A review of Metalliferous Basins in new south wales
John Greenfield, Phil Gilmore, Peter Downes, Joel Fitzherbert, Cameron Perks, Liann Deyssing, Lindsay Gilligan1
Geological Survey of NSW, 516 High St Maitland NSW 2320
1Thomson Resources, Level 1, 80 Chandos Street, St Leonards NSW 2065
Keywords. New South Wales (NSW), base metals, exhalative, inhalative, volcanic-associated massive sulfide (VAMS)
New South Wales (NSW) is characterised by significant marine basins that are host to a variety of Pb–Zn±Ag±Cu±Au metal deposits, many of which were deposited during basin-forming volcano-sedimentary processes. Examples of these deposits described in NSW cover most of the spectrum of volcano-sedimentary base metal deposits, including reduced sedimentary exhalatives, carbonate-hosted types, and volcanic associated massive sulfide (VAMS) deposits (Downes et al. 2011a). A major revision of the Geological Survey of NSW’s mineral deposit database (MetIndEx), and a new mineral system classification (Lewis & Downes 2008; Downes et al. 2011b) has allowed a more comprehensive evaluation of the relative economic importance of these mineral systems and their host provinces.
Herein, the major Pb–Zn±Ag±Cu±Au bearing basins of NSW are revisited to document their deposit types, geodynamic setting, known endowment (production & resources) and mineral potential. Using Broken Hill, the grand master of base-metal deposits as a pre-Tasmanides blueprint, known metal-bearing basins of the NSW Palaeozoic Era are examined (Girilambone District, Cobar Basin, Siluro-Devonian eastern Lachlan basins), as well as poorly-endowed basins with base-metal potential (Ponto Group, the Ordovician Jindalee Group, and Devonian to Permian basins in the New England Orogen).
Figure 1. NSW metalliferous basins described in the text. Black triangles = 1909 volcano-sedimentary deposits and occurrences. 1) Broken Hill line of lode 2) Grasmere 3) Major Cobar-type deposits 4) Tritton 5) Browns Reef 6) Basin Creek 7) Captains Flat 8) Woodlawn 9) Lewis Ponds 10) Halls Peak.
Broken Hill
The Broken Hill basin contains one of the largest Pb–Zn–Ag deposits ever discovered, and serves as a useful NSW test-case to examine the character of giant volcano-sedimentary base metal deposits. The sheer size of the deposit (Table 1) and its enigmatic setting has triggered a vast amount of research into its genesis, with over 2100 research papers/reports and over 350 university theses produced that are relevant to the ore body and its regional setting (Greenfield 2003). A summary of the key mineral system parameters for the main Broken Hill deposit are shown in Table 2.
The basin is also host to a wide range of mainly sub-economic syn-sedimentary exhalative base-metal deposit types (Barnes 1988; reclassified by Downes & Fitzherbert 2014; Fitzherbert et al. 2014), including the following Pb, Zn, Ag or Cu bearing types:
· Pb–Ag–Zn VAMS bimodal felsic dominated (Broken Hill type): 507 occurrences, 33 small, 11 medium, 10 large, 10 very large deposits; accounts for most of the Pb–Zn–Ag–Au endowment shown in Table 1
· Pyrite-Cu-Co Great Eastern type (i.e. structurally controlled base metal): 274 occurrences, 4 small deposits, 40t estimated production for 4t Cu
· Fe-Cu-Co Sisters type (including volcanic-related BIF): 67 occurrences, 3 small deposits, 726t actual production for 70t Cu
Of the 3834 mineral occurrences and deposits in MetIndEx within the Broken Hill Domain, over 900 are related to syn-sedimentary or volcanogenic mineralisation (Barnes 1988). Apart from historic copper won from the Copper King and Copper Blow mines, the known Pb–Zn–Ag–Cu–Au endowment across the Broken Hill Basin is completely dominated by the Broken Hill line of lode (Table 1).
