Northwest Region WOCN

Minutes,Regional meeting at National Conference



From Oregon: Susan Wilson, Mindy Close, Shelley Lind, Susan Boucher, Jodi Duke, Ginny Laferriere, **Nicole Kindel, ** Cathie Potts

From Idaho:Jetta Tressell. ** Jolene Tucker

From Washington: Judy Reid, **Caryn Goolsby, **Sue Thompson

** indicates Board member

Meal provided. Meeting called to order by Jolene at 6:09 pm CST

Introduction of the board and regional members.

Longest flight to get to Nashville? Jolene at 10 hours

June Board Meeting minutes approved.

Discussion Items:

Youth Rally

  • Sue will be attending youth rally as well as 2 more WOCN’s will be attending (one of which will be paid for by the Region, one who will not be)
  • Sue explained what Youth Rally was; discussed yearly auction at regional meeting and money used for scholarships for the kids

Regional Conference in Seattle -September, 2014

  • Sue asking forhelpadvertising to hospitals, clinics, work places, etc.
  • . 9 CEU’s will be offered. Sue discussed some of the topics and speakers.
  • Many of the Physicians/speakers donated their honorarium to youth rally.
  • Julia Overstreet will be offering a pre and post conference workshop and is handling the registration for those. Jolene suggested that the region should receive some of the registration monies for the pre and post workshops. Sue will contact Julie to re-negotiate her fees/reimbursements.

Regional conference 2015

  • 2015 regional conference should be in Oregon.
  • Encouraged Oregon members to consider hosting or being on the committee


  • Cathie suggested having Members only section of the website that would contain meeting minutes, treasurer report, etc. .Idea tabled for discussion at next board meeting.
  • Sue asking about having an informational board on the website so people can share a room at conference. Caryn agreed and suggested something like a bulletin board as seen on other websites. Tabled for further discussion.

Treasurer report

  • Nicole mentioned that moneys from the auction are sent to national Youth Rally headquarters
  • Any northwest nurse who attends the Rally needsto submit expenses after they go and will be reimbursed.
  • Auction at regional conference (for youth rally) will again be able to take payments by credit cards. Last year was the first year and it made the process much easier and it went very well
  • Cathie mentioned that auction items are now subject to payment of state tax
  • Registration for fall conference is available on line now.

Nominations report

  • Nurse of the Year nominations are being accepted now
  • Board Positions up for election this year: Secretary and Nominations chair.
  • Application and/or nomination forms are found on the website.
  • Committee chairperson appointments (by the Board) are available for Bylaws chair and conference planning liaison


  • Cathie encouraged group members to invitemore people to join the region and the WOCN Society.

Meeting adjournedat 7:10 pm CST

Respectfully submitted,

Caryn Goolsby BSN, CWOCN

Secretary, NWRWOCN