25-20 / 20-15 / 15-10 / 10-5 / 5-0 / Total ScoreContent / Focused on topic. Provided excellent information. Not redundant or irrelevant. No factual errors or useless information. / Focused on the topic. Provided good information. Little redundancy. Little to no factual errors. / Moderately focused on the topic. Important information was left out.
Moderate amount of redundancy and factual errors. / Rarely focused on topic or provided important information. Redundant. Many factual errors. / Did not focus on the topic. Failed to include important information. Very redundant.
Large amount of factual errors.
Presenter / Exhibited excellent eye contact throughout. Spoke clearly and concisely. Used note cards only as a reference. / Exhibited good eye contact. Some speaking difficulties. Spent up to 1 minute reading from note cards. / Exhibited fair eye contact and a moderate amount of speaking difficulties. Spent up to 2 minutes reading from note cards. / Exhibited poor eye contact. Many speaking difficulties. Spent up to 3 minutes reading from note cards. / Did not use eye contact. Did not speak clearly. Read from note cards 3+ minutes.
Mechanics / No errors in spelling or punctuation. Grammar is correct. / 2-3 errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar / 4-7 errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar / 8-11 errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar / 11+ errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar
Slides / Slides are easy to read. No unnecessary content. Colors are used appropriately. Bullet points are utilized. / Slides are easy to read but contain small distractions such as unnecessary content and bright colors. Bullet points are utilized. / Slides are fairly easy to read with a moderate amount of distractions. Bullet points are moderately utilized. / Slides are difficult to read with a large amount of distractions. Bullet points are not utilized. / Slides are unreadable. Contains many bright colors and distractions. Bullet points are not used at all.