Minutes of the Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 15 December 2011 in the Methodist Church Hall
A Quality Status Council
Present: Chris Worrall (Chairman), Ann Dowson, Doreen Engall, Nick Evans, Gordon Hawcroft, Peter Hastings, Madge Johnson, Ernest Smith, Paul St Clair, Anthea Waudby, Kathryn Whitworth, Alec Wild
Apologies: Steve Appleyard
Clerk: Steve Young 01757 288234, there were no members of public present
Public session
Symon Fraser Ward Councillor at East Riding of Yorkshire Council attended the meeting to discuss the East Riding of Yorkshire Council Local Development Framework Further Consultation document. Parish Councillors made the point that the document was very complicated and difficult to understand, they also commented that future developments should be of a maximum number of 4 to 5 dwellings
Chairman thanked Symon for his attendance
108/11 Minutes of the two meetings dated 16/11/11 and 22/11/11 to be approved, these were approved and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendments;
1, item 99/11 paragraph starting 24 Moor End change Ann Dowson to Doreen Engall
2, item 99/11 paragraph starting Path up to the Church, add “when dry” after ‘recently with no problems’
3, item 99/11 paragraph starting Email from Christine Playle, delete ‘Kathryn declined’ and insert “Kathryn stated she did not think she had anything to apologise for”
Public Works Loan Board
The Clerk pointed out to the Parish Council that the £12,645.00 loan application from the Public Works Loan Board could not be used to pay off interest on the loan. Parish Councillors noted that they understood this and formally accepted the information and formally resolved to use all of the loan in buying and supporting equipment for the good of the parish.
Declaration of Interest. The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007. To record any declarations of interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda, Chris Worrall in planning application 11/05233/PLF
109/11 Matters arising
ü LEADER Rural Heritage Grants, Gordon Hawcroft updated the Parish Council, meetings have been held by the steering group ie Gordon Hawcroft, Nick Evans, Alec Wild and Karen Adams. Gordon has also met with Sustrans, Market Weighton and Pocklington Town Councils. He suggests that the Parish Council write to these groups plus Newport, Gilberdyke and North Cave Parish Councils to inform of action being taken in Holme on Spalding Moor and ask for support. Grant applications to three bodies needs to be done and this would be better served if the applying group was Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council Heritage Group, this will allow the constitution of the Parish Council to be used and it would give more credibility if led by the Parish Council. Gordon suggested that consultation needs to be carried out following an article in The Grapevine in February which would give information and advertise the consultation event. Gordon will provide a briefing note about the actions being taken and planned and this will be discussed at the January meeting with the objective of the Parish Council adopting the scheme. The steering group will now be formed by Gordon Hawcroft, Alec Wild, Nick Evans, Karen Adams, Chris Worrall, Peter Hastings, Kathryn Whitworth, this was resolved unanimously proposed Chris Worrall seconded Anthea Waudby. Gordon stated that letters of support were needed for the grant applications and these would be sought from local groups as well as outside groups as above. Gordon and the Clerk to liaise regarding letters seeking support, Gordon to write an article for The Grapevine and this to be circulated to Parish Councillors and used as a basis for writing to other bodies
ü Waiting for litter bins installations plus bus stop markings in the village centre plus request for a new bus stop between Chapelfields and Meadowfields
ü Weirs pond, Oliver Southgate has contacted Bishop Burton College to carry out surveys
ü Youth Forum, an East Riding Council youth worker will attend the 18 January meeting at 7pm
ü Cliffe Lane problems, nothing to report
ü 24 Moor End the property owners have fenced off a strip of land to the side of their property, it was unanimously resolved to write to the owners saying that the Parish Council was unhappy with the land being fenced off and enclosing information from the solicitor. If this has no effect then the neighbouring residents would be invited to take up the issue based on the solicitor’s letter. Alec Wild suggested applying for village green status, he will pass information to the Clerk
ü Dyke running along Howden Road and New Road, maps have been received from Simon & Zara Tinsley who attended the previous meeting, these to be passed to the Highways Department
ü Twinning, information had been copied to the Parish Council. It was resolved that the Clerk would write a piece for The Grapevine asking for opinions and expressions of interest from those willing to get involved
ü Potential adoption of Parish Council owned land at Moor End by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, the East Riding Council suggest that the Parish Council employ a solicitor for the transfer, a quote of ‘at least £400’ has been received. Alec Wild stated that he was totally against the sale of the land and found it disgraceful, the land was owned by the village not the Parish Council. He proposed that the issue be re-opened seconded by Ernest Smith, this proposal was defeated by 6 votes to 2 with 4 abstentions. The Parish Council will therefore go ahead with the transfer, Clerk to check if conditions could be put on the transfer and to report back if necessary before taking final action. The Parish Council resolved by 10 votes to 2 to spend the extra £400 needed for legal costs proposed Chris Worrall seconded Doreen Engall. The adoption of Old Lea will be actioned when the Moor End adoption has been finalised
ü New handyman, Chairman and Clerk have met with Karl Cosquer to discuss duties. Parish Councillors were asked to contact the Clerk if they saw areas of the parish needing attention from the handyman. Alec Wild stated that he believed that rate payers were paying twice for litter picking to be done as the East Riding of Yorkshire Council should be doing the work that the Parish Council employed people were doing. The Parish Council decided to ask for a full list of litter picking work that is being done by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council so that this could be checked. Kathryn Whitworth said that public rights of way could be litter picked and Kathryn will inform the Clerk of areas to be done
ü The Grapevine, discussion was held over to the January meeting
