Vergil Class Nōmen
Dr. McGay Use Roman names for gods and heroes. PAGE 1
Aeneid Readings: Bk. I
1. Give 3 reasons why Juno hates the Trojans:
2. How did Minerva kill Ajax, son of Oileus?
3. What is the name for the mythical keeper of the winds?
4. What did Juno promise the king of the winds in return for sending the winds against the ships of Aeneas?
5. Which divine being calmed the storm and threatened the winds?
6. How many deer did Aeneas shoot?
7. Briefly mention one of the prophecies for the Trojans which Jupiter tells Venus:
8. Whom will be given the name “Iulus”?
9. Which U.S. state capitol is named after a city founded by Ascanius? Put answer here:
(A) Albany (B) Augusta (C) Providence (D) Dover (E) Sacramento
10. Which divinity did Jupiter send to Dido to persuade her to welcome the Trojans?
11. Who approached Aeneas and Achates in the woods, disguised as a Carthaginian maid?
12. How did Dido learn that her brother, Pygmalion, had killed her husband, Sychaeus?
13. What does the omen of the 12 swans represent?
14. Who are described in a simile as busy bees?
15. What is the purpose of the horsehead the Phoenicians found?
16. An ecphrasis is a description of a work of art in a poem. In general, what did Aeneas see depicted on the doors of the Temple of Juno at Carthage?
17. To what goddess does Vergil, through the eyes of Aeneas, compare queen Dido?
18. What is the modern name or more common name for Hesperia?
19. Why did Aeneas send Achates back to the ships?
20. What is Venus’ plan which involves Cupid?
21. Whom did Venus want Dido to forget, so that she might fall in love with Aeneas?
22. Who is the Belus, who originally owned the golden and bejewelled drinking bowl?
23. Who is the god of hospitality whom Dido invokes at the feast?
24. Who is Iopas?
25. What request does Dido make of Aeneas at the end of Book I?
26. What divine being hates the Trojans the most, as we are reminded in the beginning of Book I?
Aeneid Readings: Bk. II
1. Which divine being inspired the wooden horse?
2. What is the name of the island near Troy, whither the Greeks sail and hide?
3. Who uttered the famous line: “I fear the Greeks, even when they bear gifts?
4. What is the role of Sinon?
5. What did the Greek prophet, Calchas, allegedly decide for Sinon?
6. What does Sinon say is the purpose of the wooden horse?
7. What happened to Laocoön and his two sons?
8. Why did Ulysses (Odysseus) design the horse so big?
9. What happened when Cassandra foretold that the horse would be the doom for Troy?
10. Who is Epeos?
11. Who came to Aeneas in a dream and told him to escape Troy immediately?
12. Name one thing Aeneas was told to take with him from Troy?
13. Who is Anchises?
14. Who are described in a simile as hungry wolves?
15. What mistake did Androgeos make?
16. What is Neptune doing during the sack of Troy?
17. What do Aeneas and his men first do when they reach the palace of Priam?
18. Name one atrocity Pyrrhus committed:
19. What did Aeneas want to do when he saw Helen?
20. Who is Creusa?
21. What is the omen that convinces Anchises to go with Aeneas?
22. Whom did Aeneas lose in his flight from Troy?
23. Whose ghost comes to Aeneas at the end off Book II?
24. Two people are described as snakes in Book II; name both:
Aeneid Readings: Bk. III
1. What does Aeneas do as soon as he lands on the shores of Thrace?
2. What strange thing or omen happens when Aeneas pulls roots from the ground in Thrace?
3. Who is Polydorus?
4. What did Aeneas do for the suffering Polydorus?
5. What divine being said to the Trojans: “Seek out your ancient mother!”?
6. How did Anchises interpret the prophecy, “Seek out your ancient mother!”?
7. Why did Aeneas and the Trojans leave Crete?
8. What place did the oracle of Apollo at Ortygia on Delos tell the Trojans to seek?
9. What is the name of the creatures that attack the Trojans when they are feasting on the herds and flocks on the island of Strophades?
