St. Simon Outreach and Social Justice Council Charter
The community of St. Simon Catholic Church identifies outreach and social justice as key components of its mission statement and vision. Specifically, St. Simon Catholic Parish strives to serve others through compassionate and personal outreach and commits to social justice. To do this, the parish community commits to the following:
- Attend to the pastoral needs of our parishioners who are in vulnerable stages of life.
- Advocate for those in need in our community and beyond.
- Evangelize through visible and tangible good works.
- Build a deeper understanding of Catholic social teaching and a greater commitment to act for social justice.
- Develop, support and carry out a parish-wide outreach plan.
The council will help to coordinate and provide focus to the ministries who carry out parish wide Pastoral Care, Outreach and Social Justice efforts. The council will facilitate the implementation of the Outreach and Social Justice 5 Year Plan, and continually renew the plan.
The Council should consist of a variety of parishioners to ensure all perspectives are considered in council decisions. Council members are to serve a three year term. Ideally, each member should have a passion or some previous background in outreach or social justice ministries. Council membership should include representatives from the following:
Adult Spiritual Formation
Children and Youth Ministries
Diocesan Social Justice Liaison
Representative from St. Vincent de Paul
Representative from Visiting Ministries
Member of the Pastoral Staff
Member from Clergy
Areas of Responsibility / Council OwnerPlanning
- Ensure that the Parish Mission and Vision concerning Pastoral Care, Outreach to the Greater Community, and Social Justice is established and communicated.
- Review the Parish 5 Year plan activities and provide focus on the implementation of the Outreach and Social Justice 5 year plan goals.
- Coordinate with school, CCM, Youth Ministry, St. Vincent de Paul, and any other ministry representatives to create an annual calendar of events and fundraising for outreach and social justice purposes. Included in this will be the selection of organizations we wish to support to that we can have greater impact on those organizations.
- Identify opportunities and communicate ways for individuals and families to participate in outreach and justice activities.
- Recommend specific Social Justice issues for parish wide action and support.
- Coordinate with Diocese outreach and social justice activities.
- Host annual joint meeting of the various pastoral care, outreach, and social justice ministries to update each other and discuss mutual issues.
- Plan and coordinate with other ministries to continue to educate parish about Catholic social justice teachings.
- Develop an education plan around the social justice issues identified for the parish to participate in.
- Emphasize the components of charity and social justice.
- Council Chair will maintain Council meeting minutes and agendas to be distributed to council members and pastoral staff for archiving. Council Chair will also maintain the council charter and work plan.
- Provide reports as requested by the Pastoral Council summarizing O/SJ Council activities and 5 year plan progress.
- Liaise with Diocese of San Jose as appropriate.
- Participate in combined council meetings to ensure cross council communications.
- Solicit community for their ideas for pastoral care programs, outreach activities, and issues of Social Justice they are passionate about.
- Encourage parishioners to ‘follow their heart’ as individuals when it comes to involvement of issues of Social Justice, and encourage communication of their ideas and experiences to the Council.
- Exercise all means available to communicate to the parish about the activities of the council and the ministries that provide pastoral care, outreach and who work for social justice.
Outreach and Social Justice Council Charter, Rev 1 1-12-10