January 6, 2008
25 East Walnut Street
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Fax: 513/523-8068
*Welcoming all seekers and believers.*
Join us for refreshments after the service.
The Rev. Karen Burnard, Rector
William Bausano, Choir Director
Frank Jordan, Organist
Susan Kay, Senior Warden Karl Schilling, Junior Warden
Jackie Engelhard, Secretary
John Pheanis, Sexton
10:30 a.m.
Prelude: Two chorale preludes on “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star”-
Siegfried Karg-Elert and Max Reger
The People stand at the procession and sing
Hymn in Procession 117 Brightest and best of the stars Morning Star
Celebrant: Blessed be God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
People: And blessed be God’s kingdom, now and for ever. Amen.
Collect for Purity Book of Common Prayer, p. 355
Gloria S278
Collect of the Day Insert
The Readings (be seated) Isaiah 60:1-6
Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 Insert
Ephesians 3:1-12
Sequence Hymn 128 We three kings of Orient are Three Kings of Orient
The Gospel: Matthew 21:1-12
Homily (be seated) The Rev. Karen Burnard
The Nicene Creed (stand) Book of Common Prayer, p.358
Prayers of the People Form II, p. 385
Confession and Absolution Book of Common Prayer, p.360 The Peace
Offertory Hymn 127 Earth has many a noble city Stuttgart
The Great Thanksgiving Prayer A, p. 361
Sanctus and Benedictus S128
The Lord’s Prayer (contemporary)
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours,
now and for ever. Amen.
The Fraction Anthem S154
Communion Hymns 134 O Light of Light, Love given birth Jesu dulcis memoria
138 All praise to you, O Lord Carlisla
Prayer after Communion (stand )
The Blessing (stand)
Recessional Hymn 119 As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold Dix
The Dismissal
People: Thanks be to God. Alleluia. Alleluia.
Postlude: Festival Dialogue - Aaron David Miller
10:30 a.m. Assisting
LECTORS: Rosalyn Benson, Cleve Callison, Kathleen Carels, Mary Cayton
ACOLYTES: Jordan Secrest (Choir Cross) Stephanie McCabe (Altar Server),
Rachel Houser (Torchbearer)
OBLATIONISTS: Dick and Ginger Smith
ALTAR GUILD: Kathy Ferguson
GREETERS: Cleve Callison, Ted and Harriet Schmitt
COFFEE: Luan Luce, Diana Uhlman USHERS: Bill Miller, Peter Dahoda, Jack Heitsman
ALTAR FLOWERS TODAY are given by Dick Nault, in memory of Audrey Nault.
PRAYER CIRCLE THIS WEEK: Rob and Mary Fahnestock-Thomas, Molly, Robin; Charles Gill and Ann Titus; Annette Tomarken, Diana Uhlman; Stan and Kitty Unger; Eleanore Vail; Peter and Ruth Ann Williams; Jim and Carolyn Wilson; Matt and Pat Younce, Chris, Ben, Molly, Rachel, Erik; Anita Atkinson, Alexander, Luis Bautista; Bill and Carol Baker; Margaret Barrier.
Thanks to Bob Benson for presiding at the organ for today’s service.
(as of 1/29/07)
Chris Church Susan Kay, Senior Warden
Barbara Hamilton Karl Schilling, Junior Warden
Glenn Julian Steven Elliott, Treasurer
Anne Lodge Jack Southard, Assistant Treasurer Lila Mason Ruth Lindsey, Clerk
Michael McVey
Oliver Mogga
Neil Poppendeck
Diana Uhlman
Notice: The CPR tube resides on the shelf of the ambo in the front of the nave.
25 East Walnut; 523-7559; FAX 523-8068;
email address is: htoffice@nuvox.
We welcome you here today. We welcome you without reservations, regardless of your circumstances of faith or life. We welcome those who seek, those who doubt, those who wish to deepen an existing faith. Further information for visitors at the end of the announcements.
No Adult Forum today.
Nursery, 10:15 a.m.
Church School, 10:15a.m., in School Rooms.
Epiphany FEAST! Potluck.
Epiphany doesn’t fall on Sunday very often,
so we’re celebrating following the 10:30 service.
Kroger cards bring in funds for outreach projects. To purchase one ($2.50) or for information about what they are and how to use them see Judy Shaw or Linda Church.
Sunday parking parking is FREE at the City Parking Garage. Parking is also available in the Hillel lot.
If you need a ride to church for the 8:00 or 10:30 services, please phone Roz Mandell at 513-524-9836. It would be most appreciated if we had another volunteer with a low car for this endeavor.
ATTENTION Eucharistic Minister and Lay Readers – Your Lay Ministry licenses are now available. You may pick them up in the office.
Monday, 7:00 p.m., Vestry meeting, in the Old Rectory
Tuesday, 11:00 a.m., Prayer Group, in the Old Rectory.
Thursday, 12 noon, Social Justice, in the Old Rectory.
Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Choir rehearsal, in the Undercroft.
Friday, Rector’s day off.
Sunday, January 13 - (after 10:30 service). A meeting with the rector in her office for all interested inquirers - classes/becoming a “member” of the church/confirmation, reception, reaffirmation of your faith.
Adult Forums - January 13-February 20, Facets of Faith – Our faith lives in relation to politices (Susan Kay, 1/13); food (Mary JoMcMillin, 1/20), Dr. Liz Wilson, 1/27); violence (Rick Colby, 2/13); and relationships (TBA, 2/10).
Books and Brown Bag group will meet on Monday, January 14, in the Undercroft at 12 noon, to discuss WHAT PAUL MEANT, by Gary Wills. The group will also read a handout by Elaine Pagels. You may pick up a copy in the office or the Bishop’s Foyer. An additional week may be scheduled. The book is available at Follett's Miami Coop. Everyone is welcome.
Sunday, January 20 - Annual Meeting and Finger-Food Potluck after the 10:30 service.
Monday, January 21 - The Oxford Martin Luther King Day March may end up at Holy
Trinity for concluding program. If so, I need your help, so contact me if interested.
HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH OXFORD OHIO - SILENT RETREAT FEB. 1-3, 2008: Once a year in mid-winter parishioners and friends have the opportunity to spend a weekend in silence with others from Holy T at a community of Episcopal sisters, The Convent of the Transfiguration, near Tri-County. Look for more details in the Jan. 2008 TRIAD. Contact Kathleen Carels for more details.
Recurring Announcements
All Christians are welcome to Holy Communion.
To receive communion when you come forward, hold out your hands for the bread; help guide the chalice to your mouth by grasping the base. If you do not wish to receive communion but would like a blessing, please cross your arms across your chest; the same gesture for not receiving the chalice when it comes to you.
THE LAYING ON OF HANDS AND ANOINTING FOR HEALING: we offer this sacramental act to ask for God to bring healing to body, mind and spirit--and to relationships--each Sunday during communion. The station is where the lay persons are standing at the front left of the congregation, just beside the lectern.
Many people in the parish remain seated at the end of the service to listen to the Postlude or for last prayers.
If you wish to do this, please move forward to the front pews.
For information on becoming a member of Holy Trinity Church, please complete the form below and hand it to a Greeter or an Usher as you leave.
Mailing List Only: ______I wish to become a Member: ______
Name: ______(Married/Single/Widowed/Partnered)
Address: ______City:______State: ______Zip: ______
Telephone: ______Email: ______
New Resident: ___ Student: ___ Arriving soon: ___ Visitor: ____
Family ______
Religious Affiliation: ______
Comments (special interests, needs, etc.): ______
Date: ______