Name:______Date:______Teacher ______

Variety is the Spice of Life

Chapter 9 and 10 Jacksonian Democracy

Directions: For the first time in the nation we experience a sense of pride and loyalty towards the United States. This is a feeling we will experience throughout our history. Nationalism usually occurs after a tragedy or trying experience. With Nationalism came great changes, changes in presidency, changes in political parties, and change in… confidence.

For this project you have 3 options:

1. A Nationalism Poster

*Students will research WWI and WWII nationalism posters and propaganda. What do you notice? How is it biased?

*Create a Nationalism poster portraying life after The War of 1812. Mimic the posters. What would these posters look like? What would be exaggerated?

2. An Indian Removal Letter

*Students will research Indian Removal. They will investigate personal accounts of the trials and tribulations of Native Americans crossing the Trail of Tears.

*Students will write from the perspective of a Native American. The letter should be thoughtful and provoking and realistic of events and emotions for that of an American Indian traveling the Trail of Tears.

3. Postcard to Andrew Jackson

* Students will write a post card to Andrew Jackson from the North, the South, or the West. The front will have a picture of what the area would look like (i.e. farmland, factories, plains.)

* You will write your praises or complaints to Jackson about life in your area. How is the economy? The relations with natives? Farming or city life? Your job?


NATIONALISM AND JACKSON / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
ESTHETIQUES / The poster, postcard, or letter is formatted correctly and visually appealing. Graphics, pictures, and style is accurate to the assignment. / The poster, postcard, or letter is formatted correctly and visually appealing. Graphics, pictures, and style are accurate to the assignment. 1-2 visual errors or formatting errors. / The poster, postcard, or letter is formatted correctly and visually appealing. Graphics, pictures, and style are accurate to the assignment. 3 visual or formatting errors. / The poster, postcard, or letter is formatted correctly and visually appealing. Graphics, pictures, and style are accurate to the assignment. 4 visual or formatting errors. / The poster, postcard, or letter is not formatted correctly and is sloppy or incomplete. Graphics, pictures or formatting is lackluster.
GRAMMARAND MECHANICS / There are no grammatical or mechanical mistakes on poster, postcard or letter. / There are 1-2 grammatical or mechanical mistakes on poster, postcard or letter. / There are 3 grammatical or mechanical mistakes on poster, postcard or letter. / There are 4 grammatical or mechanical mistakes on poster, postcard or letter. / There are more than 5 grammatical or mechanical mistakes on poster, postcard or letter.
CONTENT ACCURACY / There are at least 7 accurate facts displayed or throughout the poster, postcard, or letter. Project is accurate to history and displays a deep knowledge of the content. / There are at 5-6 accurate facts displayed or throughout the poster, postcard, or letter. Project is accurate to history and displays a proficient knowledge of the content. / There are at least 4 accurate facts displayed or throughout the poster, postcard, or letter. Project is accurate to history and displays a general knowledge of the content. / There are at least 3 accurate facts displayed or throughout the poster, postcard, or letter. Project is accurate to history. / The Project displays a lack of understanding and effort to the project.
REQUIRED ELEMENTS / The poster includes all required elements as well as additional information. / The poster includes all required elements and is accurate to history and the time. / The poster includes most required elements, but is not accurate to the time or has inconsistencies within the project. / The poster includes some required elements, and may not be accurate to the time or has inconsistencies within the project. / The poster includes little or none of required elements, and is not accurate to the time or has inconsistencies within the project
USE OF CLASS TIME / Student used the majority of class time wisely and was on task. Conventions / Student was off task at times but when corrected, refocused. / Student was off task at times and had to be corrected on several occasions. / Student was off task the majority of the time and was not productive. / Student did not use time wisely and was a distraction to learning.