MID ANGLIA BRANCH REME ASSOCIATION Minutes of the 20TH Annual General Meeting 15TH February 2016 Held at the MCTC Sgts’ Mess, Colchester
Meeting opened at 2010hrs
Present; 15 members and 7 family members
Apologies for Absence; Ann Dyer, Diane Appleby, Mark Sargeant, Maggie Welton, Jim Guy & Gloria Garland, Jan Page, Ivor James and Major Paul Smithurst.
Minutes: The minutes of the 19th AGM held on 18th February 2015 were read and approved, proposed by Jim Welton and seconded by Tony Appleby.
Matters arising from the minutes: None
Chairman’s Report; 2015 has been another difficult year for the Branch with our membership figures remaining almost static.
We have welcomed yet another new President this year in Major Paul Smithurst and hopefully we can move forward with some confidence.
Once again the Branch has performed marvels in its fund raising and we were able to present the sum of £1502 via JustGiving, to Mr Brian Chenier of BLESMA who gave a very informative and entertaining insight into the work of the Charity.
A very successful Annual dinner was held once again at St. Giles with the added bonus of the President being able to present a commendation to Vic from the Master General of the Corps, this had been arranged between our previous President and me and the only drawback was that Glenn was not here to see it presented.
I must once again express my thanks to Vic & Christine and Sandra Noble for the monthly raffles and the 100 club which has helped boost our funds and enable Vic to keep our annual dues to a reasonable level.
As I said last year we must recruit more members and if possible youngsters without which the Branch is in danger of folding. I have applied for a pitch at the West Bergholt vehicle show again for this year, last year we were foiled by inclement weather and high winds, hopefully the elements will be kinder to us this year!
Election of Officers and Committee; Maj. (Retd) Bruce Poole was welcomed to the committee becoming the Social Secretary. Chairman, Bill Dyer, also became Treasurer. Secretary, Vic Langabeer, continues as Welfare Officer and Christine Langabeer remains as Membership Secretary
Hon. Treasurer’s Report; Mid Anglia Branch Account audited by Mr Klaus McMinn, found the account and transactions in order. The Account report was seen by all members present, only one question was raised regarding the outstanding cheque? I explained, it’s to the Association for the REME Badge Cross.
The Branch subsidised three events to the tune of £974.80, not sustainable, and future events should only receive minimal support. If, and it is a big IF, we fail to recruit new members within 4 years, I feel with the depleting membership we should think of closing after we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Branch in 2020! Food for thought!
The Treasurer concluded by reading out a letter from Klaus McMinn, who with regret, gave his resignation as auditor and thanked members for the gifts last year, and added that it gave him pleasure to do his bit for the branch and not for reward. Klaus, also donated £20 for the charity chosen this evening, to which the Chairman responded by letter. The Branch agreed for me to purchase a bouquet of flowers for Helen McMinn.
Secretary’s Report; Vic reminded members that the Branch continued to decline, with the sad loss of Steve Perry, who lost his fight with cancer in July, and with no new members joining the Branch the future is not looking good! The Branch events that took place were well supported and enjoyed by all …… I think! The Association events, Annual Reunion and the Regimental Sunday supported by branch members but again is on a downward trend!
My role on the committee will be drastically reduced in 2016 as I found 2015 very challenging having so many posts!
I would like to thank Wally Grimsey for carrying out the duties of Standard Bearer, his last year and must say Wally kept up the very high standard he adopted from day one. Wally would still like to carry the Standard occasionally at local events, therefore and because Mark Sargeant, the new Standard Bearer, lives too far away, have asked Wally to hold on to the Standard and I shall liaise between them to ensure the Standard is available at any future event. I would also like to thank Mark for parading the Standard at the reunion.
Members were briefed on the Events / Meetings calendar 2016, which will be out to members shortly.
Before we voted on the motions the Chairman thanked Vic for all the hard work involved with his duties as Social Secretary and Treasurer and asked members for a vote of thanks. Carried unanimously.
Motions Carried;
1. The Branch supports 2 Charities. The REME Benevolent Fund during the marathon walk undertaken by Vic, Robin & Paul, involving the REME ‘FAMILY’ for sponsorship. Advertising through the Craftsman, Facebook and Twitter and notifying all branches through the Association Secretary. To be online only using the Virgin Money giving website. The other charity, voted by members present, is, MacMillan Nurses, with two fund raising events, West Bergholt Show and a local 4-5 mile walk undertaken by branch members. All money raised (offline only) to be presented, by a branch cheque, to a rep from that Charity at the December meeting.
2. Three meetings a year to be held at a Sunday lunchtime with lunch after. Two of which held at the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess at Wattisham, the other at a pub in Colchester as described on the Events calendar.
3. REME Badge Cross. Members agreed for the Branch to donate £40 this year (2016) if the outstanding cheque for £20 fails to be cashed.
4. December meeting with two course lunch either be held at the MCTC Mess, if affordable, or at St Osyth where we will have the use of a private room and the lunch will be served! Decision to where the lunch is to be held made at meeting in March, on receiving the cost of meal at the MCTC? If sufficient members/guests attend to have entertainment.
Motion not Carried;
1. Dress during summer months, June – August for members to wear REME/Regt Polo shirts if approved by the RSM.
With no further business the Annual General Meeting closed at 2057hrs. The next AGM to be held at the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess MCTC on Monday 20th February 2017 starting at 2000hrs.