PFUE 2008


Strasbourg, 9 and 10September 2008

Detailed programme

4- Organisation of the conference

Day of 9September 2008

9 amOpening of the Conference plenary session.

Introduction of the conference by the Delegate-General, MrLouis CASTEX, university professor.

Word of welcome from the chairman of the Regional Council, MrAdrien ZELLER.

Valerie PECRESSE, minister of higher education and research

Odile QUINTIN, director general of education and culture, European Commission

Evripidis STYLIANIDIS, Greek minister of education and religious affairs.

10 amRoundtable 1: Assessmentof the link between the policies of teaching establishments and the quality of the courses they offer.

Moderator: Peter VAN DER HIJDEN, head of higher education teaching at the head quarters of Education and Culture in the European Commission.

Introduction of the first topic to establish the issues, which will be presented by:

-Andrée SURSOCK, deputy corporate secretary of the European University Association;

Christoph ANZ,head of the Education Policy BMW Group ;

-Ligia DECA, chairwoman of ESU;

-Achim HOPBACH, Director of the accreditation Council;

-Tsutomo KIMURA, national chairman of institutions for academic qualifications and university assessment.

11.15 amBreak.

11.45 amRoundtable 2: Workings between assessment of courses and research.

Moderator: Germain DONDELINGER, vice-president of the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG).

Introduction of the second topic to establish the issues, which will be presented by:

Jean-Pierre FINANCE, chairman of the French Conference of University Chancellors, chancellor of University Henri Poincaré Nancy-1 (France);

Gemma RAURET, director of the Spanish assessment agency (ANECA);

Jean-François DHAINAUT, chairman of AERES;

Anita LEHIKOINEN, director general of higher education teaching (Finland);

Carlès SOLA, professor of chemical engineering at the higher technical institute of engineering, at the independent university of Barcelona;

Stefan HORNBOSTEL, director of the German Institute for the information of research and quality assurance (IFQ).

1 pm to 2.30 pm Lunch provided near the conference.

Work in groups.

2.30 pmThe two topics will be examined in parallel, with three groups for the first topic and two groups for the second topic. Each group will have a session chairman, who will introduce and facilitate the group’s work and a reporter.

4.15 pmBreak.

Participants change topics and join one of the groups of the yet un-examined topics, between 2.30 pm and 4.15 pm.

4.30 pmThe two topics will be examined in parallel, with three groups for the first topic and two groups for the second topic. Each group will have a session chairman, who will introduce and conduct the group’s work and a reporter.

6.30 pmEnd of first day’s work.

Topic 1/
Group1 / Session chairman / Fiona CROZIER, project coordinator at the English agency of Quality Assurance for higher education teaching (QAA)
Reporter who will sum up in plenary session / Tia LOUKKOLA,is in charge of projects in the Quality Assurance department of the European University Association
Topic 1/
Group2 / Session chairman / Simone BONNAFOUS, chancellor of the University of Paris 12 Val-de-Marne
Rapporteur / Alessia CACCIAGRANO, member of ESU
Topic 1/
Group3 / Session chairman / Thiébaut WEBER, chairman of FAGE
Rapporteur / Stamenca UVALIC-TRUMBIC, head of the section for Reform, innovation and quality assurance of the Division of higher education at UNESCO
Topic 2/
Group1 / Session chairman / Christina ROZSNYAI, programme head within the Hungarian Committee of Accreditation
Reporter who will sum up in plenary session / Dyonissis KLADIS, professor of higher education policies at the University of Peloponnesus
Topic 2/
Group2 / Session chairman / François LE POULTIER, chancellor of the University Nancy 2
Rapporteur / Axel AERDEN, expert at the Dutch accreditation committee (NVAO)

A City Hall reception and Gala dinner will be held in the evening.

At the same time, a working dinner will bring together the session chairmen and reporters, in order to draft a summary of work conducted, to draw up the recommendations to be presented the following day.

This work will be performed in the presence of the “guest speaker”, Michael DAXNER, who will report, in fine, on the work to the Council of Ministers, when they meet in November2008.

Morning of 10September 2008 in plenary session.

9 amSumming up of topic-1 groups by chairmen and reporters.The guest speaker will have the role of moderator and will conduct the debate.

10.15 amBreak.

10.45 amSumming up of topic-2 groups by chairmen and reporters.The guest speaker will have the role of moderator and will conduct the debate.

12 pmanalysis of summing up and discussions by the guest speaker, Michael DAXNER.

1 pmConclusions of the conference given by Bernard SAINT-GIRONS, director general of Higher education teaching and a member of European Parliament.

1.30 pmLunch at the European Parliament, followed by a guided tour.

AQ - PFUE 20081/3