... 63, 64
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radars (IFSAR)...... 35
Ion-Beam...... 89
Isotope Identification...... 93
Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML)...... 105
Laminar Fabrication...... 58
Laser Diode Arrays...... 49
Lattice Wing...... 103
Learning Styles...... 63
Lithium Niobate...... 101
Lithography...... 88, 89
Local Area Networks (LAN)...... 43
Load-Bearing...... 68
Logistic Fuels...... 51
Logistics...... 61
Low-Energy Sensing...... 59
Low-Energy Signal Processing...... 59
Low-Power Displays...... 60
Manufacturing...... 85, 86, 87
Masks...... 89
Material(s)...... 51, 54
Material Testing...... 75
Materials Processing...... 48
Mathematical Analysis...... 52
Melon...... 114
Microactuators...... 60
Microdynamic...... 113
Microlenses...... 49
Micromechanical Actuators...... 44
Micromechanical Sensors...... 44
Microwave...... 54
Military Facilities...... 61
Military Operations...... 61
Military Supplies...... 61
Millimeter-Wave ...... 54, 55, 56
Miniature...... 116
Mirrors...... 88
Mobile...... 37
Mobile Platforms...... 33
Modeling...... 36, 56, 91
Monolithic Circuits...... 56
Monolithic Integrated Circuits...... 54
Multimedia...... 36
Multipath Jamming...... 102
Multiplexed...... 116
Multispectral Processing and Display Systems...... 109
Navigation...... 66
Networks...... 37, 38
Networking...... 36
Neural Net...... 115
Neutron Activation...... 94
Nicol Cadmium (NICAD)...... 69
Nondestructive Testing...... 73
Nonproliferation...... 93, 95
Nuclear Proliferation...... 97
Nuclear Proliferation Monitoring...... 96
Number Theoretic Transforms...... 74
Numerical Electromagnetic Problems...... 45
Object-Oriented Models...... 70
Object-Oriented Programming...... 71
Oil Spill...... 112
Optical Computing...... 92
Optical Fiber...... 80
Optoelectronic...... 104
Optoelectronic Components...... 91
Particle Nucleation...... 86
Particle Transport...... 86
Payout...... 77
Personal Security...... 65
Photoconductive Switches...... 90
Photonic Hybrid...... 104
Photonic Radar...... 99
Photovoltaic Cells...... 76
Plane Wave...... 78
Planning Domains...... 105
Plasma...... 86
Polarization Maintaining (PM) Fiber...... 80
Polymer Composites...... 53
Power Amplifiers...... 55
Power Sources...... 55
Precision Assembly...... 49
Probability...... 77
Programming Environments...... 41
Projection...... 88
Propulsion...... 79
Protocols...... 37, 38
Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells...... 119
Proximity...... 88
Public Databases...... 108
Pultrusion...... 53
Quasi-Optics...... 55
Radiation Detector...... 93
Radio Frequency...... 36
Rapid Prototyping...... 58
Reconfigurable...... 62
Reconfigurable Antenna...... 90
Reconfigurable Simulator...... 62
Reformer...... 118
Reforming...... 51
Reliability...... 77
Remote Control...... 46
Remote Systems...... 107, 108
Residue...... 74
Robotics...... 110, 112
Scalable Systems...... 41
Scene Projection...... 81
Semi-Public Databases...... 108
Semiconductor...... 85, 87
Semiconductor Material...... 75
Semiconductor Testing...... 75
Sensor Fusion...... 73
Sensors...... 116
Sensory Simulations...... 52
Ship Construction...... 110
Signal Generation...... 78
Signal Processing...... 99, 115
Signal Processor Architectures...... 102
Signature Reduction...... 69
Simulation...... 36, 39, 40, 48, 70, 71, 86, 91, 112
Simulation Programs...... 107
Simulator...... 62
Small-Area Displays...... 60
Smart Materials...... 69
Solid Freeform Manufacturing (SFF)...... 47
Solid-State Sensors...... 59
Sonar...... 114, 115
Spread Spectrum...... 36
Stencil...... 89
Strategy...... 61
Substrate...... 54
Synthetic Aperture Radars (SAR)...... 35
Tactics...... 61
Tactile Display...... 60
Taguchi...... 77
Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD)...... 40
Telemetry...... 46
Teleoperation...... 60