ü Sands Lane development, response received following request for regular meetings, a meeting will be held in the Methodist Church Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday 11 January 2012. Clerk to write to all residents of Sands Lane and Baileywood Close to advise them of the meeting
ü Path up to the Church, Gordon Hawcroft has spoken to the Vicar and Churchwarden and the Clerk was asked to write to the Vicar asking for the issue to be discussed at a Parochial Church Council meeting and an opinion on what to do to be passed back to the Parish Council
ü Accident on the A163 at Yellowtop, it was reported that another accident had happened on the A163 the day before the meeting. Parish Council decided to write to Seaton Ross Parish Council to ask them to get involved in asking for safety measures to be taken
ü Possible formation of a policy committee, various large reports have been received and it was discussed that a Parish Councillor group might look at this and report back to the full Parish Council. The Community Infrastructure Levy and Draft Housing Strategy were noted without comment
110/11 Planning applications, Doreen Engall observed but took no part in the discussions
11/04944/PLF Erection of conservatory to side at 19 Runner End for Mr & Mrs Hallam, supported with a concern over future parking space loss as a result of the construction
11/05616/PLF Erection of extension to side at 2A Little End for Mr Chris Attridge, supported with a concern over sewage and surface water systems
Paul St Clair declared an interest in both applications and took no part in the discussions
An application 11/05233/PLF for a caravan site behind the Hare & Hounds pub arrived the day before the meeting, the Clerk was asked to request a delay in replying to the application or to call a special meeting to allow the Parish Council to consider the application and make a response before the reply date
111/11 Planning decisions as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council
DC/11/04529/PLF Installation of solar panels on the roof of the rear football changing rooms at Holme upon Spalding Moor Recreation Fields, High Street for Holme upon Spalding Moor Football Club, granted
DC/11/04786/PLF Installation of 16 solar PV panels to the roof of kennels at Oakfield Skiff Lane for Mr Bernard Bugler, granted
112/11 Accounts, balances of £11326.96 current account, £6731.70 saver account
Cheques approved were: £97.60 P Wiles litter picker, £525.00 S Atkinson contractor, £183.94 Steve Young (reimbursement of £70 cash paid for Village Green Christmas Tree and £53.94 for sample small Christmas Tree plus £60.00 Grapevine delivery), £2705.57 East Riding of Yorkshire Council election charges, £214.42 Siemens copier lease, £105.60 Wallis Business Services for copier paper
Newsletter/copier figures to date 2011/12 Income £2427.96 Expenditure £3624.23
113/11 Precept 2012/13, updated financial breakdown was noted. It was noted that thank you letters have been received from Christian Fellowship, Holme Rovers and Parochial Church Council for their 2012/13 grants
114/11 Winter 2011/12, the Public Works Loan Board adjusted loan application of £12,645 has been made. The Clerk reported that the loan was unlikely to be refused according to ERNLLCA and the Parish Council resolved to go ahead with the purchase of quad bike etc and also to arrange training for two people plus investigate insurance. Clerk also to check the price of salt pads
115/11 Public Rights of Way booklet, held over to the January meeting
116/11 Street naming and numbering, land east and south of 58 High Street. The proposed name of Old Farm Place was unanimously rejected and the Parish Council unanimously resolved to call the development Burleys Yard as this has historical connections to the site. This was proposed Paul St Clair and seconded Doreen Engall. Gordon Hawcroft suggested that old maps could be obtained and consulted in future, this will be an agenda item in January
The Parish Council formally resolved to object to the street naming procedure used by the ERYC
117/11 Reports
· Madge Johnson reported again the poor state of Cliffe Lane plus the light on Old Road has not been repaired
· Nick Evans reported that the Village Hall Committee had suggested that dates of meetings and events should be recorded in one place to avoid dates clashing
· Anthea Waudby reported pot holes in Moor End needing repair
· Chairman reported that he had been asked at the monthly surgery about the York College Bus using the Village Hall car park, Nick Evans reported that this has been resolved and they do not now use it
· Chairman also reported that village businesses are not happy about the lack of Christmas Trees in holders, a number had accepted a 50:50 deal to purchase a tree. Shop-keepers were keen to have a Victorian Street Market for Christmas 2012 and Chairman suggested that these issues need to be resolved by April for Christmas 2012, he will bring the tree and lights catalogue to the next meeting. The sample tree held by the Clerk will be put up at Joffcos. Parish Council to write to the Post Office thanking them for taking the lead over Christmas celebrations. Business is also concerned that HGV drivers from the Sands Lane development had been banned by the developer from using the village shops following a complaint by the Parish Council of parking on the pavement
· Chairman also reported a letter from the Thursday Club asking for a grant to help celebrate the Jubilee, this to be discussed at the January meeting
118/11 Correspondence
· Email from Barry Denness reference problems at 62 High Street and buses blocking the driveway, noted
· Email from Frank Allenby reference the roadworks on New Road and speed of traffic/lack of quiet surface. Chairman reported that the problem at the Church end of the works was noted at the planning stage and that the Parish Council should have been notified of the changes to the plan
The following items were held over until the next meeting owing to the lateness of the hour
· Citizens Advice Bureau request for grant
· Training on planning jointly run by the National Association of Local Councils and the CPRE to be run on Saturday 21 January 2012 in Immingham, contact the Clerk for further information, need to book early
· Localism Act 2011 information received from Rollits, a law firm, have sent information
· East Riding Council Chairman’s Awards and Commendations 2012, these must be received by the 31 January 2012
· Email sent reference wind turbines Spen House Farm forwarded 8/12/11
· River Valley wind farm prior notice of application to site anenometer
· Litter bin at the Youth Shelter, East Riding Council say they cannot pick up the litter bag since it is a long way from the car park
· CPRE booklet “planning explained”
The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 18 January 2012 in the Methodist Church Hall
The meeting closed at 9.25pm