We are looking forward to a supportive and exciting year.The VCAL team have planned to work with various themes to guide you through your Literacy, Personal Development Skills and Work Related Skills classes this year.

There will be plenty of opportunities for you to get involved with activities that you choose to demonstrate your skills and abilities. We are looking for students to show leadership and want to ensure that all are successful with achieving your goals in 2016.

To be successful in VCAL, you need to pass 10 units.

  • 1x Unit of Mathematics
  • 2x Units of English: VCE English or Year 12 VCAL Literacy
  • 2x Units of Work Related Skills
  • 2x Units of Personal Development Skills
  • 2x Units of an Applied Learning Training Course:
  • Vocational Education & Training V.E.T. subject or
  • GOTAFE TEC course or at least one other unit from VCE.

You can achieve three different levels of VCAL

  1. VCAL Foundation Certificate

(those who don’t have an applied learning course)

  1. VCAL Intermediate
  2. VCAL Senior (eligible to apply to Universities / Police Force etc)

You are all fantastic young adults, let’s work together in teams to help you all succeed inplanning your future.

A Brief Overview of Projects

There will be some compulsory activities that all students will attend and support. Students will be grouped in teams and rotate around the compulsory themes. You will work with all of the VCAL teachers planning and completing many projects in small teams.

Term 1 Harmony Day Celebration

Monday 21st March, 2016 International Harmony Day

Special activities are being planned for the week leading up to.

Pathways Project:

Letter of Application, Resume & your “Career Pathway Research”


Students will be rostered in groups to be involved with:

  1. GV Community Care (cooking 75 meals each week.)
  2. The Coffee Café in the canteen.
  3. Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth : a local perspective
  4. SHS Breaky Program (compulsory 3 weeks for Year 11 students)

VCAL Quality Assurance

Student teams will be given 5 minutes to present your VCAL Folios. You will be required to invite at least one adult to share in this celebration afternoon / evening. (More details will be given at a later date.)

You will need to provide physical evidence of how you have demonstrated your learning outcomes, in your A4 or A3 folio.

Wherever possible, students should be observed to demonstrate competence on more than one occasion and in different contexts to make sure that the assessment is as consistent, reliable, fair and equitable as possible.

A range of assessment and evidence methods and task types may include:

  • evidence of information and communications technology (ICT), including Internet usage, blogs, wikis, podcasts,
  • ePortfolios, multimedia presentations and vodcasts
  • teacher observation and/or checklists
  • self-assessment inventories
  • physical demonstration of understanding of written or oral text
  • a portfolio of accumulated evidence
  • evidence accumulated through project or program participation
  • awards from recognised programs
  • oral or written reports and presentations
  • oral explanation of text
  • written text
  • discussion
  • debates
  • role-plays
  • folios of tasks or investigations
  • performing practical tasks
  • reflective work journals
  • student logbooks.

More VCAL ideas foryour own learning …….

You will work in teams with the support of your teachers to plan and develop any of these themes, reflecting on how you can include and demonstrate the PDS & WRS & Literacy learning outcomes.

Vegie and herb gardens / Zaidee’s
Rainbow / Nesting
Boxes / Outdoor
Tables / Outdoor
At Rumbalara
Restoring / Naughts
& Crosses / Swimming sports BBQ / Lunchtime
Sports / Athletics
Sports BBQ
& Fabrics / Bring
It On / Grounds
With Frank / Production
Make Up / Production
Radio / Alfred
Hospital / Calendar
Of Events / Bush
Tucker / Police
Kooriez in
Dah Hood / Silk Screen
Printing / Defence
Forces / McGrath
Foundation / Motivation
Corner / Henna
Painting / Wearing
A Hijab / Primary
Readers / Mobile Phone Deals
One of Your own
Ideas / Downball
Comps / SHS
Hall of
Fame / Mentoring
Year 7&8 / Relay
For Life
Literacy / Cert II
Hospitality / Chickens
In our
Shed / Local
Heroes / Fundraising
for a group
Documenting local RSL
histories / Beyond
Make a film make a difference / Back yard
Blitz / Op Shop
Your P’s / Getting
Your L’s / Your own Personal
projects / Helping
The Elderly / Cows Create
Connect / SHS students Photography
Exhibition / comp / Longest
World’s / Morning
Greatest / Tea

SHS VCAL “Emergency Services Breakfast”

is on again at the Shepparton Bears clubrooms for the 3rd year.