Test Ban Treaty...... 98
Thermoplastics...... 67
Thrust Vector Control (TVC)...... 79
Training...... 62, 63, 64
Transducer...... 114
Turbojet...... 79
Ultra-Large-Scale Integrated Circuits (USLIC)...... 85
Utilities...... 37
Vibration...... 69
Virtual Reality...... 60
Vital-Signs Monitoring...... 57
Waveguides...... 72
Wireless Communication...... 59
X-ray...... 88
ARPA 93-033Innovative Approaches to the Design of Visually Covert Low-Power, Low-Gain Antennas in the Range of 2-2000 MHz
ARPA 93-034Innovative Approaches to Radar Detection of Underground Targets
ARPA 93-035Terrain and Geologic Feature Extraction from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery
ARPA 93-036Modeling and Simulation of Multimedia Transmission Over Wireless Networks
ARPA 93-037Mobile Connectivity to National Networks
ARPA 93-038Security Protocol Design for Networks
ARPA 93-039Scalable Accelerators and Interfaces for High-Performance Computing Systems
ARPA 93-040System and Technology Computer Aided Design (CAD) on a Scalable Computing Base
ARPA 93-041Software Technologies for Advanced High-Performance Computing Environments
ARPA 93-042Integrated Computer Aided Design (CAD) Package for Designing Precision Antennas
ARPA 93-043Low-Cost Fiber Optics to Computer Interface
ARPA 93-044Integrated Micromechanical Sensors and Actuators for Vibration Control
ARPA 93-045Automated Generation of Electromagnetic Computer Aided Design (CAD) Package Computational Meshes
ARPA 93-046Encapsulated Sensing Subsystems for Telemetry and Remote Control
ARPA 93-047Solid Freeform Fabrication
ARPA 93-048Integration of Large-Scale Simulation and Controls
ARPA 93-049Flexible Manufacturing of Laser Diode Arrays
ARPA 93-050Innovative Applications of Fiber Optics in Biomedical Technology
ARPA 93-051Efficient Processing of Logistic Fuels for Military Fuel Cells
ARPA 93-052Medical Technology: Diagnostics, Intervention and Dynamic Health Assessment
ARPA 93-053Carbon Fiber/Polymer Matrix Pultruded Composite Structure
ARPA 93-054Indium Phosphide Material for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Integrated Circuits
ARPA 93-055Quasi-Optical Millimeter-Wave Circuits
ARPA 93-056Modeling of Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Integrated Circuits
ARPA 93-057Biomedical Sensors
ARPA 93-058Agile, Laminar Fabrication of Mixed-Material Structure
ARPA 93-059Distributed, Unattended Sensor Networks
ARPA 93-060Microactuator Arrays for Small-Area Displays
ARPA 93-061Develop Exercise Software to Run on ARPA JANUS-3D Wargame in UNIX Environment
ARPA 93-062Develop Low-Cost Reconfigurable Combat Vehicle Simulators for National Guard
ARPA 93-063Artificial Intelligence Mimic/Tutor
ARPA 93-064Development of Interactive Computer-Based Training Programs for Home Use
ARPA 93-065Low-Cost Techniques to Prevent Enemy Use of Captured Personal Communication Equipment
ARPA 93-066Low-Cost, Add-On Guidance and Control Concepts for Artillery Projectiles or Rockets
ARPA 93-067Application of Thermoplastics for Lightweight Survivability
ARPA 93-068Self-Repairing Materials for Vehicle Survivability and Structural Applications
ARPA 93-069Smart Materials and Active Structures in Light Combat Vehicles
ARPA 93-070Parametric Approach to Concept Exploration in Distributed Simulation
ARPA 93-071Innovative Approaches to Linking Wargames
ARPA 93-072High-Speed Electrodes for High-Density Optical Guided Wave Devices
ARPA 93-073Multisensor Inspection for Microelectronics
ARPA 93-074Residue Number-Based Fast Fourier Transformers (FFTs)
ARPA 93-075Parallel Infrared (IR) Magneto Mapper for Semiconductor Material
ARPA 93-076Optical to Electrical Power Conversion Unit
ARPA 93-077Payout Dynamics Experimental Investigation
ARPA 93-078Compact Acoustic Plane Wave Generator
