Señor Coombs’ Classroom Management

Spanish II

Welcome to Spanish II for the 2012-2013 school year. Please note the following classroom policies, procedures and expectations.

Course Text:

Avancemos II

Holt McDougal Littell

Course Information:

Spanish II:

Prerequisite: Spanish 1 or equivalent study

This course is a continuation of Spanish 1. In Spanish 2 students will receive more practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. New vocabulary and grammar are presented. The students will improve writing skills through simple compositions. They will continue to explore the culture of the Hispanic world. This class is not designed for native speakers.

Course Objectives:

To understand spoken Spanish

To express oneself in simple Spanish using appropriate pronunciation and intonation

To acquire vocabulary and the grasp of structure that enables students to read materials appropriate to the Spanish 2 level

To express simple ideas in writing

To understand and appreciate cultural differences


  1. Everyone’s Right to Learn
  2. Teacher’s Right to Teach
  3. Everyone’s Right for Respect to Property and Space

Be Prepared—Come to class with materials, completed assignments, and an attitude to learn. Please leave all distractions (phones, games, I-Pods, assignments from other classes, etc.) in your backpacks or at home. Backpacks should be stored in their proper place as shown by the teacher.

Be Respectful—Treat others with dignity and respect in both word and deed. Help add to a fun, learning atmosphere.

Be Obedient—Please, no candy, food or drinks (water in a bottle with a lid is o.k.) in class. Also, please abide by the school’s dress code and all other school rules as stated in the student handbook.

Diversity Statement:

All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Basha High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.


No profanity of any kind will be permitted.


If a student has 11 excused or unexcused absences per semester, he or she may be dropped from the class. As an incentive to be in school, if a student only has one or two excused absences per semester then I will forgive one assessment grade. If a student has perfect attendance then I will forgive one assessment grade and one homework grade.

Tardy Policy

You must be through the door when the bell rings.

1st tardy—warning

2nd tardy—30 minute detention and phone call home.

3rd tardy – 30 minute detention and phone call home.

4th and subsequent tardies—Referral, phone call home and an administrative consequence


If a student is disrupting the learning process then the following steps will occur:

  1. Warning to student
  2. Detention / Parent contact
  3. Detention / Parent contact
  4. Referral to the administration

* As the teacher, I reserve the right to skip steps one, two, and/or three and move to disciplinary action depending on the severity of the action.

Conference Period:

Conference period will be on Wednesday and Thursday from 9:17 - 9:45. During this time students are only allowed out of the classroom when they have a pass. If a student leaves my conference period, the time to leave is between 9:17 – 9: 22. After that, students stay in the classroom. Do not ask me to call or E-mail another teacher to get you a pass. The library is not available during conference. Students should use this time to study, do homework or read.

Make-up Work / Late Work:

Make-up work is only available to students with excused absences. It is the student’s responsibility to find out the work that was missed during the excused absence. Students needing extra clarification on assignments may meet with me and make appropriate adjustments according to the needs of the student and at the discretion of the teacher.

Suggested classroom materials:

☼ 1”- 3”three ring binder (combining with other classes is a great idea & backpacks are not your folder!).

☼ White ruled loose-leaf paper.

☼ Suggested: Spanish –English dictionary. You really should have this at home.

☼ Pens and pencils: I expect that you will have blue or black ink pens for writing and/or pencils but in addition I expect you to use colored pencils or pens (not blue or black ink) for correcting


Grading is done on a point system. You will be graded by assessments, homework, projects, and class participation. The majority of your grade comes from the assessments given in class; therefore it is imperative that you take the time to study, do your homework, and if necessary come in for tutoring to get the extra help you need.

Parent Portal: At this time parents and students are not able to access there grades via the internet. When the time comes that you are able to do so, the school will contact you.

Grading scale by percentage:

A = 90% - 100%

B = 80% - 89%

C = 70% - 79%

D = 60% - 69%

F = 59% and below

Please note that 20% of your final semester grade will come from your semester final exam. The other 80% (40% per quarter) of your semester grade will be reflected by your performance on homework, class projects, participation points, quizzes and tests during each of the quarters.


Tutoring is offered by appointment. Come and ask to see me during conference or after school. I arrive at school at 7 am so I am also available briefly to clarify anything. Become a self-advocate! I can’t read your mind and know what you understand and don’t understand.

Let’s make this a fantastic year by working hard and learning lots of Spanish.

If you need to contact me you can reach me at:(480) 224-2220 or e-mail me at .

Acknowledgement and Awareness of Spanish Course Outline, Class Rules and Consequences


Please indicate which of the following methods of communication will be acceptable for you, in order of preference (It is okay to check more than one). If you do not wish to be contacted at one of the sources, simply write DNC (do not contact) to the right of the source.


____ Cell


____ Home


*I send out periodic updates of what is going on in the classroom via E-mail. If you give me your e-mail address, you are giving me permission to e-mail you about your student’s grades and/or behavior.

I (the student) acknowledge having read the classroom policies for this course.

Student signatureDate

Student printed name ______Period______

I (the parent) acknowledge having read the classroom policies for this course.

Parent signatureDate

Parent name