Shepparton Football Netball Club, Fairley’s IGA

Angela Mangiameli & the Greater Shepparton City Council

The P.A.R.T.Y. for schools programis a trauma prevention initiative aimed at young people aged 15-19. Trauma is defined as an injury that has been caused by physical force such as motor vehicle crash, falls and assaults. P.A.R.T.Y. seeks to give participants a snapshot of the possible traumatic and often preventable consequences of risk-related behaviour that can lead to traumatic injury.

P.A.R.T.Y. participants spend time with staff in the Emergency/Trauma Centre, the Intensive Care Unit, Trauma Wards, and Rehab units of the hospital getting an up front, true to life experience of the impact of trauma on young lives.

Prevention of Alcohol & Risk Trauma in Youth

Shepparton HS nurse educator, Mark Metcalf has organized for a GV Health Intensive Care Unit nurse to deliver a program highlighting what happens when a person is admitted into hospital with serious life threatening injuries.

We want to investigate how other emergency care workers team together to care for accident and trauma victims. What effects do these accidents and incidents have?

Possible areas to consider researching:

  • Ambulance and Paramedics
  • Fire Fighters
  • Police Officers
  • Search and Rescue
  • Beyond Blue
  • Blood Bank
  • Road accident victim: Jarrod Greening, Parkside Drive, Shepparton
  • Drugs: ICE Chris Smith, Numurkah story on SBS
  • Drugs: Marijuana
  • Alcohol and driving
  • King hit / coward punch
  • Other ideas……………………………………

In teams of 2-4, you will research using interviews, newspapers and the internet the role and social implications of one of the above?

Plan your four week project and present your effort to your classmates. Maintain a weekly journal and conduct a weekly meeting, delegating tasks for the following week. You will require a chairperson and minute’s secretary.

How do people employed in the above agencies deal with trauma?

Make a 30 second TV commercial about one of the above areas.

Personal Development Skills Intermediate Unit 1

LO 1 Plan and organise a complex project or activity.

1.1 Plan, organise and carry out a project or activity in relation to one or more of the following: self, social, health and wellbeing, education and or family. The project or activity will involve a number of steps and processes.

1.2 Identify and use appropriate resources related to a project or activity.

1.3 Identify positive negative factors that influence & impact individual behaviour motivation in group situations.

1.4 Carry out the project or activity to completion.

1.5 Reflect upon the personal achievements and challenges of the project or activity

L0 2 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the context of a complex project or activity.

2.1 Identify the scope and requirements of the project or activity.

2.2 Establish a plan to achieve a learning goal with the assistance of a peer or adult mentor.

2.3 Contribute to the quality of outcomes within the project or activity.

2.4 Identify transferable knowledge and skills gained from the project or activity.

2.5 Self-evaluate performance and contribution to the project or activity.

LO 3 Demonstrate self-management skills for goal achievement in the context of a project or activity.

3.1 Use time management strategies to achieve goals.

3.2 Facilitate and implement processes and procedures for achieving a goal.

3.3 Identify and utilise personal skills, such as creativity, stress management, coping skills, resilience and conflict management.

3.4 Identify strategies to improve self-performance.

3.5 Reflect on their performance in achieving a goal.

LO 4 Describe leadership skills and responsibilities.

4.1 Describe the characteristics of people in leadership roles.

4.2 Distinguish between different leadership styles.

4.3 Identify methods for motivating others.

4.4 Identify interpersonal skills that are used by people in leadership roles.

4.5 Identify the responsibilities of a group leader.

LO 5 Demonstrate interpersonal skills to communicate ideas and information.

