Raising Awareness of Civil Society of the National Program for Sub National Democratic Development
Day 2
Session Number 2
Session Topic: Introduction of National Program for
Sub-National Democratic Development 2010-2019
Time: 8:20– 11:20 (120 minutes)
Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
1) Give a picture on the linkages between the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans and the National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development;
2) Describe the goal and objectives of the National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development; and
3) Describe the structure of National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development in terms of five program areas, three cross-cutting programs, and the expected results that relate to the civil society.
Notes to the Facilitator
In this Session, the facilitator has three aims:
1. Participants have already identified the main features of the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans (see Session 5 on Day 1). The facilitator explains to participants that the NP-SNDD is the strategy that the Royal Government of Cambodia has fully supported to the realization of the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans.
2. The facilitator should keep the meaning of NP-SNDD as short and simple. This means to help participants to see that the five program areas will continue for the duration of the program, from 2010 to 2019. We encourage participants to recognize the commitment made by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
3. The facilitator has to be clear with the objectives and the contents of session 3 on the Background of Decentralization and Deconcentration Reforms, and session 5 on the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans. These two sessions focus on the NP-SNDD. This means that the facilitator should keep the coverage of the contents described in the session plan. The facilitator informs participants that there will be an opportunity to explore other issues such as management of national program and the legal frameworks that help support the implementation of the program during the next sessions (Session 3 and Session 4 during Day 2).
Session Outputs / Expected Use of Outputs:a) Participants aware of the National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development. They have reference document suitable to help raise awareness of others who did not attend the training;
b) Participants have examples showing the linkages between the NP-SNDD and the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans; and
c) Participants identify objectives from the five program areas that correspond with public participation and monitoring of performance by civil society.
Materials and Tools for the Session:
· Power Point Presentation: Introduction of the National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development 2010-2019
· Markers, Flipcharts, Paper Tapes, Color Cards
Reference Materials and Sources for further Information:
· National Program of Sub-National Democratic Development (approved 28th May 2010), can be seen on the website of NCDD: www.ncdd.gov.kh
· The Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans (approved 2008), can be seen on the website of NCDD by writing the words “Organic Law” in the Search Box: www.ncdd.gov.kh
How to Facilitate the Session
Time / Activity and Methodology / Materials/Handouts20
minutes / 1. Introduction and objectives of the session
a. Summarize how this session fits together with Day 1 Sessions 2, 3 and Session 5
§ Tell participants to recall the Background of Decentralization and Deconcentration Reforms and Governance. Tell them that the NP-SNDD is the continuation of the reform measures in Cambodia.
§ Tell participants to recall the main features of the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans. Tell them that the NP-SNDD supports the realization of the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans.
§ Explain to participants that the Royal Government of Cambodia issued and launched the National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development in August 2010.
§ This session will describe the NP-SNDD in terms of program goal, objectives, scope of the NP-SNDD implementation including cross-cutting programs and expected results that relate to the civil society. / Slide: Timeline of Democratic Development
Session 2, Day 1
Slide: Key Features of the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans
Session 5, Day 1
b. Present and Explain the Session Objectives
1) Explain the linkages between the Law on Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts and Khans and the National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development.
2) Describe the goal and objectives of the National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development;
3) Describe the structure of National Program for Sub-National Democratic Development in terms of five program areas, three cross-cutting programs, and the expected results that relate to the civil society.
§ Inform to participants that they will get handouts to help them remember the content presented. Tell them that the handouts will also help them explaining the NP-SNDD to others. / ü Slide #1 - session objectives
c. Plenary Discussion on the Linkages between the Organic Law and the NP-SNDD
§ Show the picture of a human: The Organic Law represents the eyes (seen something that need to be changed), heart (feeling that wish to change for everyone), and head (think and formulate the law). Meanwhile, NP-SNDD represents the arms and legs that support the implementation of the law.
§ Show the picture and ask them, what does this picture mean to you?
§ Encourage a few participants to express their ideas.
§ Give examples how the picture shows the linkages that the Organic Law gives orientation to the NP-SNDD and the NP-SNDD implements the Organic Law. / Picture of a human: Eyes, Head, and Heart are the oriented law; both arms and legs are used for the implementation.
Slide #3
minutes / 2. The NP-SNDD Goal, Objectives, and Structure
a. Plenary Discussion: Reasons for having the NP-SNDD
§ What is the NP-SNDD? Why does it exist? What is the purpose of having the NP-SNDD?
§ Encourage participants to share their point of view to the above questions.
§ Present slide and explain the reasons of having the NP-SNDD.
Reason for NP-SNDD
§ Strengthen and expand local democracy.
§ Promote local development and reduce poverty.
§ Demonstrate political commitment of RGC.
§ Support the continuation of decentralization policy.
