Chairman …………………..
Horam Parish Council
The Horam Centre
3 Bank Buildings
TN21 0EH
07900 576236
Minutes of the Horam Parish Council Planning CommitteeExtra Ordinary Meeting
held on Monday 11th April2016 at 7.30 pm in The Horam Centre
Janet Fairweather
Janet Fairweather – Clerk
In Attendance: Cllr Michael Cousins (Chair), Cllr Graham Knight, Cllr Andrew Lee, Cllr Virginia Roberts, Cllr Jonathan Webb.
Also in Attendance: District Cllr Susan Stedman, Cllr Sue Lane
Recording, including filming,audio recording, photography and using social media sites is permitted at Council meetings which are open to the public. However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting.
Public Session – no attendees
P/420/04/16. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: none
P/422/04/16. MINUTES OF THEMEETING HELDON 29th March 2016(previously distributed) were confirmed and signed as a true record.
WD/2015/2034/FR CLEARVIEW FARM, CHIDDINGLY ROAD, HORAM TN21 0JJ. Retrospective application for one temporary stable block, two isolation stables, isolation box, relocation of and small design change to previously approved barn and hay/feed store, together with proposed storage barn.Application recommended for refusal by 4 four votes against and 1 abstention. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:
- The proposed changes were considered an overdevelopment of the site.
- HPC felt that there was no evidence to show that the development would improve the rural economy and justify the proposed changes.
- HPC considered that it would have been helpful if two separate applications had been submitted, one in respect of the retrospective element and the second with regard to the new proposals, with each being considered on their own merit.
- Should WDC be minded to approve the application HPC would ask that the appropriate measures are taken to ensure that nuisance does not arise from the handling, storage or disposal of stable manure.
WD/2016/0613/FR DOWNSVIEW YARD, MARLE GREEN, NORTH CORNER, HORAM TN21 9HJ. Retention of existing car park for staff workers at Newton & Frost Fencing Ltd.Application unanimously recommended for approval. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:
- HPC noted that this additional hardstanding car park was for the benefit of the business’s employees.
- It was noted that the surface of the car park is a terram base with rolled road plainings. Should WDC be minded to approve the application HPC would request that this be conditioned as such.
- HPC noted that existing screening would be maintained and would request be improved with additional planting.
- HPC would further request that there should be no further encroachment into the adjoining countryside.
WD/2016/0569/F TRAFALGAR, HOOK FARM, VINES CROSS, HEATHFIELD TN21 9EN. Single storey rear extension to existing dwelling.Application recommended for approval by three votes in favour, one abstention and one against. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:
- It was noted that the dwelling is within the AONB.
- HPC had reservations in respect of the design of the extension. Whilst it is appreciated that the extension will be at the rear of the property, it is believed to be visible from the footpath and could benefit from further design consideration.
- It was noted that the proposed extension was to be situated on the footprint of an old barn, destroyed some time ago in strong winds.
HPC appreciated the need for improved family accommodation.
WD/2016/0702/F CLOVELLY, CHIDDINGLY ROAD, HORAM, TN21 0JJ. Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Application unanimously recommended for approval. HPC made the following comments with regard to their decision:
- The existing dwelling is not within the AONB.
- HPC considered that the proposed extensions would improve the living accommodation and appeared to be in keeping with the existing building.
- There appeared to be no neighbour objections.
- HPC understood that the part of the proposed development was on the existing footprint.
- WD/2016/0153/F 16 PAYNSBRIDGE WAY, HORAM TN21 0HQ Removal of existing double glazed conservatory and erection of new single storey flat roof extension and lowering of kerb stones to allow access to a new drive formed on existing front garden: noted
- WD/2015/2745/F NIGHTINGALE FARM, WEST STREET LANE, MAYNARDS GREEN, HORAM, TN21 0DA. Single storey extension to house indoor pool: noted
- WDC Protocol meeting notification in respect of the potential development at Rose Mead Farm and a short briefing on the current planning application at Land West of A267, Adjacent to the Tennis Club. Cllr Michael Cousins, and either Cllr Graham Knight or Cllr Virginia Roberts and The Clerk to attend at Hailsham Council Offices on 21st April at 2pm.
- To recommend the purchase of a new projector, as per the existing model to Full Council in May.
- To hold future planning committee meetings on the 2nd Wednesday at 6.45pm and 4th Monday at 7.30pm each month in the Horam Centre.
P/427/04/16.INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas)
- The next meeting to be changed to the 25th if no planning applications received for comment by Wednesday 13th.
P/428/04/16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: MondayApril 18th/25th 2016, 7.30pm at The Horam Centre
There being no further business Cllr Cousins thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm.