Project Title: Enhancing Social Protection toAddress Inequality (ESPAI).

(1). National Development Plan Priority Area
Social Protection:
(2). Strategic Framework Cooperation Priority Area
Human Capability
(3). UNDP Country Programme Area
Inclusive Growth
(4). Program Description:
Despite its middle income status, South Africa is characterized by high levels of poverty,unemployment and income inequality between population groups and within individual population groups. Poverty and inequality in South Africa also have racial, gender and age dimensions with high concentrations found predominantly among black Africans, in particular black African women and youth. South Africa’s social security system is fragmented and many people in the informal sector, the “working poor”, the self-employed and the unemployed are not covered by any form of social safety net.
Working in harmony withthe Government of South Africa UNDP support the governmentto enhance the social returns and efficiency of its social protection framework which is implemented to address inequalities. With a key focus on creating sustainable economic opportunities and jobs, the UNDP programme will support this result by undertaking research and supporting policy notes that review various forms of social protection to better impact on inclusive growth, including marginalised groups. In addition, exchanges with emerging economics and good practices will inform social protection schemes that also ensure employment creation and inclusive growth.UNDP will support government by strengthening the institutional capacity and development of national and provincial governments. This will be geared towards enhancing service delivery, strengthening systems and transparent, accountable and responsive administration for institutions in social protection.
a)Conduct studies on the effectiveness and efficiency of social protection mechanism/ exchanges with 2 good practices in social protection and job creation/Setting of outcome targets/ Contributions to DE
b)Modules and Training of government partners supporting social protection/ Design of social protection framework for job creation
c)Implementation of social protection for inclusive growth/ Decrease leakages and cost in service delivery)
d)Quantified gains in coverage (youth, women) /Studies to monitor implementation
e)Qualitative improvements in service delivery/Studies on good practice and results
f)Quantifies both socio-economic gains and cost of the social protection system in South Africa
g)Conduct a study to determine the access to and costs of transport, food, and telecommunication and other goods and services on poor household.
(3). Expected Output/Results
a)Quantified gains in coverage (youth, women), cost and lower ‘leakage’; qualitative improvements in services.
b)At least 2-3 scalable models with measured results in job creation, including ‘green jobs
(4). Contribution to capacity building
a)The intervention will substantially contribute to the expansion of effective social protection mechanism that will facilitate the link between social protection and labour market access by the unemployed
b)Non profit organisation and other government partners involved in the provision of social welfare services capacity will be strengthen through training
(5). Estimated Budget and Deficit