§ Support the continuation of reform programs.
§ Support the implementation of the Organic Law.
b. Plenary Discussion: NP-SNDD Structure
§ Consider what are the elements of the program?
§ Encourage participants to share their point of view.
Tip: Goal, Objectives, Major Activities, (program areas), Expected Results, Cross Cutting Themes, etc.
c. The NP-SNDD Goal and Objectives
§ Present the structure, goal, and objectives of NP-SNDD (read out loud without explaining)
§ Divide participants in to group discussion, three members in each group; what is NP-SNDD Goal and Objectives really mean? (give them 4 minutes)
§ Encourage participants to openly share their ideas.
§ Present and clarify the NP-SNDD goal and objectives.
§ Democratic development with participation and equity.
§ Improved quality and better utilization of service delivery.
§ Contributed to the poverty reduction.
NP-SNDD Objectives
§ To develop management systems of provincial/ municipal, district/khan and Commune/ Sangkat levels based on the principles of democratic participation.
§ To operate with transparency accountability.
§ To promote local development and public service delivery to meet the needs of citizens.
§ To contribute to poverty reduction at local level. / Slide #4-5
Slide #6-7
Poster on Structure of NP-SNDD
Slide #8-10
Minutes / 3. The NP-SNDD: Program Areas, Objectives, and Expected Results that Related to Civil Society
a. The Five Program Areas and Objectives
Small Group Discussion:
§ Divide participants in to 5 groups (12 people per group), to discuss the five program areas. Group 1: Program Area 1, Group 2: Program Area 2, and so on; By focusing on the question: what work do you think will take place in the program? For instance: what is the development of sub-national administrative institution really mean? (give 10 minutes)
§ Post the results of group discussion on the wall, by allowing other groups to have exposure visit. (5 minutes)
§ Present and clarify the five areas and objectives of each program area.
Program / Objectives in Brief
Program 1 / § Role and function of SNA
§ Democratic participation principles
Program 2 / § To institute highly motivated and professional civil service
Program 3 / § Transfer of functions to SNA
§ Delivery level and quality of public services
Program 4 / § To enable SNAs to obtain/raise adequate resources
§ To allocate funds in a transparent and accountable manner
Program 5 / § To strengthen national institutions that will guide the implementation of the 10 Year Program
The Meaning of the Five Program Areas
Program area 1 – sets out the action necessary to ensure that SNAs govern democratically and efficiently.
Program area 2 – focuses on the issues related to management and development of SNA human resources;
Program area 3 – defines the steps necessary to transfer functions and improve the delivery of services through SNAs;
Program area 4 – provides a comprehensive SNA finance and budgeting system;
Program area 5 – identifies both the institutional enabling environment required to support SNAs and the necessary adjustments of existing institutions and organizations to ensure that they are aligned with the RGC’s new governing structure created through D&D reform.
b. Expected Results of Program Area that are Related to CSOs
Present and Plenary Discussion:
§ Ask participants, what are the expected results of the program? Are they (expected results) linked to the civil society? / Slide # 6
Slide #11-14
minutes / 4. Present and discuss the Three Cross-Cutting programs (themes) of the NP-NSDD
§ Brainstorming: what is a cross cutting program? What is the cross cutting program really mean to you?
§ Present the three cross cutting programs and ask: why do the three cross cutting programs (Gender Mainstreaming, Climate Change, and Accountability) exist? How do the cross cutting programs link to the five program areas?
§ In all planning and the implementation of the five program areas, there should be a consideration of accommodating the cross cutting programs.
§ Explain the reason of having the three cross cutting programs
o Support the existing policy and on going strategy of RGC
o Ensure responsibilities at all levels of SNAs
§ Describe the scope of each of the three themes
Cross-Cutting program / Description
Gender Mainstreaming
Climate change
/ Slide 21-24
5. Plenary discussion:
a. Why should civil society be aware of the national program?
§ Civil society should promote the understanding and capability for public participation.
§ Civil society should understand about changing from the existing administrative structure.
Minutes / 6. Summarize and clarify the key learning points about the NP-SNDD
a. Recall the structure of the NP-SNDD
§ Questions and Answers / Slide # 6
Minutes / 7. Conclusion of the session
1) The relationship of the Organic Law and NP-SNDD
§ The Organic Law sets the direction for democratic development and NP-SNDD put the Organic Law in practice;
2) The NP-SNDD has a goal, objectives, five program areas, three cross-cutting themes (program)
§ The NP-SNDD is in support of existing policy and on going strategy of the RGC
3) During the next Session 3 we will discuss about the management of the NP-SNDD strategy, lines of accountability and responsibilities of program stakeholders.
4) During Session 4 we will learn about the legal framework and policy direction to further support the NP-SNDD.
Version, 11 November 2010