Broken Hill Basin endowment (tonnes) / Pb - t / Zn - t / Ag - t / Cu - t / Au - tProduction / 16,304,634 / 13,857,121 / 21,618 / 88 / 22
Resources / 3,005,168 / 3,547,252 / 5,210 / 14,000 / 7
Total / 19,309,802 / 17,404,373 / 26,828 / 14,088 / 29
Table 1. Broken Hill basin endowment figures, based on GSNSW MetIndEx and unpublished data. Apart from copper, these numbers mainly reflect production and resources on the Broken Hill line of lode.
Basin / Broken HillDeposit / Broken Hill line of lode (VAMS bimodal felsic dominated [Broken Hill type])
Endowment / Contained metal in Table 1; Tonnage estimations vary (e.g. Webster 2006), Burton (1990) calculated 279 Mt of pre-mining ore
Geodynamic setting / Inferred Palaeoproterozoic intracontinental rift or far-field back arc, half-graben basin. Peak rifting, mafic intrusion and an elevated geotherm coincident with main ore-forming hydrothermal activity (references within Greenfield 2003)
Within-basin setting / Vent-proximal to major eastern growth/discharge fault, ore position along transition between basin rift and sag phases, on the flank an inferred volcanic centre
Key lithologies / Hosted in strongly-altered clastic sediments with intercalated Fe-rich tholeiitic sills and felsic volcaniclastics in the footwall stratigraphy. Albitised rocks in footwall
Heat source / Elevated geotherm provided by mafic underplating, and within-basin bimodal volcanics including tholeiitic sills in near-ore or footwall stratigraphy and felsic plutonic/volcanic activity
Fluid source / Deep crust/upper mantle is favoured, with late input from basin leaching
Fluid type / Reduced, slightly acidic, saline, low Σ[H2S]; Σmetal > Σsulphur; rich in Si, Ca, Mn, Fe, S, P, Ag, Zn, Pb
Alteration / · Distal diffuse alteration halo featuring stratabound garnet-sillimanite in aluminous country rocks
· Proximal envelope of fine-grained Fe-Mn garnet quartzite
· Distinct Fe-Ca-K-Mn-F-P REE ‘skarn-like’ enrichment of ore zone
· Na-depletion common in the alteration halo
Metal deposition / Long-lived period (~5-6 myr) of deposition with ~9 abrupt pulses of inhalative ± exhalative ore lens deposition (Parr et al. 2004)
Preservation factors / Inferred high energy depositional environment would have been difficult to preserve exhalative mounds. Early diagenetic inhalative mineralisation would have aided preservation. Sealed by felsic volcaniclastics and sag-phase turbidite deposition. Ore body remained within alteration halo following high grade metamorphism and deformation
References / Greenfield 2003, Webster 2006 and references therein
Table 2. Mineral system characteristics of the main Broken Hill deposit.
Mineralisation in the Broken Hill basin was dominated by exhalative and inhalative (replacement) processes active during the rift phase of basin development. There are several basin-scale features which are fundamental to the endowment of the Broken Hill Basin and provide a blueprint for gauging the mineral potential of the younger Palaeozoic basins of the Tasmanides, including the importance of:
· an extensional geodynamic setting with an elevated geotherm related to magmatic underplating (Plimer 1985; Sawkins, 1989)
· rift-stage bimodal volcanics, tholeiitic mafic-ultramafic magmas (Stevens et al. 1988)
· master growth faults controlling major fluid discharge conduits (Plimer 1979)
· a hydrothermal fluid surge during the transition from basin rift to sag depositional phase (Plimer 1985)
· mineralisation during late diagenetic sedimentation, allowing ‘inhalative’ replacement within permeable units (Large 2003; Parr et al. 2004).