ARPA 93-079Thrust Vector Control (TVC) System for Low-Cost Expendable Turbojet Engines
ARPA 93-080High-Strength Bend-Insensitive Polarization Maintaining (PM) Fiber Development for Inertial Sensor Applications
ARPA 93-081Micro-Lasers for Infrared Scene Projection
ARPA 93-082Automated Bobbin-Baselayer Inspection System
ARPA 93-083Models for the Growth and Processing of Infrared (IR) Materials
ARPA 93-084Process Control Technology for Infrared (IR) Materials Growth and Device Fabrication
ARPA 93-085Processes and Equipment for Advanced Devices
ARPA 93-086Simulation Tools for Plasma Reactor Synthesis
ARPA 93-087Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) of Next Generation High Density Interconnects
ARPA 93-088Lenses and Mirror Technology for X-ray Lithography
ARPA 93-089Stress-Free Membranes for Submicron Stencil Mask
ARPA 93-090Photoconductive Switch for Reconfigurable Antenna
ARPA 93-091Simulation, Modeling and Computer Aided Design (CAD) Tools for Optoelectronic Components
ARPA 93-092Applications Demonstration Utilizing Optical Computing
ARPA 93-093Lightweight, Hand-Held Gamma Ray Detector with Isotope Identification Readout
ARPA 93-094Gamma Ray Lens Feasibility Study
ARPA 93-095Lightweight, Hand-Held Chemical Detector with Chemical Identification Readout
ARPA 93-096Optimization of Real-Time Communications for a Global Nuclear Proliferation Monitoring System
ARPA 93-097Assessment of Techniques for Nuclear Testing that Evade Detection, and Development of Monitoring Approaches to Counter such Evasion Attempts
ARPA 93-098Laboratory and Theoretical research to Predict Decoupling Effects for Various Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Evasion Schemes
ARPA 93-099Photonic Radar Systems
ARPA 93-100Interference Rejection and Angle Estimation Techniques for Antenna Arrays with Uncertain Element Locations
ARPA 93-101Electrooptic Materials Development
ARPA 93-102Develop Ground Bounce Jammer Mitigation Techniques for Communication and Radar Systems Implementation
ARPA 93-103Lattice Wing Technology for Maneuverable Towed Bodies
ARPA 93-104Photonic Hybrid Devices for Radar and Communications Systems
ARPA 93-105Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) Interfaces
ARPA 93-106Methods to Extract Annotations from Engineering Drawings and/or Maps
ARPA 93-107Methods, Support, and Languages to Control, Access, and Integrate Results of Simulation Programs from Remote Systems
ARPA 93-108Means to Facilitate Access to Public or Semi-Public Databases from Remote Systems
ARPA 93-109Advanced Multimedia Imaging Helmets
ARPA 93-110Intelligent Robotic Cranes and Fixtures for Manufacturing of Ship and Ship Systems
ARPA 93-111Advanced Marine Internal Combustion Engines
ARPA 93-112Intelligent Planning and Control Systems for Rapid Response and Mitigation of Maritime Oil Spills
ARPA 93-113Advanced Embedded Sensors and Intelligent Control Systems for Internal Combustion Engine Performance Monitoring and Control
ARPA 93-114Dolphin/Bat Signal Processor and Classifier
ARPA 93-115Dolphin Sonar Transducer and Array
ARPA 93-116Sensors and Technologies for Fiber-Optic Sensing Systems
ARPA 93-117High-Density and Safe Storage for Unmanned Undersea Vehicles and Electric Land Vehicles
ARPA 93-118Compact and Efficient Reformer to Supply Hydrogen for Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell Stacks
ARPA 93-119Components for Low-Cost, High-Performance and Robust Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cells
ARPA 93-033TITLE: Innovative Approaches to the Design of Visually Covert Low-Power, Low-Gain Antennas in the Range of 2-2000 MHz
CATEGORY: 6.2 Exploratory Development
OBJECTIVE: Design, simulate, implement and demonstrate a family of small, covertly-concealable, mobile receiving and/or transmitting antennas, covering selected portions of the 2-2000 MHz band.
