Participant Expectation Agreement
These guidelines must be followed and will be enforced for the GERI program to run safely and smoothly. The camper and his/her parents should read and affirm these expectations when applying.
As a participant you are expected to:
1.Respect and follow the directions of GERI staff, counselors, teachers, and other supervisors.
2.Attend all classes, program activities, and counseling group meetings.
3.Be prompt in arriving to classes and other program activities and be in your room with the lights out at the designated time.
4.Wear or carry your program badge at all times.
5.Sign out (and indicate expected time of return) with a counselor if leaving the residence hall for areas within program boundaries on campus other than to class.
6.Travel in pairs or groups when away from the residence hall. A counselor must accompany you if you leave established program boundaries.
7.Under no circumstances enter the room or floor of someone of the opposite sex or allow a member of the opposite sex to enter your room.
8.Keep out of residential areas of the hall that are not occupied by GERI Student Programs.
9.Keep your room door locked when gone and at night.
10.Avoid loaning your room key to anyone.
11.Inform the coordinator of any physical and/or psychological medical conditions and prescription medications.
12.Contact your counselor, teacher, or other staff member immediately in the event of illness or injury.
13. Because you are representing GERI Student Programs, your best behavior is expected at all times, including on field trips, during free time, and in the dining hall.
14.Respect the belongings and living space of other students and staff members.
15.Be responsible (including financially) for any non-incidental damage you cause to the residence hall or other Purdue property or facility.
16.Avoid pranks and practical jokes.
17.Never assault or harass another person.
18.Refrain from the use of intoxicants, including, but not limited to, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Violation may result in immediate dismissal from the program.
19.Avoid exploring equipment or potentially dangerous areas on campus or on fieldtrips by staying in approved areas and with the group.
21.Use caution and obey traffic regulations around campus.
Purdue University GERI Summer Residential Program Dress Code
During the GERI Summer Residential Program, we want our campers and staff to have the best experience possible. By planning ahead and packing appropriate clothing, you will contribute to a pleasant, academic camp atmosphere.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Dress Code
Please be advised that the following dress code will be enforced for all individuals attending the camp, including staff, counselors and chaperones. Appropriate shoes, shirts, and shorts or pants are to be worn at all times including class time, meals, morning and night assemblies, recreation functions, and field trips.
1. All clothing shall be neat, clean, and acceptable in repair and appearance and shall be worn within the bounds of decency and good taste as appropriate for all camp events. Cut-out or cut-off clothing is prohibited (see NOTE below).
2. Articles of clothing which display profanity, products, or slogans which promote tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or sex or are in any other way distracting, are prohibited.
3. Excessively baggy or tight clothing, and clothing which advertises gang symbols or affiliation is prohibited.
4. Items of clothing which expose bare midriffs, bare chests, undergarments, or that are transparent (see through) are prohibited. Tank tops with straps wider than one inch are permitted. Please be advised that spaghetti straps, shirts which expose a bare back, halter tops, crop tops, and tube tops are prohibited.
5. Water recreation: For liability reasons, we will not arrange swimming pool activities for our campers. However, we will arrange a fountain run if the weather is suitable. The fountain run is a traditional Purdue water recreation activity. Students can choose to wear T-shirts and shorts or swimming suits. If students choose to wear swimming suits, the following guidelines should be followed:
- Swimsuits for men: swim trunks only (No Speedos).
- Swimsuits for women: One-piece suits recommended; however, two-piece suits are allowed as long as they are modestly cut. No string, thong or crochet suits will be allowed.
- Swimsuits may only be worn during water recreation.
6. Sports and recreation: Campers will have several opportunities to play sports (e.g., volleyball, basketball, soccer) and participate in recreation activities (e.g., Capture the Flag). Thus, a pair of tennis shoes and appropriate attire (see above) are required for these activities. If you do not dress appropriately for these activities, you will be asked to change or will be prohibited from participation.
NOTE: Purdue’s Co-Rec (gym/exercise rooms) requires full-length T-shirts with sleeves (no cut-outs/cut-offs), gym shorts, socks and tennis shoes for use of their facility.
Safety Rules Enforced in Purdue’s Chemistry Laboratories
Since Chemistry is a laboratory science, safety is of the utmost importance. In order to avoid personal injury or injury to other students while performing experiments in your chemistry laboratory courses, you and your parents must agree to the following rules:
1.Students must wear safety goggles in the laboratory continuously. Safety goggles protect your eyes from splashes. A pair of approved goggles will be given to each student at the beginning of each program. Failure of a student to wear his/her goggles will result in immediate dismissal from the laboratory until the student agrees to abide by this requirement. The student will be readmitted solely by the instructor. Students are urged to wear glasses instead of contacts
2.Clothing that covers the extremities of the body is required. Shorts, short skirts, tank tops, sleeveless tops, etc., are not allowed in lab.
3.Shoes must be worn in the laboratory. Sandals, torn sneakers or any footwear that are open-toed are not allowed.
4.To minimize hazards, long hair must be securely confined during the laboratory period.
5.Students are not to taste anything while in the laboratory. Food items, including sodas, are not to be brought into the laboratory.
6.Horseplay will not be permitted in the laboratory. Such action will result in the immediate dismissal of the student from the laboratory.
7.Students are permitted in the laboratories only when the instructor is present. Students are not allowed to work in the laboratories alone.
8.Unauthorized experimentation is not allowed.
9.Students should note the odor of fumes only when directed to do so by the instructor.
10.Students are not allowed to use mouth suction during pipetting.
11.Glass tubing should never be forced into rubber stoppers.
12.In the event of a fire, students should notify the instructor at once. Extinguisher locations will be identified during the first use of the lab.
13.Injured students are required to go to the Student Health Center. The instructor will arrange for transportation as needed.
Disciplinary Action
Occasionally, a student’s behavior will requiredisciplinary action. GERI staff will take the following steps in responding to student misconduct:
1.The teacher or counselor will discuss the problem with the on-site GERI staff member(s).
2.The student will meet with the teacher or counselor and the GERI staff member(s) to seek a solution to the problem.
3.A GERI staff member will notify the student’s parents.
4.If the behavior is not corrected within two days, the student will be dismissed from the program. Parents will be responsible for arranging transportation for the student to return home immediately.
If the misconduct is severe enough and/or endangers others or the student him/herself, the student may be dismissed without following the preceding steps.