NSG/397 Version 3 / 1
University of Phoenix Material
Self-Assessment Worksheet
Ethical Lens Inventory™
Complete the Ethical Lens Inventory™. Answer the following questions with complete sentences, and support your answers with specific examples.
· What is your primary Ethical Lens?
· What did you learn about yourself by completing the Ethical Lens Inventory™?
o Were you surprised by the results? Why?
o Do you agree with the results? Why?
QSEN Competencies
Review the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for each competency on the QSEN website. Complete the following table using concise statements.
· Select two competencies for personal reflection.
· Describe knowledge, skill, and attitude components in which you have strengths and opportunities for growth.
· Provide specific examples that illustrate your strengths and opportunities for growth.
QSEN Competency:
Strengths / Opportunities for GrowthKnowledge
QSEN Competency:
Strengths / Opportunities for GrowthKnowledge
College of Nursing Philosophical Framework
Review the Division of Nursing Philosophical Framework section of the Student Program Handbook. Assess your level of competency for each of the core values. Use a scale of 1–5, with 1 being minimally competent and 5 being very competent. Provide a brief explanation of each score you give yourself.
Refer to the Student Program Handbook for definitions of each core value.
Professional Practice:
Interprofessional Collaboration:
Safe Patient-Centered Care:
DiSC® Assessment
· What are your primary and secondary behavioral styles?
· Were you surprised by the results? Why?
· Do you agree with the results? Why?
· How do you think other people see you?
· How does understanding your personal behavioral style and the behavioral style of others help you to be an effective nurse leader?
· Which behavioral style presents the most challenges for you?
Provide specific examples of how you may improve (for example, methods, ideas, and so forth).
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