/Solid & Hazardous Waste Engineering
/(3 - 0:3)
• Description: The goal of this course is to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge that pertain to raising the students’ knowledge and awareness of the impact of solid and hazardous wastes onto the public health and environment at large and the importance of treating such wastes as well as their utilization.
Pre-requisite: Hydraulic Engineering CE352
Student Assessment and Grading: Assignments (10%), Term paper or project (10%), 2 Exams @ 20% each (40%), Final Exam (40%)
Learning outcomes, delivery and assessment methods- Cross Reference Table:
Student Learning Outcome
/ Method of Delivery / Assessment Methods / Program objectives1. Be aware of the impact of solid wastes on public health and environment. / Examples and problems, field visit / Assignments, projects, report on field visit and exams / a, b, e
2. Realize the importance of the availability and enforcement of legislation and regulations for waste handling. / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / a, b, c,d ,e,g
3. Understand different elements of solid waste management process / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / a, b, c,d ,e,g
4. Understand the importance of planning and different strategies of integrated solid waste management. / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / a, b, c, e
5. Recognize the most common types of treatment systems for solid and hazardous wastes. Focus on compost and biogas production. / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / a, b, c,d ,e,g
6. Be able to design a complete treatment system (composters, digesters, and landfill). / Examples and problems / Assignments, projects and exams / a, b, c,d ,e,g
ABET a-k Engineering and Technology program objectives
(a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering(b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, to analyze and interpret data
(c) An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs
(d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams / (e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
(f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
(g) An ability to communicate effectively
(h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context / (i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
(j) A knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
/Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineering
Catalog Data
/ CE557: Solid and Hazardous Waste Engineering / (3 – 0 : 3)This course is designed to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge that pertain to raising the students’ knowledge and awareness of the impact of solid and hazardous wastes onto the public health and environment at large and the importance of treating such wastes as well as their utilization.
/ R. J. Watts, Hazardous Wastes: Sources, Pathways, Receptors, John Wiley & Sons ,1996Reference
/ 1. Handout Materials2. Ministry of Environment Jordan, www.moenv.gov.jo
3. EPA web Site, www.epa.gov
/Dr. Ziad Al-Ghazawi (in replacement to Dr. Hani Qdais)
/ The goal of this course is to provide students with the basic theoretical knowledge that pertain to raising the students’ knowledge and awareness of the impact of solid and hazardous wastes onto the public health and environment at large and the importance of treating such wastes as well as their utilization.Learning Outcomes:
/ 1 Be aware of the impact of solid wastes on public health and environment./ 2 Realize the importance of the availability and enforcement of legislation and regulations for waste handling.
/ 3 Understand different elements of solid waste management process
/ 4 Understand the importance of planning and different strategies of integrated solid waste management.
/ 5 Recognize the most common types of treatment systems for solid and hazardous wastes. Focus on compost and biogas production.
/ 6 Be able to design a complete treatment system (composters, digesters, and landfill).
/ 7 Be aware of the impact of solid wastes on public health and environment.
/ 1. Sanitary Engineering / 2. Sanitary Eng Labby Topic
/ weeks / Delivery modeIntroduction, Historical background
/ 1 / LecturesLegislation and Regulation
/ 1 / LecturesIntegrated Solid Waste Management, planning
/ 1 / Lecturesand formulating strategies
/ 1 / LecturesSources, Types and composition of solid waste
/ 1 / LecturesPhysical, Chemical and Biological Properties of solid waste
/ 1 / LecturesSolid waste quantities and generation rates. Factors
Affecting the quantities and rates of solid waste
/ 1 / LecturesEngineering principles and functional elements of
solid waste management. Statistical analysis of solid waste
/ 1 / LecturesSolid waste handling, storage and processing at source
/ 1 / LecturesSolid waste collection transport and transfer
/ 1 / LecturesResource recovery, recycling and reuse of solid waste
/ 1 / LecturesPhysical treatment of Solid waste, size reduction and incineration
/ 1 / LecturesBiological treatment of solid waste,
/ 1 / LecturesAerobic treatment (composting)
/ 1 / LecturesLandfilling and anaerobic treatment
/ 2 / LecturesHazardous waste management
/ 2 / LecturesComputer Usage
Assessment and Grading
/ Assignments.………. 10%Projects…..………… 10% / 2 exams @ 20% each ………… 40%
Final Exam ……………………. 40%
Estimated Content / Engineering Science / 1 Credit
Engineering Design / 2 Credit
Prepared by / Dr. Ziad Al-Ghazawi (in replacement of Dr. Hani Qdais) / Date: / March 2007