Unit 2 Masks

Art & Design
Year 9

© QCA 2000 Browse, save, edit or print Schemes of Work from the Standards Site at www.standards.dfee.gov.uk RE unit 1 Making connections 2

About the unit

·  Design and make a mask. Your design must communicate your chosen theme and be supported by sketchbook work showing research and development of your idea.

Programme of Study

Developing, planning and communicating ideas

Pupils should be taught to:

·  Generate ideas for their theme.

·  Gather relevant visual resources.

·  Produce initial and final ideas for their project

• Taught to work safely

·  Revise the design process

Working with tools, equipment, and materials to produce quality products

Pupils should be taught to:

·  Apply a working surface.

• Apply colour to their product

·  Embellish their product

Evaluating processes and products

Pupils should be taught to:

• To analyse the brief

·  To analyse existing products

·  To test and evaluate their product

Knowledge and understanding of materials and components

Pupils should be taught to:

·  To learn about different methods of applying colour to fabric

·  To learn about different ways that they can embellish their products

Knowledge and understanding of systems and control

Pupils should be taught to:

• Make and use simple patterns

·  Transferring design on to their fabric

·  Use relevant processes and construction techniques to make their door stops.

Knowledge and understanding of structures

Pupils should be taught:

• How to develop 3 dimensional structures from simple materials.

Length of Project

Length of Lesson

• 1Hour

Number of Lessons

·  16


At the end of this unit

most pupils will: Finish their masks and their supporting sketchbook work

some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: Have completed their mask and most of their supporting sketchbook work

some pupils will have progressed further and will: Have completed their mask, supporting sketchbook work and all extension work

Prior learning

It is helpful if pupils have:

• Encountered basic construction techniques in Year 7

Year 8 Design & Technology project. Door Stops.

Future learning

Pupils will begin to develop work in preparation for GCSE art options. Outcome for the first project may include adaptions of the techniques learnt here.

Links with Other Subjects

The activities in this unit link with:

• Aspects of Design and Technology

Aspects of learning about the meaning of culture can link with history and Sociology.

Art & Design Key Stage 3 – Scheme of Work



1 / Introduction to the course.
Expectations/good presentation. Exploration and development of skills. Introduce topic of masks. Look at previous examples. Pupils investigate themes appropriate for this project by creating a mind map. / To make pupils aware of expectations of the course. How work should be presented.
What are the differences between collecting examples of mask designs and collecting images suitable for developing a theme. / Work on mind map and start mood board on masks.
Begin to add drawing studies of masks to the mood board. Add appropriate colour. / Resources – Sketchbooks, masks resource packs on possible themes, mask resource pack.
Colouring pencils, etc.
Hwk – Complete mood board
2 / To look at existing masks made by pupils to see how they can aid design work
Analysis of existing examples.
Start to construct the mask shape. / To analyse existing products in order to help create their own designs. / To look more deeply in to the design of an object and not just at surface design.
Pupils should begin to work on their basic mould using a mask mould, PVA glue and junior art paper. / Resources - Pictures and samples of existing masks. PVA glue, junior art paper, mask moulds, glue spreaders.
Hwk – Collect pictures that are appropriate to your theme.
3&4 / How to present the mask designs. How to present and use appropriate visual resources.
How to alter the structure of the mask. / Show examples of the presentation of support work.
Demonstrate how to alter and adapt the basic shape.
How to use basic shapes for different purposes. / Complete designs and drawing studies.
Complete the basic mask construction if required. / Resources – Altered mask examples. Mask picture resources,
PVA glue, junior art paper and spreaders.
Hwk – Review and mark homework.
5&6 / How to adapt and change the mask structure. / Demonstrate paper construction techniques. / Explore how to alter and adapt the structure of the mask mould.
Photograph your mask structure. / Resources –PVA glue, willow sticks, junior art paper, spreaders, construction paper.
Examples of completed masks. Examples of partially completed masks.
Hwk – Complete a drawing study of a mask from the example provided. Document your practical work in your book. Include a plan of making that you can add to.
7 / How to decorate and embellish the surface of the mask structure. / Demonstrate how to add tissue paper to prepare the surface for paint and other materials. / Add tissue paper to the completed structure.
Begin to add patterns designs and embellishments. / Resources - PVA glue, willow sticks, junior art paper, spreaders, construction paper.
Examples of completed masks.
Hwk – Review and mark homework.
8 / Using patterns, fabrics and mixed media. / ·  Show pupils how add pattern and appropriate materials.
·  Consider fabrics that are available and their suitability / ·  Draw out patterns.
·  Use appropriate media.
·  Apply embellishments / Resources - PVA glue, willow sticks, junior art paper, spreaders, construction paper.
Examples of completed masks.
Hwk – Complete all documenting
9 / Reviewing sketchbook work.
Identify what culture is. Explore this in terms of pupils’ personal cultures. / ·  Review examples of good GCSE work and past Year 9 sketchbook work. / Compare examples to own work.
Work in groups to identify targets for improvement.
Make an action plan and begin to work through this. / Resources –Examples of good sketchbook work. All other materials.
Hwk – Work through the action plan. Research into one of a range of cultures linked to your theme.
10-15 / Develop the mask and improve sketchbook work. / Review individual work, both sketchbooks and masks.
Explore what culture is. / Processes required to complete their masks and supporting work. / Resources –As previously indicated.
Hwk – Mark and evaluate work.
16 / Final presentation of all work. Practical work to be photographed. Evaluation of completed work by group. / To encourage pupils to present both written and practical work well and to be aware of the work that other pupils have done / Complete evaluation if necessary / Resources - Camera, film, presentation materials. Display work.

Art & Design Key Stage 3 – Scheme of Work