5.1 Identify characteristics of effective communication.

5.2 Identify and use strategies to avoid and/or resolve conflict.

5.3 Participate in discussions that require expression of an opinion to others.

5.4 Apply active listening skills to facilitate understanding.

5.5 Reflect on personal communication skills and identify areas for improvement.

Personal Development Skills Intermediate Unit 2

L0 1 Research and analyse the roles of citizens/members in a community.

1.1 Identify a range of research methods and appropriate protocols for collecting specified information regarding citizens/ members in a community.

1.2 Research the roles of different community members.

1.3 Analyse how these roles have contributed to society.

1.4 Report on their findings using appropriate ICT.

LO 2 Plan and organise a complex community project or activity.

2.1 Identify a complex community issue that requires action.

2.2 Identify and evaluate a range of strategies to address the issue.

2.3 Actively participate in the completion of a community project or activity.

2.4 Implement strategies to minimise risks associated with the project or activity.

2.5 Evaluate their own and others’ contribution to the project or activity.

LO 3 Use a range of communication strategies to raise awareness of a complex social issue or community activity.

3.1 Plan an activity to promote awareness of a complex social or community issue.

3.2 Use a variety of communication strategies to deliver an awareness activity about a complex social or community issue.

3.3 Collect feedback on the effectiveness of the awareness activity.

3.4 Evaluate and report on the effectiveness of the awareness activity.

LO 4 Manage problems related to a complex social issue or community activity.

4.1 Identify complex challenges that may arise within a diverse community.

4.2 Identify and evaluate a range of strategies to manage the problem.

4.3 Demonstrate problem-solving skills related to a complex social issue or community activity.

4.4 Apply decision-making strategies to resolve the problem.

LO 5 Actively contribute to group cohesion to manage a complex social issue or community activity.

5.1 Develop a strategy to promote group cohesion.

5.2 Contribute and participate in an activity involving a group/team.

5.3 Describe personal factors that contribute to group/team work.

5.4 Reflect on factors that influence group/team behaviour.

5.5 Discuss the effectiveness of group/team processes for achieving goals.

Personal Development Skills Senior Unit 1

LO 1 Plan and organise to completion a complex project in an autonomous manner.

1.1 Complete a project in relation to one or more of the following: self, social, health and wellbeing, education and/or family. The project will involve complex requirements taking into account desired outcomes and needs of individuals and groups.

1.2 Research solutions relating to potential problems connected with the complex project, using appropriate methods.

1.3 Select resources to meet requirements for completion of the project.

1.4 Communicate effectively to audiences unfamiliar with concepts involved in the project.

1.5 Critically evaluate performance through self-reflection and feedback from a range of stakeholders.

LO 2 Demonstrate an awareness of social diversity within a complex project.

2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of social diversity.

2.2 Describe the benefits and challenges of a diverse society.

2.3 Apply knowledge of social diversity to planning a complex project.

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies used to take account of social diversity within a complex project.

LO 3 Apply strategies to improve communication.

3.1 Investigate different methods of communication relevant to a complex project.

3.2 Demonstrate negotiation and networking skills within a complex project.

3.3 Demonstrate appropriate use of formal and informal communication.

3.4 Critically evaluate the role of ICT, including social media, as communication tools.

3.5 Develop a communication strategy for a complex project.

LO 4 Demonstrate leadership skills for group and team work.

4.1 Plan, scope and complete a project involving two or more people.

4.2 Demonstrate a leadership role in a project involving two or more people.

4.3 Critically evaluate own performance and outcomes obtained in relation to the leadership role within a complex project.

LO 5 Use decision-making skills in a group or team context.

5.1 Lead a structured meeting that has been convened to resolve an issue related to a community project.

5.2 Use decision-making techniques suitable for a team or group.

5.3 Contribute to effective group member behaviour to reach a decision.

5.4 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of decision-making within a team or group context

Personal Development Skills Senior Unit 2

LO 1 Research a community problem or issue that affects citizens/members in a community.

1.1 Identify a range of research methods appropriate for collecting specified information regarding a community problem or issue.

1.2 Critically analyse a community problem or issue.

1.3 Research potential support or community groups that relate to the community problem or issue. 1.4 Report on their findings using appropriate information systems, including information and communications technology

LO 2Establish or build on an external partnership to address and/or promote awareness of a community problem or issue.

