/ Stow-on-the-WoldTown Council
Stow Youth Centre
Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, GL54 1DW
01451 832 585

Agenda for Parks& Square Committee Meeting

Tuesday 18th November 2014,7.00p.m. in the Youth Centre

  1. Apologies and approval of absences
  1. To receive declarations of interest
  1. Formal announcements from the Chair
  1. To resolve that the minutes of the Parks & Square Committee held on 4/9/14 are a correct record.
  1. To receive an update about progress of resolutions from the last meeting.

Please see Parks Committee Report page 2

a)Christmas Lights

b)Tree Survey

c)Working parties – progress report

d)Abbotswood - report on meeting with Neil Holiday Laws & Fiennes

e)Cricket Club

f)Development of King Georges Field - Pavilion / Skate park

Additional information

g)Christmas lighting up ceremony to take place at 5.30 on the Green, followed by the opening of the Christmas Tree Festival in the church at 6pm

h)Street trading. A meeting with CDC to discuss their revised policy will take place on Wed. 19 Nov. 2.30pm AW, MC to attend.

i)Land registration – no progress to report

j)Policy for charity events on the playing fields to be prepared for consideration at the next meeting.

k)The Stocks will be discussed at Council 13/11//14

  1. Development of King Georges Field

To consider the way forward following the presentation by the Youth Club at Council meeting 13/11/14.

  1. Light at entrance the George Alley - see email page 3

To consider whether a light is needed.

  1. Any other business

Date of next meeting: 29 January 2015 at 7pm Stow Youth Centre

Parks Committee Report – November 2015

There has been no meeting of the Parks Committee since the last Full Council Meeting.

However, there has been some ongoing work.

Christmas in the Square – we are having trouble sourcing a tree at a reasonable price but we are hopeful to have one ready for the Christmas Tree Festival on 3rd December. The lights are also being problematic but again we are hoping to have them ready for the event.

QE2 Field – the Working Party has done a great job in cutting back the North side boundary. More work is needed to complete the job. However, good news in that Abottswood has agreed to replace the fence along the boundary. It is important that we clear the bottom and top area in order to ensure that the whole boundary is refenced. A suggestion has been made that we employ some labour to help with this task.

Monarch’s Way – the project to reinstate the path along the West side on the Fosse Way from the Brethren’s Meeting Place to the junction part way down the hill, has been taken a step forward. I met with Nigel Moor and Bob Skillern on Monday 10th November to discuss the project. Bob had already drawn up a rough plan. In principle the project is workable but he does need to draw up a more detailed plan. The cost of the project would be between £20k and £25K. After discussions it was suggested that for the project to move forward it would have to be on a 50/50 basis. This would mean the County Council putting £12.5k in and the rest being found from our budget. However, Nigel offered £2.5k and the Brethren has offered help. We need to meet with them and discuss the project.

Tree Survey – this is now under way and as soon as we have a report it will be shared with the council.

Cricket Club – I will meet with K&D in Bourton to discuss the draft lease this week. Bill Cheston wants permission to build a small shed onto the pavilion in order to house the rollers and cutter. I can see no objection but I will put this to the council this week.

King George’s Field – the project for a skate park and new youth club building on the field is progressing. At this stage it is about gaining permissions and investigating possibilities.

These and other items will be up for discussion at the next Parks Meeting on 18th November at 7pm

Mike Curtis

Parks Committee Chairman


Thank you for your e-mail. We entirely understand your concerns about the lack of lighting along the alleyway.

Tree issues – this requires a notification to carry out works to trees in a Conservation Area. I think that you have given enough information in your e-mail to constitute a notification, so I will get it registered as such and you should get a decision on that in the near future. I do not foresee any problems.

Light on the toilet block – no issues

Light on the entrance to the alley – we would have no objections in principle to a light and provided the design was simple and sympathetic, we would not require a listed building consent application. If you send us details of what sort of light you would like to install we can let you know if it would require listed building consent and if we would support such an application.

I hope that clarifies the situation. Please could you quote ref 14/04751/ENQ in any response.

Many thanks


Sophia Price

Heritage and Design Manager

From: Caroline Doran [mailto:
Sent: 15 October 2014 11:57
To: Sophia Price
Subject: Stow - Light over entrance to alley

Dear Sophia

We have a dark alley. Various options have been discussed with George Surman from GCC and the prefered option is to fix a lamp over the entrance to the alley. Together with pruning back overhanging brances obsuring a light half way up the alley(blue cross) and fitting a timed bulkhead light to the toilet block located behind the High Street (yellow cross).

Please could you contact me to let me know your thoughts on this proposal and the permissions we will need to seek.