DESCRIPTION: Concepts are sought for a family of small, visually-covert antennas that can be installed in mobile platforms such as automobiles, trucks, aircraft, trains, boats or shipping containers to provide transmission of position and other information about the state of the mobile platform. The antennas must also be capable of receiving command messages and transmitting state data to a command center. The antennas should cover selected portions of the HF, VHF and UHF frequency bands. HF includes near-vertical incidence and long-range capabilities. VHF includes meteor burst communication, line of sight and diffraction/mixed modes. There are two classes of antennas to be considered: Class (1) where modest preparation of the mobile platform is permitted before use; Class (2) where little to no preparation of the mobile platform is permitted before use. The maximum peak power to be transmitted is 20 watts. For reception in the lower VHF and HF bands, the receiving sensitivity should be no worse than quasi-minimum or Galactic noise, whichever is greater. Criteria for evaluating competitive designs will include efficiency, covertness to visual detection, ease of installation into a variety of platform types (different designs for each type of platform and frequency band are acceptable), ruggedness and gain. Designs for directional antennas shall include the means at both ends of a communication link for tracking the command station.
Phase I: Design a family of antennas to support the description above. Model and/or simulate the performance of the antennas. Generate a report that: analyzes the efficiency of each of the antennas, includes graphics showing the way covertness will be achieved and how installation in each of the types of mobile platforms will be performed, and shows antenna patterns in the vertical and horizontal planes over the band of frequencies selected.
Phase II: Implement a mutually agreeable set of full-scale antennas. Deliver and support the installation of the antennas into a selected subset of government-furnished mobile platforms. Prepare a test plan for the evaluation of the communication performance of the antennas as installed in a selected subset of mobile platforms. The other portion of the communication system will be provided by the government. Support the field test with personnel and/or automated data collection capabilities at up to three test sites simultaneously, at least one of which will be mobile. Prepare a final report on the field tests.
ARPA 93-034TITLE: Innovative Approaches to Radar Detection of Underground Targets
CATEGORY: 6.2 Exploratory Development
OBJECTIVE: Investigate and demonstrate innovative approaches for the detection and recognition of underground targets with radar systems.
DESCRIPTION: The detection of underground targets has long been an area of active interest to the DoD and, more recently, to various civil agencies for law enforcement and environmental purposes. Radar has always been a sensor of interest because of the earth-penetration properties of low-frequency radiation and the inherent potential for day/night, high search rate, highly automated imaging systems. Despite these characteristics, high-performance systems have not been produced because of various implementation challenges, physical limitations, and difficulty in the recognition of targets and suppression of surface and subsurface clutter. In light of advances in radar technology, signal processing, and automated image processing, ARPA is interested in innovative concepts which may offer useful performance. All target classes are of interest, ranging from small objects at shallow depths, such as mines, through intermediate targets such as arms caches, to very large underground facilities at perhaps great depths. Surface conditions may range from desert to foliated and rough terrain. Topics of interest include complete system concepts, radar subsystems or components which offer some unique contribution to underground target detection, and signal or image processing techniques which enhance target detection/recognition and aid in clutter suppression. System concepts may include airborne or ground-based, vehicle-mounted or non-portable radars. Though such systems are likely to operate at lower frequencies, perhaps L-band or lower, and would have bandwidths and cross-range processing approaches commensurate with resolution/target size considerations, alternative techniques and innovative implementations are also of interest.