Coventry and District Gundog Society
Premier Open Show
30th November 2013
Flatcoated retrievers Sally Collins
Puppy D/B (6, 2)
1st Walker’s Lizzlog Annie Get Your Gun, a classic puppy bitch, with a typical head, dark eye and naughty expression, good bone for her age with correct angles in front and behind, moved well holding a level topline on a loose lead. Best Puppy in Breed
2nd Hedges’ Blacktoft Quickstep of Satinbaze, very promising puppy bitch only just 6 months old, lovely head and expression, super topline and tailset, well balanced throughout for her age . Moved well.
3rd Thompson’s Acestar Mischief Maker
Junior D/B (3,1)
1st Farrell and Adcock’s Coral Leaf Brutus Adelphus, Both these liver boys of nearly seven months old were well grown for their age and very similar in type. Both had a lovely soft expression, good bone and feet, moving okay in a small ring. I just preferred the tailset and topline of 1.
2nd Farrell and Adcock‘s Coral Leaf Canache Adelphus
Novice D/B (3,1)
1st Walker’s Annie Get Your Gun, 1st in Puppy.
2nd Kind’s Bochilbarley Midnight Sky, a very nice medium sized bitch with a good outline. Well angulated front and behind, moved well.
Graduate D/B (4,1)
1st Murray’s Araminta Glass at Gayplume. This 2 ½ year old bitch just oozed Flatcoat character and personality. She is immature but well-balanced, good head, neck and topline. Good bone and super tight feet, moved well when settled.
2nd Bishop’s Lyneholme Nettle, smaller bitch than 1, well moulded head and expression , good bone, well constructed and moved with drive.
3rd Kind’s Bochilbarley Midnight Sky
Post Grad D/B (5)
1st Walker’s Lizzlog Lacey’s Enigma. At 4 years old, all that I was looking for today, a medium sized bitch excelling in type and condition from head to tail. Lovely size and balance, excellent front and rear angulation and excelled on the move, going true coming and going then really driving when viewed from the side. Best of Breed
2nd Romeo-Dieste’s Hopevalley Morning Mist, another lovely bitch of correct size. Lovely head, dark eye, super neck and topline, moved with drive.
3rd Murray’s Gayplume Tickled Pink
Open D/B (6,2)
1st Egginton’s Glendaruel Sea The Stars with Pajanbeck, a well-made workmanlike dog throughout, good head, expression and length of neck into well laid back shoulders and a good upper arm. Excellent topline and tailset. Super bone and feet. The ring was a bit small for him to show off his movement today and he left his coat at home but a super boy. Reserve Best of Breed
2nd Romeo-Dieste’s Hopevalley Morning Mayhem JW ShCM, another quality boy, smaller type than 1 but still workmanlike and well balanced. Well moulded head with kind dark eyes and a serious expression. Good bone and feet. Well constructed fore and aft, moved well.
3rd Huckle’s Gayplume Fly By Night