Page 64 11th November 2015
At Kay Park Parish Church Kilmarnock, on Wednesdayeleventh November two
thousand and fifteen years, which day Kirk Session met and was duly constituted with prayer.
Sederunt: The Very Rev Dr David Lacy, Mrs J Grant (Clerk) and other ruling elders as per register with apologies noted. The meeting was constituted with prayer and reading.
The List of Business was submitted by the Clerk and approved by Kirk Session.
Minutes of Previous Meetingheld on 14th October 2015 were approved with one amendment on Page 62 at 03rd January – should read –“Joint Service with St Andrew’s and St Marnock’s to be held there”. The minutes were duly signed with amendment noted.
Matters Arising: Scout Hall Insurance – The 37th Ayrshire Scouts should insure their own people and equipment. However, Kay Park has insurance cover in place, which includes the Scout Hall, and it was felt that this situation should continue.
Correspondence: (a) Transfer of Title – Kirk Session were advised that we have received written confirmation from 121 George Street to the effect that the Title of the church has now been transferred to Church of Scotland in Edinburgh.
(b) Presbytery of Irvine & Kilmarnock – Certificate of Transference - The Moderator advised that we can only provide a Certificate of Membership if we know where a person isgoing. Presbytery encourages groups visiting the Middle East region to make contact with the World Mission Council for suggestions of partners and communities to visit.
(c) Letter Carol Nicol 37th Ayrshire Scouts – all users of the car park were reminded of the necessity to park appropriately and as requested.
(d) Email from Ellen McLeod re use of the Halls by Scottish National Party. The Hall Lets Convener read the email to Kirk Session and then replied that the let of the halls for the use of the SNP is in line with all other hall lets and that the standard charge is applied. Kirk Session was happy for the SNP to continue to make use of the Halls but that electioneering would be disallowed. In the case of the hustings meeting, we were asked by the Kilmarnock Fellowship of Churches for the use of the hall for the meeting. The Convener believed this to be appropriate. The intimations on 25th October 2015 were those that had been submitted including one for “A-choired Taste’.
(e) Letter of Resignation – Dr Iain Macmillan – Dr Macmillan intimated that he wished to stand down as an active elder at the end of the year. He then addressed the meeting giving us some insight into Kirk Sessions and how meetings had changed during his time as an elder. Dr Macmillan’s resignation was accepted with regret and he was thanked for everything he has done.
(f) Letter of Resignation – Mrs Irene Dunlop – Mrs Dunlop indicated that due to unpredictable health issues she felt unable to continue as an active elder and wished to stand down at the earliest opportunity. Mrs Dunlop’s resignation was accepted with regret and she was thanked for all her service.
(g) Rev D Cameron – Street Pastors – Floating an idea that Kay Park might want to consider developing such a project. Training would be available for anyone interested in this type of work. It was suggested that we take this to the congregation and see if we get any positive feedback.
(h) Long Service Certificates – Certificates marking 30 years Elder’s Service are due to Mrs Effie Steven and Mrs Janet Grant.
(i) “Try Praying Campaign” –A general campaign of one week’s duration in 2016. It was agreed that we should investigate this further.
Presbytery Report: Report noted.
Fiscal Reports: The Finance Convener presented the Accounts to 31st October 2015.
Property Report: Report noted. The Joint Property Convener reported that there is a problem with the church boilers, which may need to be replaced. The cost of this is likely to be in the region of £7,000. Currently there is a leak in the roof of the church, which we are keeping an eye on.
Refurbishment of Church and Halls: We are awaiting the Tender Reports from the architect. The Finance Convener indicated that he was unhappy with the architect’s reporting procedure and with the delays we were experiencing. We are looking at attracting additional funding with regard to the work associated with the disabled access. A meeting with representatives of the General Trustees had taken place that morning with regard to the recovery of the cost of the feasibility study and we await a decision.
Pastoral Care Group: No report.
Fellowship Report: The Fellowship Convener advised that the five-year warranty on the printer was coming to an end. It was agreed to renew the warranty.
Worship Group: No report.
Discipleship Report: No report.
Enlisting and Training Report: The Moderator thanked Mr Ronnie Hamilton for his expertise over his time as Finance Convener. Mr Gordon Slater feels unable to continue as Enlisting and Training Convener owing to pressures of work.
Caring and Serving: No report.
Children & Youth Report: No report.
Safeguarding Report: No report.
Welcome Teams 2016: Any elder who does not wish to be included in the new rota should contact the Session Clerk.
Date of Next Meeting: The date of the next meeting was set as 09th December 2015.
Close: The meeting was closed with the saying of The Grace.
Moderator ______
Clerk ______