10. Who is Calaeno?
11. Why does the prophecy “eat your very tables” trouble the Trojans?
12. Who is Helenus (give nationality or parentage)?
13. How did Andromache become the wife of Helenus or what Greek owned her before Helenus?
14. In the prophecy of Helenus, the Trojans will build their city on the site where they see what animal suckling thirty young?
15. Why does Andromache dote on Ascanius or of whom does Ascanius remind her?
16. What is the more common name for the island, “Trinacria”?
17. Identify either Scylla or Charybdis (or both for E.C.):
18. What is the name of the volcano on Sicily?
19. Who is Achaemenides or why is he still on Sicily?:
20. Who is Polyphemus?
21. What terrible and unforeseen thing did Aeneas suffer in Drepanum, Sicily, at the end of Book III?
22. In what two ways does Anchises interpret the omen of the four white horses?
Aeneid Readings: Bk. IV
q 1. Who is Anna?
q 2. What did Anna urge Dido to do at the beginning of Book IV?
q 3. In the simile of the wounded deer, hit by an arrow and wandering in the woods, who is the deer?
q 4. What progress is made in the constructing of Carthage during Book IV?
q 5. What does Juno suggest to Venus?
q 6. What does Juno say she’ll cause to happen when Dido & Aeneas are hunting?
q 7. To what god is Aeneas compared as they begin the hunt?
q 8. Where did Aeneas & Dido go when it began to storm?
q 9. How did people in Carthage and in North Africa find out that Aeneas & Dido fell in love?
q 10. Why is King Iarbas particularly upset by the news?
q 11. What is the purpose of Jupiter sending Mercury to Aeneas?
q 12. What was Aeneas doing when Mercury found him?
q 13. Why is Dido compared to a crazed Bacchante raging & raving through her city?
q 14. What is the one thing Dido wishes Aeneas would leave to her after he has departed?
q 15. Who is Elissa?
q 16. What is one curse with which Dido imprecates or assails Aeneas?
q 17. Who is being described in the simile of the oak tree, shaking off leaves and stuck to its roots?
q 18. Identify one omen (or more) that happened when Dido was sacrificing.
q 19. Why did Dido ask Anna to collect Aeneas’ weapons, clothing, and her bed?
q 20. Why did Aeneas force his men to sail before dawn?
q 21. What curse does Dido make for future Carthaginians and descendants of Aeneas?
q 22. Which divine being did Juno send to free Dido from her misery?
q 23. What is the origin or the significance of the dagger Dido used?
q 24. What was removed from Dido as she gasped her final breath?
q 25. What theme permeates the first half of Book IV? (a) feasting (b) war (c) travel (d) marriage
Aeneid Readings: Bk. V
q 1. Who is Palinurus?
q 2. Who was the father of Acestes?
q 3. What do Aeneas, Acestes, Ascanius put on before visiting the tomb of Anchises?
q 4. In pouring the libations, Aeneas used wine, the blood of a sacrificed victim and what other liquid?
q 5. What omen (creature) appeared at the altar while Aeneas was sacrificing to Anchises?
q 6. What was the first competition?
q 7. What did Gyas, in anger, do to Menoetes in the first competition?
q 8.What is being compared in the simile of the dove flapping its wings?
q 9. Who was the winner of the first competition? Put answer here:
(a) Sergestus (b) Menestheus (c) Cloanthus (d) Gyas (e) Menoetes
q 10. The detailed description of the cloak is an example of what rhetorical device? Put answer here:
(a) personification (b) enjambment (c) ecphrasis (d) descriptio rei (e) zoographe
q 11. What was the prize for the comedic Sergestus?
q 12. What happened to Nisus in the footrace that caused him not to win?
q 13. What was the controversy in the footrace?
q 14. In what sport do Dares and Entellus compete?
q 15. Who is likened to a soldier assaulting a tall city, Dares or Entellus?
q 16. Who is likened to a pine tree crashing to the ground, Dares or Entellus?
q 17. What did Entellus do when he received his prize of an ox (bull)?
q 18. What was the omen that occurred during the archery contest?
q 19. When the boys come in on horseback, from whom did Ascanius (Iulus) get his horse?
q 20. What is likened to the labyrinth, the ancient maze on Crete?
q 21. Why did the Trojan women want to burn the ships?
q 22. What messenger god did Juno send to urge the women to burn the ships?
q 23. How was the fire put out?
q 24. Who is Nautes or what does he suggest?
q 25. Where does the ghost of Anchises say the Aeneas has to go once he reaches Italy?
q 26. How did Palinurus die?