Ponto Group, Koonenberry Belt
The Ponto Group in northwest NSW comprises an oceanic basin containing pelagic mudstone and siltstone, interbedded with minor sandstone, laminated felsic tuff, quartz-magnetite beds and tholeiitic mafic igneous rocks of the Bittles Tank Volcanics (Mills 2010). The basin is interpreted to be part of a fore-arc package that has been thrust onto the pre-Cambrian continental margin during the Delamerian Orogeny (Greenfield et al. 2011). This has resulted in the strike-extensive Ponto Group confined to a narrow belt extending for over 300 km, from the Koonenberry Belt (northeast of the Broken Hill Domain) folding about the Grasmere Knee-zone, and extending along the southeast margin of the Broken Hill Domain. Imbricate thrust faulting has intercalated the Ponto Group units, masking the original basin architecture, however it’s likely that the Ponto Group lithologies are representative an early rift stage of oceanic basin development.
The basin is host to two syn-sedimentary exhalative pelitic–mafic-hosted (Besshi-type) Cu–Ag–(Au–Zn) deposits, best represented by the small Ponto copper mine and the large Peveril-Grasmere deposit (Gilmore 2010, Figure 1, Table 3).
Basin / Ponto Group, Koonenberry BeltDeposits / Pelitic–mafic-hosted (Besshi-type) Cu–Ag–(Au–Zn): Ponto, Grasmere
Endowment / · Ponto Copper Mine: resource (1973-01-01) 3400t inferred for 170t Cu; 50t actual production for 9.25t Cu
· Grasmere Copper deposit: resource (2006-07-31) 5.75Mt inferred for 13.225t Ag, 0.29t Au, 60000t Cu, 20125t Zn; 500t actual production for 100t Cu
· 15 related mineral occurrences
Geodynamic setting / Suprasubduction setting: deep oceanic fore-arc basin
Within-basin setting / Tholeiitic mafic sills in the footwall and hosted by altered phyllite. Nearby quartz-magnetite ± hematite ± pyrite ± pyrrhotite exhalative units
Heat source / Elevated geotherm generated by subducting slab
Alteration / Bleached phyllite envelope, silica cap present at Grasmere Copper deposit
Metal deposition / Inferred seafloor exhalative
Preservation factors / Interbedded laminated cherty tuff, mudstone and exhalative units suggests low energy environment of deposition may have been an important preservation factor
References / Gilmore (2010), resource data from MetIndEx
Table 3. Mineral system characteristics of the Ponto Group pelitic–mafic-hosted (Besshi-type) deposits.
Girilambone District, Lachlan Orogen
The Early to Middle Ordovician Girilambone Group is located to the west of the Macquarie Arc, and comprise micaceous, quartzose and quartz-lithic turbidite, chert, minor polymictic conglomerate, siltstone, quartzite, as well as mafic igneous rocks (Scheibner Basden 1998). Strongly deformed and metamorphosed up to biotite grade in the Benambran Orogeny, the group is characterised by north-south trending thrust-bound packages that separate Early (Narrama Formation) and Middle (Ballast and Lang formations) Ordovician parts of the basin (Gilmore 2014). In terms of basin development, the Early Ordovician Narrama Formation hosts the bulk of the mafic igneous units, coarser-clastics, quartz-magnetite units and mineralisation, probably representing the early stage of basin development. The majority of the mafic units are interpreted to be sills of MORB-affinity that have intruded into unconsolidated turbiditic sediments (Burton 2014).
The Girilambone Group hosts VAMS pelitic–mafic-hosted (Besshi-type) Cu–Ag–(Au–Zn) deposits in the Narrama Formation, including the very large Tritton deposit, and 12 small to large deposits in the Budgerygar, Collerina and Tottenham districts (Gilligan & Byrnes 1995, Jones 2012). Recent field mapping by the Geological Survey of NSW (e.g. Gilmore 2014) has defined a 200 km long, narrow N-S trending fairway of mineralisation along the eastern margin of the Girilambone Group that links these districts, with a consistent host package of footwall MORB basalt, hanging wall silica-magnetite units, and distal hanging wall quartzite (Gilmore 2014).
There is a second small district of pelitic–mafic-hosted deposits at Canbelego, in the western Narrama Formation, close to the Cobar Basin, that includes one medium sized deposit (Canbelego copper mine) and two small deposits (Burra and Mt Boppy Block 51).
