Economics 207 Oct. 21, 2013
Comparative Economic and Financial Systems
Report III
1. Remember to check the daily.
Background of Reports 3, 4, 5 and 6
Beginning Tues. Oct. 22, we start to analyze the institutions and other variables that a priori seem to be essential for the efficient operation of a mixed market economy. A mixed market economy is an economy where the price system and the “profit motive” guide many resource allocation decisions within a framework of regulations. Only a few of these institutions can be measured (counted).
To write the following reports you will need to do some reading about various institutions in the economy.. Report # 3 is maybe the easiest because these items can be measured.
Standard Heading Format:
Your Name Report 3 AssignedOctober 22 Your Country Date Due Oct. 29
Comparison of the Infrastructure and Resources of your Country
with those of the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden and Germany, and Japan
the BRICS(China, Brazil, Russia, India) Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Malaysia and Venezuela, Columbia, El Salvador, Niger, Nigeria, Bangladesh, for 1990-2010.
This set of data is intended to give you a feeling of the size and the resources of your country and the few countries I have chosen for reference.
Permanent reference time series for every report
These are useful not only for calculations for also as a frame of reference. Some of these time series you may have to find for the first time for Report 3. Always place them separately at the end of your excel tables. Titled Data for reference.
A.Land area (sq. km) Excludes inland water bodies such as major rivers and lakes. Land area is therefore used as one of the major indicator to normalize other indicators.
B. Surface area (sq. km) includes inland water bodies such as major rivers and lakes.
C. Total population
D. Labor Force, Total
E. Labor Force Agricultural
F. Labor Force Manufacturing
G. GDP (constant 2005 US$)
H. GDP (constant LCU)
I. GDP per capita (constant 2005 US$)
K. GDP per capita (constant LCU)
L. GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $)
M. % of GDP from “Rents from energy sector, mining, forestry” See metdata description for “Rents”. Essentially it means “Using up of a limited resources”
Report III, Infrastructure and resource variables.
1a. Total land area (Try to calculate it) Check it against “Total land area” reported under agriculture
Calculate: Forest area (sq. km) / Forest area (% of land area) = LAND AREA (unknown)Watch your decimals
1b. Total land per capita
2a. Total Agricultural land (sq. kilometer or hectares)
2b. Total Agricultural land per capita (hectares per person)
3. Agricultural land (% of total land)
(Agricultural land =arable land + under permanent crops + under permanent pastures
4. Total agricultural land under irrigation (% of total agricultural land)
5a. Arable land (sq. kilometer) = downloaded
5b Arable land (sq. kilometer) as a % of total land = downloaded
5c. Arable land (hectares)/ per person = downloaded
6a. Forest area (sq. km)
6b. Forest area (% of land area)
6c. Forest area per capita
7. Tractors in agriculture (per 100 sq. kilometer of arable land)
Infrastructure - Transportation
1a. Paved Roads = downloaded
1a. Unpaved Roads = downloaded
2. Paved Roads per square kilometer = (Total road/Land area)
3. Roads per person = (Total road/population)
4a. Total vehicles
4b. Total passenger vehicles
4c. Total Trucks and Buses (=4a-4b)
5a. Vehicles per kilometer of road = (Total vehicles*/total road)
6a. Railroads (track) in kilometers = downloaded
6b. Railroads (track) in kilometers per square kilometer =(Total railroads/Land area)
6c. Railroads (track) in kilometers per person = (Total railroads/population)
Energy Use
1. Energy used domestically (expressed in terms of kt (Kilotons = 1000 of tons) of oil equivalent)
2. Energy used domestically per person (kg of oil equivalent per capita)
= (Total energy used domestically / population)
3. Electric power consumption (kWh per capita)
Natural Resources Used
1. Total Natural Resource Rents (look up in Metadata)
*Billion $ of GDP in constant US dollars base year 2000 = (Total GDP in trillions / 1000000000)
*Total vehicles = (Vehicles per 1000 people (downloaded) * population (in thousands))
*Population (in thousands) = (Total population / 1000)
*Million $ of GDP = (Total GDP in trillions / 1000000)
Research Question A: How well do the “belief systems” of the various sections and institutions (political, religious, various classes) of your country support the concepts required for an efficient mixed market system. (3 paragraphs). Be specific.
GDP per capita (constant 2005 US$)GDP per capita (constant LCU)
GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $)
Land area (sq. km)
Population, total
Manufacturing, value added (constant 2005 US$)
Services, etc., value added (constant 2005 US$)
Surface area (sq. km)
Textiles and clothing (% of value added in manufacturing)
Total natural resources rents (% of GDP)
Forest rents (% of GDP)
Urban population (% of total)
Access to electricity (% of population)
GDP, PPP (current international $)
Electricity production (kWh)
Emigration rate of tertiary educated (% of total tertiary educated population)
Energy imports, net (% of energy use)
Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita)
Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)
Military expenditure (% of GDP)