Aeneid Readings: Bk. VI
1. Describe briefly how Aeneas makes his way to the Underworld. What 2 things must he perform before he can enter the underworld?
2. Which of the following does the Sibyl not predict for Aeneas in Italy:
(a) wars (b) marriage (c) a new Achilles to battle (d) the wrath of Juno
(e) founding of a new Troy
3. What is Aeneas’ specific mission for going to the Underworld? Whom does he want to talk to?
4. Describe one of the gloomy sections of Dis (the Underworld), e.g., the “Fields of Mourning” and the types of creatures, criminals or tortured souls that must spend eternity there.
5. Describe one of the more blessed sections of the Underworld, e.g., the “Blessed Groves.” Who gets to live there?
6. Why do some souls get to cross the River Acheron and others do not?
7. What is the name of the figure that ferries dead souls across the River Acheron?
8. How do the Sibyl and Aeneas get passed the 3-headed guard dog Cerberus?
9. What does the shade of Palinurus beg Aeneas to do?
10. Describe Aeneas’ encounter with Dido: or with Deiphobus:
Describe Aeneas’ encounter with Deiphobus:
11. Name one of the two judges of the dead in the Underworld.
12. What happens when a soul drinks from the River Lethe?
13. Close to the end, the shade of Anchises describes future Romans. List 3 recognizable names.
14. Describe in detail the 2 Gates of Sleep. What are they made out of? Which is the better gate through which to exit out of the Underworld and why?
Aeneid Readings: Bk. VI (continued)…Find a depiction of the Underworld on-line and redraw it freehand on this page. Make sure you indicate the key features and the trails of Aeneas and Odysseus:
Aeneid Readings: Bk. VII
1. Whose island does Aeneas pass first?
2. What events are occurring there?
3. How did the name Laurentines develop?
4. What omen happens to Lavinia? What was the interpretation?
5. What oracle does her father get?
6. How is the Harpies' prophecy that Aeneas' men would eat tables resolved?
7. What ancestor of Aeneas does Latinus know about? Why?
8. Which Trojan first addresses Latinus? What does he request?
9. What is Latinus' unspoken thought and what is his spoken response?
10. What is Juno's response? When has this happened before?
11. Whom does she get to help her?
12. Whom does Juno's assistant manipulate? In what way?
13. What does the manipulated victim do when her request fails?
14. Where does Juno's assistant go next? To see whom? In what disguise?
15. What is this person's initial reaction?
16. What reaction does this provoke and what happens as a direct result?
17. Where does Juno's assistant go next? What means does she use to provoke conflict?
18. Who unwittingly provides the spark that starts the fires of war? How?
19. Who dies first?
20. What does the assistant propose to Juno? Why is it rejected?
21. What is Latinus' reaction to the outbreak of hostilities?
22. What custom, referred to in Book I, 292 ff., is performed next?
23. Who is the Latins' first ally? Describe him.
24. Who is last to appear? What figure from the wall paintings in Juno's temple at Carthage does she parallel?
25. Give two possible reasons for Vergil to devote so much attention to the catalog of tribes?
Aeneid Readings: Bk. VIII
q 1. In the beginning of Book VIII, when a tired Aeneas goes down to the River Tiber to rest, which divine being appears to him?
q 2. How many piglets did the white sow have?
q 3. To what divine being did the Trojans sacrifice the white sow and her young?
q 4. What were King Evander & his people busily doing when the Trojans sailed to their city, Pallanteum?
q 5. Who is Pallas (not Pallas Athena)?
q 6. What did Pallas do when he saw the Trojans?
q 7. What is the point of Aeneas talking about Dardanus, Electra, Atlas, Maia & Mercury?
q 8. Who is Cacus?
q 9. How did Cacus die?
q 10. What is the origin of the name “Latium” or what does it mean?
q 11. Which exiled god ruled Latium during the “Golden Age”?
q 12. What is the Lupercal?