All the Girilambone Group deposits are hosted in the Narrama Formation. The eastern districts are close to the faulted contact with the Macquarie Arc, with a series of alpine-style ultramafic units in between, suggesting that these deposits may have been formed in the earliest phase of rift basin development.
South from the Girilambone Group, the strongly sheared and fault-bound early- to mid-Late Ordovician Jindalee Group is interpreted to be a strongly sheared equivalent of the Girilambone Group (Basden 1990). It consists of distal turbidite with interbedded slate, Mn-bearing chert, quartzite, quartz-magnetite units and tholeiitic mafic to ultramafic rocks (Basden 1990). Three small VAMS pelitic–mafic-hosted (Besshi-type) and mafic setting-hosted (Cyprus-type) deposits and several occurrences associated with mafic and ultramafic (Coolac Serpentinite) rocks have been identified (Ashley 1974, Basden 1986). This is a much underexplored, strongly deformed rock package that has been overlain by the Siluro-Devonian Tumut Trough.
Girilambone Group endowment (tonnes) / Cu - t / Ag - t / Au - tProduction / 760,946 / 18.5 / 0.45
Resources / 309,298 / 0 / 0
Total / 1,070,154 / 18.5 / 0.45
Table 4. Endowment figures for VAMS deposits hosted in the Girilambone and Jindalee groups, based on GSNSW MetIndEx data and updated resource data for Tritton Mine (Straits Resources website).
Basin / Girilambone DistrictDeposits / VAMS pelitic–mafic-hosted (Besshi-type): Tritton, Tottenham, Canbelego, Bonnie Dundee, Budgery
Endowment / 10 small, 2 medium, 7 large, 1 very large deposit (see Table 4), 34 occurrences
Geodynamic setting / Deep oceanic basin; Back arc to Ordovician Macquarie Arc (Scheibner & Basden 1998)
Within-basin setting / Consistent mineralisation package from footwall basalt, silica-magnetite units, and distal hanging wall quartzite (Jones 2012, Gilmore 2014)
Heat source / Magmatic underplating, local mafic sills powering hydrothermal convection beneath deposits (Gilmore 2015)
Alteration / Proximal Fe-chlorite to distal Mg-chlorite in the footwall, silicification of the ore zone, and carbonate-altered hangingwall assemblages (Jones 2012)
Metal deposition / Minor exhalative onto seafloor, inhalative replacement of pore spaces within unconsolidated sediments by mafic-derived ore fluids (Gilmore 2015)
Preservation factors / A lack of barium and manganese associated with the deposits suggest a subseafloor replacement model for the bulk of the ore (Gilmore 2015)
Table 5. Mineral system characteristics of the Girilambone Group deposits.
Cobar Basin, Lachlan Orogen
The latest Silurian to Early Devonian Cobar Basin in central-western NSW represents marine deposition in an intracontinental rift basin, developed on a weathered basement of Ordovician turbidite and Silurian granite. Recent work by GSNSW in the Nymagee area has refined the timing of basin development, magmatism and mineralisation (Downes et al. in prep.). Subsidence was initiated during trans-tensional extension, and was associated with thermal underplating, expressed in the early basin rift fill as latest Silurian to early Devonian I-type granites and related high-K calc-alkaline volcanics (Downes et al. submitted), coeval with siliciclastic deposition of the lower Amphitheatre Group (Glen 1990). The northern, deeper part of the basin developed as an eastern-facing half-graben along a master growth fault (Rookery Fault), whereas to the south, the narrow Mt Hope and Rast troughs developed as symmetrical grabens (David 2006). To the east, the smaller-scale Canbelego-Mineral Hill Rift Zone also developed as an east-facing half-graben along the Coonarra Fault. Carbonate shelves developed on the basements highs, as isolated reef mounds along the eastern margins (Kopyje Shelf, Walters Range Shelf) and patchy reef limestone on the western margins (Winduck Shelf). Deposition of siliciclastic turbidite of the upper Amphitheatre Group marks the onset of the sag phase of basin deposition.