2.1 Identify appropriate external partnership opportunities relevant to a specific community problem or issue.

2.2 Identify, evaluate and implement a range of strategies to maintain a successful external partnership.

2.3 Develop objectives and goals of the external partnership arrangement.

2.4 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of the established external partnership.

LO 3Plan, organise and complete a complex community project, utilising project management skills, in an autonomousmanner.

3.1 Develop a project plan, including aims, timelines and measurable milestones, for a complex community project.

3.2 Identify internal and external factors that may impact on desired outcome/s, and plan for possible contingencies.

3.3 Organise, run and minute meetings relating to the project.

3.4 Actively participate in completion of the project.

3.5 Achieve milestones according to agreed timelines.

LO 4Demonstrate effective teamwork skills in relation to a complex community project.

4.1 Use appropriate negotiation and decision making skills to reach desired outcomes.

4.2 Describe and implement conflict management skills.

4.3 Understand and demonstrate empathy towards other team members.

4.4 Critically reflect on their involvement in the team.

LO 5Present and communicate ideas and information relating to the complex community project.

5.1 Select and prepare information to suit project purpose and an audience including community partners.

5.2 Use communication mediums appropriate to the nature and context of the potential user.

5.3 Use the processes of planning and editing to produce communication products.

5.4 Use language and tone appropriate to audience and purpose.

5.5 Deliver a sustained presentation (10–15 minutes) on the project

Work Related Skills Intermediate Unit 1

LO 1 Learn about conditions and entitlements of a specific industry.

1.1 research wage entitlements for an entry-level position

1.2 describe workplace conditions and employee entitlements

1.3 describe the purpose of workplace agreements

1.4 describe the role of organisations representing workers in the workplace.

LO 2 Obtain and communicate information in response to a work-related OHS issue.

2.1 research information for a work-related OHS issue

2.2 describe the findings of the OHS research

2.3 communicate the results of the OHS findings

2.4 undertake a review process incorporating feedback.

LO 3Develop knowledge and understanding of OHS in a work-related context.

3.1 research employee rights and responsibilities regarding OHS

3.2 identify correct processes for raising OHS issues

3.3 describe the role of the health and safety representative (HSR) in the workplace

3.4 research and identify safe operating procedures in the workplace.

LO 4Identify workplace safety hazards.

4.1 identify common safety hazards in the workplace

4.2 develop a risk assessment plan

4.3 determine possible options to ensure OHS risks are controlled and procedures are understood and followed

4.4 communicate safety concern/s to supervisor and/or health and safety personnel.

LO 5Work in a team to follow safe work procedures within a work-related activity.

5.1 develop a common set of goals to achieve a safe work environment

5.2 identify safe work procedures and tasks required by the team to achieve agreed goals

5.3 work with others to implement safe work procedures

5.4 undertake a review process incorporating feedback.

LO 6Use ICT and other technology in relation to a work-related activity.

6.1 identify what ICT and other technology is required for a work-related activity

6.2 use a range of information and communications technology and other technology for a work-related activity

6.3 identify the social and ethical considerations for the responsible use of ICTand other technology within the work-related activity

6.4 review the effectiveness of ICT and other technology in the work-relatedactivity.

Work Related Skills Intermediate Unit 2

LO 1Research information for a work-related activity.

1.1 identify and collect information required for the work-related activity

1.2 access and record information from a variety of sources

1.3 organise information relevant to the work-related activity

1.4 analyse information for relevance and accuracy.

LO 2Communicate information and ideas for a work-related activity.

2.1 research a range of communication methods

2.2 select communication methods for intended audience/s

2.3 use appropriate language and format to communicate effectively

2.4 undertake a review process incorporating feedback.

LO 3Plan, organise and manage a work-related activity.

3.1 develop a plan for a work-related activity

3.2 demonstrate self-management skills in the work-related activity

3.3 organise and manage priorities and resources for a work-related activity

3.4 seek feedback to evaluate performance related to a work-related activity.